How Patients Go From Being ‘Untreatable’ To Feeling Better In 100 Days Or Less

We see it in our offices every day. Someone comes in feeling hopeless, having been to dozens of doctors and specialists throughout the course of many years and yet, still remain undiagnosed. No one can seem to identify what’s wrong. And many patients come in thinking they are crazy. They may be out of their minds with pain and frustration, but I can assure you, 99.99% of the time many are suffering from a cluster of symptoms that point to The Yeast Syndrome.
Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Recognize The Yeast Syndrome As Valid
It’s true, the conventional medical establishment poo-poos the notion that there could be a health issue that can’t be corrected by surgical intervention or opioid pain medication. If it is not accepted as valid, no doctor will test for it or consider the possibility that symptoms could be associated. As a result, millions of people go through unnecessary surgical procedures and take various drugs often including addictive opioid pain medications and remain undiagnosed and continue to suffer. But, it is ironic that the medical establishment does agree that in people whose immune systems are severely depressed, such as those with AIDS or leukemia, Candida (yeast) can become a dangerous, invasive organism. They even have a name for it: systemic candidiasis.
What Causes And Promotes Yeast Growth Within The Body
You might be surprised to discover that merely being alive and participating in daily life can cause and cultivate the growth of Candida. Everything from oral contraceptives to noise pollution has been found to cause and/or promote the growth of Candida colonies in the human body. Nutritional deficiencies, bacterial infections, pollutants and poisons in everyday household cleaning products, air fresheners, laundry detergents, even feminine hygiene products are culprits, and the list goes on. Add to that unexpected worsening from stress-provoking noises like loud music, leaf blowers, sirens, etc. …and it’s easy to see how hundreds of thousands of people can be suffering from not “untreatable” but rather un-diagnosed conditions. Is this an inexcusable loss of health and life?
A Wholistic Approach
Any doctor who achieves lasting therapeutic success with The Yeast Syndrome is practicing wholistic medicine. The wholistic physician dispenses “whole body” medicine that is person-oriented in addition to disease-oriented. Treatment programs arise from the idea that health care should take full consideration of human needs and be humane in attitude, ethic, and behavior. Any conventional or innovative technique is allowed that provides valuable treatment results, aids prevention of disease, and safeguards the maintenance of good health.
Relief Can Be Yours Without Surgery Or Pain Medications
Your Yeast Syndrome can only be treated by a wholistic doctor who has carefully studied and learned from experts “what works.” And because the symptoms are so individual, the treatment always begins with diet. The one thing I would like you to understand when you are ready to finally work with a wholistic or “alternative” health care physician, is that “quick fixes” from a pill are not promised. But persistence, patience, and following the prescribed protocols can have you feeling better than you’ve felt in years ….. often in as little as 90 days. A full recovery will take longer, but you’re well on the way to restoring better health despite what other doctors had concluded would be a lifelong debilitating condition. When you’re ready to get real relief, give us a call.