Are Your Health Problems Caused By Your Teeth and Gums?

Systemic illnesses linked to oral disease

A growing body of research reveals that people who suffer from moderate to severe periodontal disease and gingivitis may be unknowingly affecting their overall healthfulness as bacterial poisons known as endotoxins are released into the bloodstream through infected gums.

shutterstock_329196521Evidence suggests that the link between gum infections and cardiovascular disease in particular is quite strong, and even notable physician Dr. Oz has spoken about the wide assortment of health risks associated with untreated gum disease.

“People with gum disease (periodontal disease and gingivitis) may harbor up to 500 species of bacteria and the proximity of that bacteria to the normally sterile bloodstream can be worrisome. Bacteria can enter small blood vessels, travel to other parts of the body, release toxins, and trigger inflammatory chemicals that assault arteries and organs,” says Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Gum disease and tooth loss now is considered a harbinger for coronary artery disease, infective endocarditis, bacterial pneumonia, diabetes, kidney disease, and stroke. Periodontal bacteria also have been detected in the mouths and amniotic fluid of women who have experienced premature labor or miscarriage. This also may contribute to low birth weight.”

How poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease

People with periodontal disease are more likely to suffer strokes and coronary artery disease — both conditions that may be associated with inflammation of the blood vessels. Even in healthy mouths, the groove between the teeth and gum is teeming with bacteria. If teeth and gums are not cared for properly, harmful colonies of bacteria will increase in mass and thickness until they form the sticky film known as plaque.

In a healthy mouth shutterstock_208219309plaque actually provides some barrier against outside bacterial invasion, but when it accumulates to extreme levels, it adheres to the surfaces of the teeth and adjacent gums and causes infection which, if left untreated, turns into periodontal disease.

As periodontal disease progresses toxic oral bacteria travel into the gums, where it then multiplies and produces toxins. This action can create a chronic inflammatory response in the mouth, triggering a breakdown of tissues and bone that surround the teeth, opening up pockets of space that can then become infected – or infested with toxic bacteria.

A system-wide invasion

Over time, as periodontal disease affects both the bone and tissue where they form a connection, inflammatory compounds begin to seep into the bloodstream. As these toxic compounds circulate throughout the body they can harm the lining of blood vessels – a process which is known to lead to strokes shutterstock_130094222and heart attacks. A routine of good oral hygiene is one of the ways to ensure that the body is not susceptible to chronic inflammation and other associated health issues including:

  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • diabetes
  • low preterm birth weight
  • respiratory disease
  • osteoporosis
  • digestive disorders

Since the bacteria stemming from gum disease may spread throughout the body causing harm to more than just the teeth and gums we recommend that patients have their teeth checked and cleaned at least twice a year. Treatment of oral bacteria with proper oral care, mouth rinses and a good routine at home can reduce the complication of chronic disorders. Contact our office to learn more about how to keep your gums healthy.

For more information:

Professional Oral Health Care Helps Prevent Heart Attacks & Strokes

shutterstock_123375616Although there is no conclusive proof found that gum disease causes heart disease or stroke, there is good news for folks who remain loyal to the recommended annual visit to the dental hygienist.

A recent study from Taiwan suggests that people who routinely get their teeth cleaned (undergo professional tooth scaling) have as much as 24 percent lower risk of heart attacks and 13 percent lower risk of stroke, than those who never actually visit the hygienist. Researchers have also concluded from a similar Swedish study that harmful oral flora is an excellent predictor of heart attack and stroke.

The effects of oral health on overall healthfulness have been the subject of scientific studies for quite some time, and this new research provides added proof that patients who receive regular dental care and follow recommended oral hygiene regimens can successfully reduce their risk of both heart attack and stroke.

Taiwan Study

The study from Taiwan followed 100,000 participants over a 7-year period, most of whom submitted to professional teeth cleaning at least twice or more in two years; and at least once or less in two years. About half of the adults underwent full or partial tooth scaling while the other half matched with gender and health conditions from the test group but had no tooth scaling. Although researchers did not adjust for potential heart attack and stroke risk factors prior to the study none of the participants reported a history of heart attack or stroke.

shutterstock_142808959Emily (Zu-Yin) Chen, M.D., cardiology fellow at the Veterans General Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan concluded from the study that protection from heart disease and stroke was more pronounced in participants who received tooth scaling at least once a year. In other words, clinical oral health care—tooth scaling—reduces bacterial growth that can lead to serious cardiovascular conditions.

