Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Talks About What Happens When People Keep Looking For Health In The Wrong Places.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, and the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, encourages readers to step off the mainstream medical merry-go-round if they are ready to feel better.

A photograph of Dr. John Torwbridge in a dark suit against a brown background smiling.HOUSTON. TX, March 27, 2023: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, “Looking For Health In All The Wrong Places,” in which Dr. Trowbridge suggests the “right place” to look when ready to feel better.

Dr. Trowbridge writes, “When I see so many millions of people running from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist without ever getting better, I’m reminded of the country song, Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places.” He goes on to say, “It’s the picture of insanity according to Einstein. Doing the same thing repeatedly, each time expecting a different result. Yet,” he adds, “it continues. Massive hospital campuses call themselves “health centers” yet they are always filled with people who are anything but healthy.”

“So,” Dr. Trowbridge poses, “how will you ever feel better if you keep looking for health in all the wrong places?” His answer, “You simply won’t.” According to Dr. Trowbridge, “You must step off the mainstream medical merry-go-round. You must do something out of the ordinary. You must look to a medical professional who has broken with tradition and who works with the miraculous healing properties of the human body, mind, and spirit.” He emphasizes, “Today these medical professionals are called integrative doctors. I am an integrative doctor and have been for 40+ years.”

Dr. Trowbridge explains that, “Integrative doctors work with patients to get to the true source of the discomfort, the dis-ease, whatever it is.” He adds, “We spend quite a bit of time with our patients. We get to know them, how they think, how they live, how, when and what they eat, what traumatic events they may have lived through or may still be living with. Everything in a person’s life contributes to either health or lack of health. We take an integrative approach to health and wellness. We work with all aspects of the amazing human being and its miraculous system.”

As Dr. Trowbridge notes, “We look for things that those in the mainstream medical professional poo-poo as non-existent, for instance, the Yeast Syndrome that causes so much pain and suffering. We suggest and help patients incorporate easy, small, yet meaningful lifestyle changes that make big differences in how they feel.” He asks simply, “Is it time for you to discover the true healing potential that could recover for you a more vibrant, delightful, rewarding life?”

Read the entire blog at HERE.

About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

Finding answers and effective treatments in these troubled times can seem almost impossible. Almost. A doctor with exceptional training, experience, and skill might be the solution you’ve desperately been seeking. Recognized across the country and around the world for his innovative approach to healing, Dr. Trowbridge and his devoted support staff of dozens of years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!”

A growing number of practitioners – many not even physicians – profess to offer various “alternative” treatments. Very few, however, have lectured around the world, have chaired and presented at dozens of conferences, have written scores of educational articles, have produced over 50 CDs and DVDs to make tests and treatments understandable, and even have authored best-selling books. Quite simply, Dr. Trowbridge now accepts as patients only those few who finally are insistent on finding and treating the cause for their problems – through listening to your detailed history, a hands-on physical exam, selective cutting-edge tests beyond “the usual,” and novel reasoning that can explain why you are suffering and devise personalized programs to restore your better health for years to come. Regardless of your problems. Many promise, few deliver.

Biological sciences as a National Merit Scholar at Stanford, graduate studies in immunology starting in 1968, research in vaccine technology from 1967-1970, medical studies at Case Western Reserve, graduate training in general and urological surgery, master’s diploma in nutritional and preventive medicine, extensive studies with leading physicians, Senior Aviation Medical Examiner for the FAA, medical director for a mold remediation company, focus on infections resulting from obscure molds/fungi/bacteria/parasites/viruses, research and writing and practice to address puzzling diseases that have evaded diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Trowbridge brings to bear this vast background in discovering the root causes of suffering and designing effective ways to help each and every patient. Never assume that drugs or surgery are the only options you have for finally feeling better

Helping to get people out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped relieve suffering for dozens of years: arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, accidents, sports injuries. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, his leading “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, arsenic, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions. Two patients were removed from the heart transplant list as they unexpectedly recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.

Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care and hopeful, finally, for relief. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers. Dr. Trowbridge has been honored for his expertise by being featured on the June 2022 cover of Townsend Letter, the premier journal of alternative medicine, and his landmark article, “Sill Missing the Yeast Diagnosis?” appears in the June and July editions (www.townsendletter.com).

Expounding on his passion and success in discovering and developing effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. The Yeast Syndrome, published by Bantam Books, continues to be a bestseller since 1986. Appointments are limited – To see if you might qualify for customized care and caring at Life Celebrating Health near Houston, Texas, DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN. You owe it to yourself, to your family, to your future.

Looking For Health In All The Wrong Places

An image of a man entering a grey stone labyrinth which is surrounded by green hedges.

When I see so many millions of people running from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist without ever getting better, I’m reminded of the country song, Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places. It’s the picture of insanity according to Einstein. Doing the same thing repeatedly, each time expecting a different result. Yet, it continues. Massive hospital campuses call themselves “health centers” yet they are always filled with people who are anything but healthy.

So, how will you ever feel better if you keep looking for health in all the wrong places? You simply won’t. You must step off the mainstream medical merry-go-round. You must do something out of the ordinary. You must look to a medical professional who has broken with tradition and who works with the miraculous healing properties of the human body, mind, and spirit. Today these medical professionals are called integrative doctors. I am an integrative doctor and have been for 40+ years.

Look For Health In The Right Places

Integrative doctors work with patients to get to the true source of the discomfort, the dis-ease, whatever it is. We spend quite a bit of time with our patients. We get to know them, how they think, how they live, how, when and what they eat, what traumatic events they may have lived through or may still be living with. Everything in a person’s life contributes to either health or lack of health. We take an integrative approach to health and wellness. We work with all aspects of the amazing human being and its miraculous system.

We look for things that those in the mainstream medical professional poo-poo as non-existent, for instance, the Yeast Syndrome that causes so much pain and suffering. We suggest and help patients incorporate easy, small, yet meaningful lifestyle changes that make big differences in how they feel. You simply cannot medicate yourself out of a disease you ate yourself into – you require a specialized physician with specialized training and experience, expertise blended with compassion and a dedication to help you restore better health.

It’s not just what you put in your mouth, it’s also what you think, what you watch, listen to, and read on a regular basis that contributes to inner harmony or inner anxiety and fear. No pill or surgery can change your mind for you.

Health And Well Being Come From The Inside Out, Not From The Outside In

That’s right, despite the amazing accomplishments made in the medical industry, and there are many that are essential starting with putting broken bones back in place so the body can do it’s healing, and despite the ability to go inside the body and remove things, replace hearts and lungs and remove plaque from arteries, no pill or surgery can do what the body does naturally without help from any of us humans. These technical advancements help people sometimes briefly, sometimes longer term. But unless you go within and work with the gift of life that is flowing within you constantly and learn how to support it…or more likely to get out of Its way, you’ll always be looking for health and answers outside of yourself from people who want to give you the latest pill or surgery.

No doctor created the miraculous life that flows through every living thing on this planet. No doctor can take credit for the brilliance that flows through you. But those of us who work with this incredible life force can help get you back on track to feeling better and celebrating a healthier way of life. If you’re ready to step off the insanity loop, give my office a call and let’s start working with your brilliant life force.

Most People Prefer Synthetic Hormones Over The Body’s Own Healing Mechanism

 We Americans have become so accustomed to turning our health care over to doctors that the majority of people forget their bodies are miraculously designed to be self-healing. I include the doctors in “most people.” Too many people run to their doctors at the slightest sniffle or discomfort. The doctors have become so numb to being given this overwhelming responsibility that they simply want to give their patients the “solution” that will relieve pain as quickly as possible. This has resulted in a medical system that continuously masks pain and causes more painful conditions because no one gets to the root cause of the condition. Doctors prescribe pills and surgeries because that’s what patients also seem to prefer. It appears to be the easiest route to ending their pain. Those procedures may alleviate pain for a short period of time but neither pills nor surgery will allow for good health in the long run.


