A World Of Smaller Penises, Two-headed And Lazy Sperm

I am not describing a scene in a science fiction porno movie. I’m talking about what is happening right here on planet earth. I’m talking about some of the effects of babies being born amid endocrine disruptors that are absolutely everywhere. They are in plastics, shampoos, cosmetics, cushions, pesticides, canned foods, and register receipts. They often aren’t on labels and can be difficult to avoid. These disruptors are not just affecting males. They are affecting everyone.


Real-Life Horror

The issue is not just that there is a decline in sperm, there is also continually growing evidence of defective sperm, such as the aforementioned two-headed sperm and lazy sperm that loll aimlessly in circles rather than swimming furiously in pursuit of an egg. The reproductive issues coming to the foreground as a result of endocrine disruptors are but a small part of the problem. Chemical exposures during development can alter disease susceptibility and can produce reproductive, neurological, cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune effects in humans.

According to a recent New York Times opinion piece, there is a huge decline in sperm count. The author writes, “In some ways, the sperm-count decline is akin to where global warming was 40 years ago.” The article goes on to say, “Chemical companies are as reckless as tobacco companies were a generation ago, or as opioid manufacturers were a decade ago. They lobby against even safety testing of endocrine disruptors so that we have little idea if products we use each day are damaging our bodies or our children.” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/20/opinion/sunday/endocrine-disruptors-sperm.html?campaign_id=39&emc=edit_ty_20210222&instance_id=27359&nl=opinion-today&regi_id=74586418&segment_id=52100&te=1&user_id=3e21bfc7edc421f4499d99f53134721a


Clear Out The Disruptors And Clean Up Your Health

I have been helping patients detoxify from the effects of endocrine disruptors for the past 40 years. I also teach my patients to steer clear of endocrine disruptors. I wrote an entire book devoted to one of the effects of endocrine disruptors called The Yeast Syndrome, which has plagued the health of millions of good people for decades. Most people living on a modern, refined diet suffer from candida overgrowth. Ingesting pesticides, GMOs, antibiotics, alcohol, and other toxic foods kill our natural, beneficial gut microbiome. Refined sugars and flours feed the microbes that survive our toxic lifestyles. These microbes thrive in our toxic bodies because they feed off of simple sugars and weak cells. They also flourish because of the biological effects from plastics, heavy metals, and all kinds of toxins.


The Standard American Diet = S.A.D.

Diet is one of the most important aspects of clearing out the toxic endocrine disruptors and other toxins in the body. Unfortunately, the standard American diet with its excess of sugar, refined carbohydrates, saturated fat and trans fats, is the primary cause of obesity and diabetes. And that truly is SAD.

I recommend a diet of whole foods, not processed foods. Fresh, wholesome food is the first step toward feeling better and making sure your home is free and clear of the products that are producers of endocrine disruptors. Plastic containers, shampoos, detergents, toothpaste. The list is endless. I provide patients with a list of products that are free of these destructive disruptors.


Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is a non-surgical procedure I use in my medical practice that gets to the root of the cause and literally takes whatever it is—heavy metals, blood clots, etc.—out of the body.  In chelation therapy, a safe chemical substance is introduced into the body through an intravenous (IV) drip. Once it enters the bloodstream, this FDA-approved “medicine”  binds to certain atoms (such as toxic heavy metals or minerals) and then removes them from the body.


Take Action Against The Horrors Of Endocrine Disruptors 

We may not be able to fight the chemical companies, but we can make changes that will eliminate the endocrine disruptors from our lives and the lives of our children. Many chronic illnesses are associated with these endocrine disruptors. If you are ready to do something about a chronic health condition which your doctor doesn’t seem able to identify and diagnose, give my office a call. We’ve been disrupting the mainstream medical industry by helping our patients get to the root of their health issues without surgeries and pharmaceuticals. Let’s put an end to the nightmarish reproductive scene that has been unfolding.


