Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret…

I promise, this is not going to lead into the lyrics to the Beatles song. No, nothing of the sort. It’s going to lead to a different song and a secret about the state of the modern medical profession. Let me start by establishing that in a culture where retail customers are always considered to be “right” and are given the respect and acknowledgement of being listened to, this concept is completely foreign in the medical field. Patients are not considered to know anything about their own bodies.
Listening to patients is not something that most of today’s medical professionals are trained or encouraged to do. If a patient’s symptoms do not align with textbook cases, many doctors are at a loss. But, they will put their patients through numerous expensive tests and if the tests come back with even the hint of something they learned could be the beginning of some condition, they usually recommend surgery or write a prescription to “treat” that “unknown” condition. This often leads to something else going wrong or what was wrong in the first place getting worse but still not being diagnosed.
Okay, That’s Out Of The Way
I love to listen to my patients. Even though they are not medically trained, they know their own bodies. They know how to describe how something feels. And I’ve learned through decades of practice that listening is the first and most important skill a doctor needs to cultivate. It is only through my willingness to listen that I have such a great success rate in helping my patients feel better. I’m going to let a few speak for themselves.
Prospective Patients Can Learn By Listening To My Patients
- Dr. T is brilliant, and he listens. That’s why he is able to diagnose his patients so accurately when other doctors fail. I was so sick I couldn’t work. I went to 17 doctors over the course of 20 years. They all treated my symptoms but not the cause. Then I found Dr. T and he listened, searched and treated the cause of my illnesses. He tailored my program so I wouldn’t become discouraged and working together, I got well. Over the past 26 years, I’ve been treated for deep blood fungus, which was attacking my immune system, heavy poisoning which was draining my energy, aches and pains from car accidents and arthritis and now as I get older Dr. T keeps my hormones in balance…Callie
- Dr. John Parks Trowbridge is, without a doubt, the finest of doctors. His impressive education, depth of experience, and ability to listen make him a brilliant diagnostician. Suzy
- All of the other doctors that I had seen over the past 30 years didn’t know where to begin and came up with nothing. And these doctors were “specialists” trained in conventional, alternative/integrative, and naturopathic medicine. After just one office visit, I received more from Dr. Trowbridge than I did from all the other doctors combined. Karyn
If You’ve Been Sick So Long That You’re Sick And Tired Of It
Give my office a call. I’ll listen to you. I’ll work diligently to find the root of your problem and together we will work toward getting you feeling better. It may not be a quick fix, and it won’t be the result of a surgery or a pill. But most often it will work, and you will feel better. And I hope you won’t keep that a secret!