Let’s Look At A Simple Example

Let’s take something as simple as bursitis. Bursitis causes a great deal of pain when it erupts.  Some people go to the doctor complaining of a joint pain when the pain is actually only bursitis. Instead of discovering the real source of the pain, your doctor will likely recommend a cortisone shot. However, one shot is rarely enough as the pain is likely to return in weeks.

What you must understand is that bursitis is just a little sac or bubble under your skin, over points or angles in a bone, designed to slip-n-slide just a little so that you can’t puncture a hole in your skin if you’re putting pressure on the area (sleeping, working, whatever). “Bursitis” is the medical word for inflammation in the sac. As I mentioned, the first thing many doctors recommend is cortisone shots. Cortisone reduces the painful inflammation, however the inflammation is the chemical signal your body is creating to insist on having healing cells arrive to the area of injury that you likely don’t remember or never knew you had. There are other treatments besides cortisone shots and surgery that might be better for you.

Very often people with simple bursitis who think they have joint pain end up with regular cortisone injections and in some cases operations without the proper diagnosis. Is there anything better, you wonder? Indeed there is.



I have used Prolotherapy (Reconstructive Therapy) on bursitis for 30 years. This is a process that uses a tiny needle to inject a natural irritant into the area in order to “push” the body’s natural healing in order to repair the bursitis. In addition to Prolotherapy, I also use another form of prolotherapy called Prolozone which is a virtually painless injection of ozone which has been in use in Europe for dozens of years. I also employ neural therapy and stem cell therapy. All of the treatments I use for bursitis are tried and true and work with the body’s natural healing processes.


Side Effects Of Cortisone

It’s important to consider that the potential side effects of cortisone shots increase with larger doses and repeated use. Side effects can include:

Cartilage damage

Death of nearby bone

Joint infection

Nerve damage

Temporary facial flushing

Temporary flare of pain and inflammation in the joint

Temporary increase in blood sugar

Tendon weakening or rupture

Thinning of nearby bone (osteoporosis)

Thinning of skin and soft tissue around the injection site

Whitening or lightening of the skin around the injection site


Heal The Body Instead Of Temporarily Masking The Pain

You might have been able to avoid years of chronic debilitating pain if you realized how powerful the human body is. Unfortunately we humans forget that we didn’t create life or the body. But we certainly mistakenly think we are capable of overriding the brilliant healing capacity we’ve been endowed with. Unfortunately, the medical industry simply masks the pain and distress, ultimately causing more pain, more distress and more confusion.

When you are ready to heal, give me a call. I believe no matter how long you’ve been misdiagnosed, the body’s natural healing potential can be awakened and your health can be renewed.

You Only Get One Space Suit When You Arrive On Planet Earth

That’s right. If you think of your body as your space suit and consider that it has to last possibly as long as 10 decades, you want to feel good in it until you no longer need it. That means you have to take good care of it. However, millions upon millions of the inhabitants on this planet are walking around and barely functioning due to “degenerative diseases” caused by a variety of factors including poor eating habits, accidents and medications that actually interfere with natural healing.

The gift of life includes bodies that are miraculously self-healing and self-repairing. Doctors can help reposition broken bones, but they do not “heal the body.” The body heals itself. Unfortunately modern times have skewed our thinking and has caused a majority of earthly inhabitants to place greater faith in human doctors who call themselves “specialists” instead of on the rejuvenating capacity of the amazing human body.  People are all too ready to pop dozens of pills on a daily basis or undergo the latest surgery in hopes of magically and immediately feeling whole and healthy.

Decades of abuse are not going to disappear overnight. However, given the care of a doctor who works with the body and not “against” it, you can uncover the things that are culprits in keeping you feeling bad and recover a state of health in which you can once again feel happy to be alive.