In a separate study coming from Sweden, researchers discovered that the value of markers for gum disease predict heart attack, congestive heart failure and stroke in different ways and in slightly different degrees. Anders Holmlund, D.D.S., Ph.D. Centre for Research and Development of the County Council of Gävleborg, Sweden, and senior consultant; Specialized Dentistry, studied 7,999 participants with periodontal disease and found people with:

  • Fewer than 21 teeth had a 69 percent increased risk of heart attack compared to those with the most teeth.
  • A higher number of deepened periodontal pockets (infection of the gum around the base of the tooth) had a 53 percent increased risk of heart attack compared to those with the fewest pockets.
  • The least amount of teeth had a 2.5 increased risk of congestive heart failure compared to those with the most teeth.
  • The highest incidence of gum bleeding had a 2.1 increased risk of stroke compared to those with the lowest incidence.

These studies highlight the importance of educating patients about oral health to stress the potential impact periodontal disease can have on overall healthfulness. Unfortunately many adults develop some type of periodontal disease due to a lack of daily brushing and flossing, and all too infrequent visits to the dental hygienist.  Routine teeth cleaning will help avoid periodontal disease, and ultimately can help to prevent heart attack and stokes.

Spreading the Word on Biological Dentistry and Medicine

Dr. John Trowbridge opens up IABDM’s 25th Anniversary meeting in Carmel 2011

The IABDM has long been spreading the word on the value and importance of biological dentistry and medicine. In a world where dentistry has barely progressed from 18th Century ideas and techniques, the biological dentists of the world have been making strides to change the fundamental way we think about dentistry and the way we help and treat patients.

Please enjoy this video about the IABDM and Biological Dentistry and Medicine.

In a time of Mercury Exposure, Healthy Detoxification is Key

How Do You Detox from Heavy Metals?

Recent recommendations by the FDA aimed at reducing the public’s exposure to mercury were primarily focused on fish consumption and beauty products manufactured outside of the US. While the holistic dental community continues to ponder why the FDA can’t get their act together and issue similar warnings pertaining to the use of mercury in dental amalgams — we would like to give some options for how to deal with heavy metal toxicity – not the least of which is caused by the continued use of mercury in dental amalgams.

How It Works

shutterstock_70646686Our bodies are absorbing heavy metals constantly from the air we breathe, the water we are expose to, the products we use, the food we eat and of course, through silver amalgam dental fillings. Compounding the exposure to amalgam fillings is the fact that over 6,000 tons of mercury enters the environment each year via industrial emissions such as coal plants.

We are doubly exposed to it through immunizations, cooked and canned fish and many other sources. The amount of mercury currently used in dentistry for fillings is today equal to the total volume of mercury being dumped into the environment by coal plants. As a result anyone who now has even a single silver filling as well as anyone undergoing removal of dental amalgams is well advised to consider taking up a detoxification routine.

“Detoxification and internal cleanses are ancient practices that have become increasingly popular, and for good reason. The gentle removal of harmful toxins and heavy metals from your body has many benefits, regardless of your age or health status. Increased energy, vitality and mental clarity are the most noticeable results, often apparent within the first few days of cleansing .

Gentle detoxification can also help reduce numerous disease risks, while providing a foundation to renew and invigorate your daily health routine. Who wouldn’t relish having more shutterstock_372396649energy for activities with the grandkids,” says Dr. Isaac Eliaz, a renowned integrative medical doctor, licensed acupuncturist and researcher.

Heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and uranium are among the most serious environmental poisons we are exposed on a daily basis. Other heavy metals include lead, which is found in old paint, dust residues, lipstick and toys and now beauty products from China. Tests now confirm that our bones have 1,000 times more lead than our ancestors of 500 years ago. In instances where both mercury and lead are present, the level of toxicity is magnified 100 times. In the face of this onslaught, and to maintain optimum health, it is imperative to detoxify these heavy metals from the body.

