Chelation Therapy
Chelation therapy practically acts as an all-around healing treatment! We focus mainly on cardiovascular issues and heavy metal poisoning, however, chelation therapy can aid you in many other diseases and disorders. Often times doctors simply prescribe a medicine or perform a surgery to reduce pain, but in many cases, these treatments fail. Chelation therapy gets to the root of the cause and literally takes whatever it is–heavy metals, blood clots, etc.–out of the body. You will feel renewed and overjoyed with relief!
- Diabetes
- Personalized Programs for assistance with chronic degenerative diseases
- Heart and blood vessel disorders
- Congestive heart failure
- Neurol-degenerative disorders
- Blood clotting and thrombophlebitis disorders
- Early kidney failure
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Lupus and other immune disorders
- Removal of toxic heavy metals known to improve circulation and other organ problems.
- Reconstructive therapy for joints/neck/back/arthritis
- Advanced prolotherapy/sclerotherapy non-surgical treatment
- Balancing metabolism and replacing nutritional deficiencies
- Hormone replacement therapy for men and women
- Fertility evaluations and supportive treatment for “infertility”
- Thyroid supportive treatment
- Adrenal stress/exhaustion supportive treatment
- Immune system disorders and autoimmune diseases including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease
- Metabolic syndrome (cardio-metabolic syndrome) evaluation and effective treatment
- Neural therapy for chronic pain patterns
- Historical Perspectives on Chelation Therapy
- The Healing Powers of Chelation Therapy
- Chelation Therapy Explained
- So Many of Your Friends and Family are Suffering Needlessly–Now You Can Really Help!
- National Institutes of Health Announce Chelation Treatments Reduce Heart Attacks, Especially in Diabetics
- Cardiovascular Chelation
- New Hope for People Suffering with Heart Disease
- Critical Issues to Save Your Heart Now Without Daily Drugs or Surgery
- The Rumble in Humble
- Toxic Metal Removal (Chelation)
- Lead and Mercury Poisoning
- The Banana Peel