As we come to the end of what can only be described as a challenging year in which the entire world has been stressed beyond belief as we earthlings try to dodge the COVID-19 virus, this is a perfect time to take your health into your hands and find a doctor who can help you return to feeling comfortable in your one and only “space suit.” If you’re ready to accept that mission, give us a call. We are ever at the ready to help our fellow travelers on this planet feel better than they have in years.


Nutritional Medicine Sounds Like An Oxymoron But It’s The Core Of Health

The most common oxymoron is “jumbo shrimp.” You know, those expressions that sound completely contradictory. I’m including “nutritional medicine” in that category because I know that most people do not consider food to be medicine nor medicine to be food!

What most people don’t fully understand is that nutrition, which is most commonly delivered through food – at least it used to be before food started being sprayed with toxic chemicals and tampered with – and excellent supplements, is truly the road that promotes life-long health and can permanently fix your problems.

It has recently come to light that a vitamin D deficiency is the one common feature in those people with severe COVID-19. It makes sense in the elderly who are residing in nursing homes who rarely if ever get to sit in the sunlight which stimulates vitamin D production in the skin.

A recent article states that, “According to a Spanish study published online October 27, 2020, in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 82.2% of COVID-19 patients tested were found to be deficient in vitamin D… The researchers compared the vitamin D levels of 216 COVID-19 patients and 197 population-based controls, finding that hospitalized COVID-19 patients had a higher prevalence of deficiency and had lower vitamin D levels overall.”


Vitamin D boosts overall immune function by modulating innate and adaptive immune responses. It also reduces respiratory distress and improves overall lung function while helping to produce surfactants in the lungs that aid in fluid clearance.

Don’t expect your doctor to tell you this, but “research has shown that maintaining adequate amounts of vitamin D may protect you from developing multiple sclerosis and various forms of cancers including ovarianbreast, and prostate.https://www.insider.com/benefits-of-sunlight

It doesn’t occur to most people who are suffering that their pain may be due to lifestyle, such as stress or nutrition. When lifestyle problems happen, there are no drugs nor surgeries that can fix them. To promote life-long health and permanently fix your problems, you need nutritional medicine.

Since 1981 I have offered my patients a full range of natural health-restoring strategies. To discover the root of the problem in order to be able to fix it, three things must be considered: (1) what’s blocking you from getting better, (2) what you’re missing to get better, and (3) what switches to turn on.

With customized supplement (and prescription) programs, you can find optimum health through balancing your metabolism and replacing nutritional deficiencies. COVID-19 has everyone afraid for their lives. Everyone, that is, except those people who have discovered life-long robust health and well-being through understanding the power of nutritional medicine. Are you ready to discover a better way to live yet? If so, give my office a call.


Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Reveals A Secret Of The Modern Medical Industry.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, shares a secret that usually takes way too long for people who are suffering from undiagnosed conditions to find out. 

HOUSTON. TX, September 25, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new article on his website entitled, Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret….,” in which Dr. Trowbridge promises, “this is not going to lead into the lyrics to the Beatles song. No, nothing of the sort.” Instead he says, “It’s going to lead to a different song and a secret about the state of the modern medical industry.” 

“Let me start,” writes Dr. Trowbridge, “by establishing that in a culture where retail customers are always considered to be “right” and are given the respect and acknowledgment of being listened to, this concept is completely foreign in the medical field. Patients are not considered to know anything about their own bodies.”

According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Listening to patients is not something that most of today’s medical professionals are trained or encouraged to do. If a patient’s symptoms do not align with textbook cases, many doctors are at a loss.” He goes on to add, “But, they will put their patients through numerous expensive tests and if the tests come back with even the hint of something they learned could be the beginning of some condition, they usually recommend surgery or write a prescription to “treat” that “unknown” condition. This often leads to something else going wrong or what was wrong in the first place getting worse but still not being diagnosed.”