An Introduction to Detoxification

Detoxification is one of the more widely used treatments and concepts in alternative medicine, and it is a process many natural dentists recommend for removing heavy metals from the body following the removal of amalgam fillings. The science of detoxification is based on the principle that illnesses can be caused by the accumulation of toxic substances (toxins) in the body and from the holistic dentist’s perspective eliminating exposure by removing metal fillings and then avoiding new toxins is an essential part of the healing process.

shutterstock_357147542According to Dr. Eliaz, detoxification and internal cleanses are ancient practices that have become increasingly popular if not necessary in t
oday’s polluted world. Dr. Eliaz says that the gentle removal of harmful toxins and heavy metals from your body has many benefits, regardless of age or health condition. Increased energy, vitality and mental clarity are the most noticeable results, often apparent within the first few days of cleansing. Gentle detoxification can also help reduce numerous disease risks, while providing a foundation to renew and invigorate your daily health routine.

A typical detox process can last anywhere from three days to three months, with the average maintained at 10-14 days to complete a cleanse routine. To give you some idea of how to go about a detoxification process Dr. Eliaz put together the following recommendations in a recent article titled ‘Healthy Detoxification – Tips for greater vitality and wellness’.

(NOTE: If you have signs of heavy metal toxicity, please call our office, as many cases are best left to professionals in order to monitor your process and ensure a SAFE, healthy detoxification. However, the following can be very helpful for people who just want to give their body a boost in removing some of those atmospheric toxins that we face every day).

Gradual Beginnings: Alkalize Your Diet

shutterstock_256039183A healthy detoxification program should always begin gradually. The best way to do this is by shifting to a more alkaline diet.

This type of diet
emphasizes greens and other nutrient rich vegetables that help to balance pH in the body, reduce inflammation and promote internal cleansing. Slowly increase your intake of foods such as dark greens and cruciferous, sulfur-rich vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale and others). Vegetables that are high in alkalizing minerals — such as potassium, magnesium and/or calcium — include red potatoes, avocado and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sea vegetables, collards, chard and other greens.

An alkalizing mineral broth can be easily made by combining potatoes, celery, parsley, green beans, zucchini, beet tops, kale, onions and seaweed in a full pot of water; simmering for an hour or two; and pouring off the liquid for use. As you increase your intake of cleansing, alkaline foods, slowly reduce or eliminate acidic foods which increase toxicity. Processed or refined foods and those with artificial additives are especially hard on your body and can significantly reduce health over time.

shutterstock_76156198Pre-Cleanse with Gentle Supplements
Gentle detox supplementation begins with natural ingredients that help clear toxins from the circulation and digestive systems, while providing overall health support. Some patients start with an over-the-counter supplement such as a medicinal 10-mushroom formula, which helps remove toxins while supporting every major body system.

Modified citrus pectin is another supplement that safely
removes heavy metals and environmental toxins, reduces inflammation, boosts immunity, and protects against cancer and chronic illness by blocking harmful galectin-3 molecules. Of course, for a personalized system, we are always available to help you create a regimen that is customized to your needs.

Detoxify Organs and Tissues
shutterstock_242954023After gently detoxifying circulation and digestion, you can gradually advance to more thorough detoxification of organs and tissues, wher

toxins are often stored over time. For deeper, in-depth detoxification I recommend a phase-two detox formula incorporating nutrients and herbs such as n-acetyl cysteine, selenium, MSM, alpha-lipoic acid, milk thistle, cilantro, goldenrod, garlic, dandelion leaf and others. This formula helps eliminate deeply stored toxins, without causing uncomfortable side effects. It also boosts vital energy and provides a wide array of antioxidant support, which is critical during any toxin removal program

Dehydration can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress, which increases toxicity in the body. Drink plenty of pure water and herbal tea to help assist the flushing of toxins from your body and keep your natural detox functions running smoothly. Good hydration is essential to overall health.


Simple, moderate exercise on a regular basis keeps the lymphatic system moving, releases stored toxins and boosts immunity as well as mood. Even 15 minutes of walking, especially in a natural setting, can offer powerful benefits for detoxification and overall health.

Cilantro (coriander)

Daily use of some food products, such as cilantro, can do no harm and might contribute to gentle detoxification that would slowly shutterstock_298185740add up over time, but not as a replacement for actual
chelation as approved by the FDA.

Chelation therapy using chemicals like EDTA has long been used to help remove these heavy metals in dentistry, and cilantro may actually provide a natural alternative for people suffering from the ill effects of amalgam dental fillings, and is particularly helpful following the removal of dental amalgams.

