Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Talks About Free Radical Damage.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, compares the effects of free radical damage inside the human body to that of rusted metal.


HOUSTON. TX June 10, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Is Your Body Rusting?  Dr. Trowbridge talks about the benefits of chelation therapy as a drug-free, non-surgical method of reversing the effects of free radicals.


Dr. Trowbridge imagines the reactions some readers may have to his blog, writing, ““What!” You exclaim, upon reading the title of this piece. You say to yourself, “Bodies can’t rust! We’re not made of tin like the Tin Man.”” He continues adding, “That’s absolutely true. Human beings are not made of tin. But, inside the human body, in the tiny capillaries, arteries and veins, free radicals accumulate which cause damage that is very similar and as serious as the damaging effects rust has on metals.”


“The truth is,” says Dr. Trowbridge, “that even among mainstream medicine, evidence is accumulating that confirms the idea that most of the degenerative diseases that afflict humanity have their origin in free radical reactions.” He adds, “The diseases that are believed to be the result of free radical damage include atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory joint disease, asthma, diabetes, senile dementia and degenerative eye disease. Yes, just about all of them! And get this, the very process of aging is the result of free radical damage. “



Read the entire blog at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands- on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co- authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.