“I love to listen to my patients,” writes Dr. Trowbridge. He continues, “Even though they are not medically trained, they know their own bodies. They know how to describe how something feels. And I’ve learned through decades of practice that listening is the first and most important skill a doctor needs to cultivate. It is only through my willingness to listen that I have such a great success rate in helping my patients feel better.”


Read the entire article at https://healthchoicesnow.com/27781/listen-do-you-want-to-know-a-secret/


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. The Yeast Syndrome, published by Bantam Books, continues to be a bestseller since 1986. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.


Finally Good Health News Is Coming As A Result Of The Pandemic

I have to do something unusual today and give a big shout out to Dr. Sandeep Jauhar for his New York Times Opinion piece. He expressed a much-needed truth about the medical industry in this country. Yes, I use the word “industry” intentionally. We are no longer living in a society where true healthcare is being practiced across the board. Real honest-to-goodness health care is hard to come by these days, though it is available.

Dr. Jauhar is a cardiologist, a frequent contributor to the New York Times Opinion section as well as an author. And as he mentions in his piece, it seems thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears that people are actually feeling better than they have in years.

This is a direct quote from Dr. Jauhar’s opinion piece, “It is well recognized that a substantial amount of health care in America is wasteful, accounting for hundreds of billions of dollars of the total health care budget. Wasteful care is driven by many forces: “defensive” medicine by doctors trying to avoid lawsuits; a reluctance on the part of doctors and patients to accept diagnostic uncertainty (which leads to more tests); the exorbitant prices that American doctors and hospitals charge, at least compared to what is charged in other countries; a lack of consensus about which treatments are effective; and the pervasive belief that newer, more expensive technology is always better.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/opinion/coronavirus-reopen-hospitals.html


Americans Have Been Chronically Over Treated And Over Medicated

What a relief it is to have a mainstream medical professional tell the truth about the American medical system. I’ve been saying the same thing for decades. I’ve also been caring for people whose health has been ruined by all of the wastefulness and fear. And I’ve been able to help the few who have finally had the courage to step away from the mainstream medical merry-go-round.

It’s no surprise that the doctors and hospital administrators are chomping at the bit for things to return to the pre-pandemic state. For, as Dr. Jauhar says, “For months now, routine care has been postponed. Elective procedures — big moneymakers — were halted so that hospitals could divert resources to treating Covid-19 patients. Routine clinic visits were canceled or replaced by online sessions. This has resulted in grievous financial losses for hospitals and clinics. Medical practices have closed. Hospitals have been forced to furlough employees or cut pay.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/opinion/coronavirus-reopen-hospitals.html

But, the big surprise is that, as Dr. Jauhar writes, “Most patients, on the other hand, at least those with stable chronic conditions, seem to have done OK. In a recent survey, only one in 10 respondents said their health or a family member’s health had worsened as a result of delayed care. Eighty-six percent said their health had stayed about the same.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/opinion/coronavirus-reopen-hospitals.html


Beneficial Care vs. Malignant Care

I truly appreciate Dr. Jauhar’s honesty and language regarding unnecessary treatments. He writes, “If beneficial routine care dropped during the past few months of the pandemic lockdown, so perhaps did its malignant counterpart, unnecessary care.” (Italics are mine!) He

goes on to say that, “In a survey a few years ago, two-thirds of doctors in the United States admitted that between 15% and 30% of health care is probably unnecessary.” Thank you Dr. Jauhar! And take note of this. “Medical societies already produce lists of procedures that are essential and those that are better avoided. The latter include M.R.I. scans for most lower-back pain and nuclear stress tests when there are no signs of heart disease.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/opinion/coronavirus-reopen-hospitals.html


Real Healthcare For Better Health

I might up those stated percentages myself, but I am not going to start nit-picking when the truth is finally being exposed. If you or someone you know has been on the medical industry merry-go-round and are feeling better because you haven’t been to see your doctor, you might be ready to consider a completely different approach to your healthcare now. If you would really like to improve your health, strengthen your immune system and live to the fullest with vitality and enthusiasm instead of fear and unnecessary medical procedures, give me a call. I have been helping my patients undo years of unnecessary medical interventions that have contributed to the destruction of their health.


Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Talks About Precaution And Nutrition As The Way To Avoid COVID-19.  

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, offers flu and covid-19 death statistics along with a bit of sage advice to let reason prevail.  

HOUSTON. TX, June 03, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new article on his website entitled, Just Think About It.” Dr. Trowbridge gives readers plenty to think about that could result in behavioral changes for many.

Dr. Trowbridge states, “Many factors about this novel coronavirus are simply unknown, misunderstood, or – worse – misrepresented.” He adds, “Worldwide deaths have finally topped 340,000 people.  But consider … each year, some 300,000 to 500,000 souls around the world are taken out by the flu.”

“What we do know,” Dr. Trowbridge writes, “is that descriptions of risk factors, symptoms, and person-to-person transmission sound strikingly similar for “the flu” and for COVID-19.  Virus illnesses differ in who dies, but most smite down the elderly and those with compromising diseases. States aren’t required to report flu diagnoses, so it’s likely that adult deaths with flu go under-reported. He further elaborates, “What about … the H1N1 “swine” flu epidemic of 2009?  CDC estimated 60+ million Americans were infected, with some 12,000+ deaths.  Or … the H3N2 “Hong Kong” flu of 1968?  An estimated 100,000 (mostly older) Americans diedSame with the “Asian flu” in 1957.”

Dr. Trowbridge calls for precaution and healthier habits instead of “panic, fear and hysteria.” He states, “My bottom line is pretty simple: all reasonable precautions (including quarantine of all those showing symptoms) that apply to every flu season are encouraged and indicated. Current reliable medical information indicates that panic, hysteria, and fear are not recommended. Precaution is the prevailing recommendation knowing that COVID-19 will continue to spread.”

According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Your major defense against these and all unseen enemies is good health.  Your immune system is the barrier that is tasked with reducing risks for suffering and death.”

Dr. Trowbridge goes on to write, “Nutrition is the single greatest factor for keeping your immune system strong and healthy.”


Read the entire article at https://healthchoicesnow.com/27713/just-think-about-it/


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. The Yeast Syndrome, published by Bantam Books, continues to be a bestseller since 1986. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.




Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Writes About How To Avoid Or Ward Off Disease.

HOUSTON. TX, April 3o, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new article on his website entitled, Improve Overall Health To Contend With COVID19 Long-term.” Dr. Trowbridge encourages readers to look for medical care outside the box to achieve results that are literally out-of-the-box.

Dr. Trowbridge point out that, “Credible sources are suggesting that COVID19 may be here to stay.” He continues, “As a recent article at discovermagazine.com states, “There’s a very real chance the novel coronavirus could become endemic in the human population, much like influenza.” The article also states that, “There’s precedent for a coronavirus becoming endemic in the human population. Actually, there are four of them: 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1. All four of these coronaviruses cause symptoms of the common cold, and infections are most often fairly mild.” https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/could-we-be-living-with-covid-19-forever

“While it is still too early to know for sure if we will be living with this particular virus long-term,” Dr. Trowbridge writes, “there is a strong likelihood of this happening. If not COVID19, it will be something else.” He poses, “So, how do you prepare to combat this or any other illness?” His answer, “The greatest defense against any type of illness that emerges is overall good health.”

Dr. Trowbridge states, “As we have seen from the quickly spreading COVID19, those with pre-existing health conditions are most susceptible to becoming gravely ill and there is a greater likelihood of death.” He continues, “One paper, recently published in JAMA Cardiology, suggests that the coronavirus could be particularly deadly for those with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. As we also know, those with diabetes and COPD are also at greater risk of getting the virus as are those who are obese.”