Detoxification Makes Sens

If you have obvious signs of heavy metal toxicity, please call our office, as detoxification can be a tricky situation with potential side-effects and is often best left to professionals when
you have obvious symptoms.

If you’re living your daily life and want to help your body detoxify from some of the heavy metals found in our everyday lives, then the above may be a great place for you to start!

shutterstock_206494039Adopting a detoxification routine can be particularly important for those patients suffering from many chronic diseases and conditions, including allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, chronic infections, depression, diabetes, headaches, heart disease, high cholesterol, low blood sugar levels, digestive disorders, mental illness, and obesity. It is helpful for those with conditions that are influenced by environmental factors and for those suffering from allergies or immune system problems that conventional medicine is unable to diagnose or treat, including chronic fatigue syndrome, environmental illness/multiple chemical sensitivity, and fibromyalgia. Detoxification can be used as a beneficial preventative measure and as a tool to increase overall health, vitality, and resistance to disease.


Recipes for using cilantro

Cilantro Pesto Removes Heavy Metals & Health Benefits

Heavy Metals and Environmental Toxins

Seven Questions to Ask Your Dentist if You Want to Reduce Dental Toxins

Not all dentists are created alike–not even all biological dentists are created alike. With the heightened awareness of the dangers of mercury and mercury amalgam fillings, more dentists are becoming “mercury-free” without really knowing what i means to be “mercury-safe.”

While perusing the news files recently, I came across a good article on that provides a good set of questions you can use if you are looking to have your mercury amalgam fillings safely removed. Rather than recreate the wheel, I’ve posted a copy of the article below–with full credit to the author and website, of course. I hope it helps in your search!

Seven Questions to Ask Your Dentist if You Want to Reduce Dental Toxins

by: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (

shutterstock_291626231(NaturalNews) Amalgam fillings are composed of mercury, silver, tin, copper and other trace metals. A growing body of evidence
suggests that amalgam fillings contribute to many degenerative diseases and cancers. According to a report published by The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, there are over 1000 tons of mercury in the mouths of unsuspecting Americans.

Understanding the effects of amalgam fillings on your body is key to protecting and maintaining your health. Since your teeth are living entities that have direct connections to your circulatory and lymphatic systems, you want to insist that whatever dental products are inserted in your teeth are safe and non-toxic.

Many dentists may “claim” to practice mercury free dentistry but their procedures are a far cry from it.

Asking questions about their dental practices once you are sitting in the dental chair, is not the most prudent way to protect your health. Be prepared and ask questions ahead of time.

Here are a few sample questions to ask your dentist to see if he or she understands the importance of practicing holistic dentistry

  1. Do you believe that amalgams are toxic and create a biological hazard to the body?
  2. How do you feel about the relationship between amalgams and various diseases?
  3. When you remove amalgams, do you initially use an amalgameter to test the electrical charge on the tooth to see which quadrant needs primary attention?
  4. Do you offer a serum compatibility blood test in order to determine what materials will not cause an allergic reaction when you replace the amalgams?
  5. Do you believe that there is a tooth-organ relationship through the acupuncture meridian system? In other words, do you believe that a toxic tooth could have an effect on a particular organ?
  6. When you remove and replace amalgams, do you use special mercury vapor filters and offer oxygen while performing the procedure? Do you use a rubber dam to protect the mouth from pieces of amalgam that are being removed?
  7. Do you belong to a professional organization that supports biological or mercury-free dentistry? What kind of training have you had and when?

Various studies conducted on animals and humans clearly indicate the deposits of mercury in various organs as a result of amalgam
fillings in the teeth

shutterstock_130569779In the analysis of breast cancer tissue, scientist has discovered the accumulation of heavy metals, such as mercury and cadmium in biopsied tissues.

Metals have also been associated with activation of specific estrogen receptors and the increase in breast cancer cells.

Whether you want to simply maintain your health or you are on a healing journey, asking the right questions about the dental procedures that may potentially affect your health is very critical.

About the author:

610RUorIhKL._UX250_Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Industry since 1979.

Specializing in Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, Thermography and Chiropractic, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness.

After personally overcoming Breast Cancer without the use of chemo, radiation or surgery, Dr. V currently helps to empower women about healing and preventing Breast Cancer, naturally.

For more information about Dr. V’s personal Cancer Coaching visit

Learn more:
