Chelation Free Report Download

Fill out the form below and receive a free download of Critical Issues to Save Your Heart Now Without Drugs or Surgery. You’ll learn about the various benefits chelation therapy provides for several cardiovascular issues.

Learn how chelation therapy provides cardiovascular benefits and aids your chance in surviving heart failure or more surgeries.

Download the free report to discover what other additional benefits chelation therapy has on 52 of life’s most common diseases or disorders.

Learn how you can set up a free consultation with Dr. John Trowbridge regarding any questions related to chelation therapy.

What’s Being Said About Chelation Therapy

“I’ve had a lot of circulation problems. I’ve had 6 stints open heart surgery and bypass surgery on both legs. Blood clot in the leg that was stopping the blood flow. The right leg was deprived of blood for 5 months. The cardiologist said that was all he could do. Someone suggested chelation. As a result, after 25 treatments, the feeling is back. I can now walk. No need for the walker now. I have not picked up a walker in 5 weeks. Other area have also improved due to blood flow being increased in all areas. I would recommend this to anyone, because surgery isn’t always the answer.”