Dr. Trowbridge says, “If you currently have pre-existing health conditions that have not been improved or resolved with care from your doctor(s), you are not alone.” He continues adding, “Our society is more concerned with eliminating symptoms rather than getting to the root cause of disease. As a result, literally millions of people suffer and live lives of quiet and not so quiet desperation.”

According to Dr. Trowbridge, “A foundation of good health is necessary to withstand the onslaught of viruses and bacterial (and parasite) pathogens that our body fights off continuously.” He explains, “The immune system is perfectly designed to ward off invaders that make it into the body. However, if your defense system is compromised, which happens as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, accidents, as well as continued exposure to environmental toxins surrounding everyone, it has a very difficult time doing its job. Eventually, health begins to diminish and continues to worsen over time.”


Read the entire article at https://healthchoicesnow.com/27698/improve-overall-health-to-contend-with-covid19-long-term/


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. The Yeast Syndrome, published by Bantam Books, continues to be a bestseller since 1986. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.






Improve Overall Health To Contend With COVID19 Long-term

A photograph of someone walking down a dirty road on a sunny morning.

Credible sources are suggesting that COVID19 may be here to stay. As a recent article at discovermagazine.com states, “There’s a very real chance the novel coronavirus could become endemic in the human population, much like influenza.” The article also states that, “There’s precedent for a coronavirus becoming endemic in the human population. Actually, there are four of them: 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1. All four of these coronaviruses cause symptoms of the common cold, and infections are most often fairly mild.” https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/could-we-be-living-with-covid-19-forever


Too Early To Tell For Sure

While it is still too early to know for sure if we will be living with this particular virus long-term, there is a strong likelihood of this happening. If not COVID19, it will be something else. So, how do you prepare to combat this or any other illness? The greatest defense against any type of illness that emerges is overall good health.


Pre-existing Health Conditions  More At Risk

As we have seen from the quickly spreading COVID19, those with pre-existing health conditions are most susceptible to becoming gravely ill and there is a greater likelihood of death. One paper, recently published in JAMA Cardiology, suggests that the coronavirus could be particularly deadly for those with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. As we also know, those with diabetes and COPD are also at greater risk of getting the virus as are those who are obese.


Get Healthy Stay Healthy

If you currently have pre-existing health conditions that have not been improved or removed with care from your doctor(s), you are not alone. Our society is more concerned with eliminating symptoms rather than getting to the root cause of disease. As a result, literally millions of people suffer and live lives of quiet and not so quiet desperation.

A foundation of good health is necessary to withstand the onslaught of viruses and bacterial (and parasite) pathogens that our body fights off continuously. The immune system is perfectly designed to ward off invaders that make it into the body. However, if defense system is compromised, which happens as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, accidents, as well as continued exposure to environmental toxins surrounding every one of us, it has a very difficult time doing its job. Eventually, health begins to diminish and continues to worsen over time.


What To Do

What is happening around the world is that everyone is doing what they can to try to avoid getting COVID19. Almost everyone who gets it makes it through the illness just fine, but sadly thousands do not… just the same way that 20 to 60+ thousand Americans die each year from the “usual” flu. By the time this pandemic becomes more manageable, many thousands around the world will have lost their lives. Aged adults, especially in close quarters like nursing homes, and those with underlying illnesses that require them to reduce their exposure to colds and flu should minimize their contacts that could challenge their wellbeing.

Even though everyone is working madly to come up with a vaccine,(which might not ever produce the protection they promise), the most important thing to do is to improve your health. And if you have been suffering with illnesses or other issues for years, you must do everything in your power to find a doctor who can actually get to the root of your problem. And that will require you to step outside of the box to work with a doctor who is not in the box.

Most doctors practicing mainstream medicine are proponents of surgery and pills to control chronic pain. However, it is becoming “painfully clear” that these methods do not work. If you want a different result than what you’ve been getting you have to do something you haven’t done before. If you are ready to restore your body’s natural healing processes, give my office a call.