Most People Prefer Synthetic Hormones Over The Body’s Own Healing Mechanism

 We Americans have become so accustomed to turning our health care over to doctors that the majority of people forget their bodies are miraculously designed to be self-healing. I include the doctors in “most people.” Too many people run to their doctors at the slightest sniffle or discomfort. The doctors have become so numb to being given this overwhelming responsibility that they simply want to give their patients the “solution” that will relieve pain as quickly as possible. This has resulted in a medical system that continuously masks pain and causes more painful conditions because no one gets to the root cause of the condition. Doctors prescribe pills and surgeries because that’s what patients also seem to prefer. It appears to be the easiest route to ending their pain. Those procedures may alleviate pain for a short period of time but neither pills nor surgery will allow for good health in the long run.


Let’s Look At A Simple Example

Let’s take something as simple as bursitis. Bursitis causes a great deal of pain when it erupts.  Some people go to the doctor complaining of a joint pain when the pain is actually only bursitis. Instead of discovering the real source of the pain, your doctor will likely recommend a cortisone shot. However, one shot is rarely enough as the pain is likely to return in weeks.

What you must understand is that bursitis is just a little sac or bubble under your skin, over points or angles in a bone, designed to slip-n-slide just a little so that you can’t puncture a hole in your skin if you’re putting pressure on the area (sleeping, working, whatever). “Bursitis” is the medical word for inflammation in the sac. As I mentioned, the first thing many doctors recommend is cortisone shots. Cortisone reduces the painful inflammation, however the inflammation is the chemical signal your body is creating to insist on having healing cells arrive to the area of injury that you likely don’t remember or never knew you had. There are other treatments besides cortisone shots and surgery that might be better for you.

Very often people with simple bursitis who think they have joint pain end up with regular cortisone injections and in some cases operations without the proper diagnosis. Is there anything better, you wonder? Indeed there is.



I have used Prolotherapy (Reconstructive Therapy) on bursitis for 30 years. This is a process that uses a tiny needle to inject a natural irritant into the area in order to “push” the body’s natural healing in order to repair the bursitis. In addition to Prolotherapy, I also use another form of prolotherapy called Prolozone which is a virtually painless injection of ozone which has been in use in Europe for dozens of years. I also employ neural therapy and stem cell therapy. All of the treatments I use for bursitis are tried and true and work with the body’s natural healing processes.


Side Effects Of Cortisone

It’s important to consider that the potential side effects of cortisone shots increase with larger doses and repeated use. Side effects can include:

Cartilage damage

Death of nearby bone

Joint infection

Nerve damage

Temporary facial flushing

Temporary flare of pain and inflammation in the joint

Temporary increase in blood sugar

Tendon weakening or rupture

Thinning of nearby bone (osteoporosis)

Thinning of skin and soft tissue around the injection site

Whitening or lightening of the skin around the injection site


Heal The Body Instead Of Temporarily Masking The Pain

You might have been able to avoid years of chronic debilitating pain if you realized how powerful the human body is. Unfortunately we humans forget that we didn’t create life or the body. But we certainly mistakenly think we are capable of overriding the brilliant healing capacity we’ve been endowed with. Unfortunately, the medical industry simply masks the pain and distress, ultimately causing more pain, more distress and more confusion.

When you are ready to heal, give me a call. I believe no matter how long you’ve been misdiagnosed, the body’s natural healing potential can be awakened and your health can be renewed.

It’s Time To Feel Rejuvenated

If you have been living with pain so long it’s hard to remember what your pain-free life was like, I’d like you to take a moment and put your imagination to work. Please close your eyes and see yourself living without pain. What would you be doing? Would you be dancing, playing sports, chasing the grandkids, climbing a mountain, hiking, or jumping out of bed raring to go and see what each day has in store for you?

I invite you to really get a clear picture of what one full day in your pain-free life will look like and feel like. If you can clearly imagine this, I’m here to tell you, it can happen. The technology exists, but you’re not going to find it in the traditional mainstream medical circles. You know, the ones you’ve been making the rounds to for years.


Rejuvenate Your Life

I used the word ‘rejuvenate’ in the title of this article. Now, let’s examine the word and why I use it. The word “rejuvenate” found in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is (1) to make young or youthful again: give new vigor to, and (2) to restore to an original or new state.

Regenerative medicine, which is what I practice, is the process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function lost due to age, disease, damage, or congenital defects. In other words, regenerative medicine rejuvenates your life!

Another rejuvenating, non-surgical procedure I use in my medical practice is Prolotherapy (Proliferative Therapy). It is also known as Non-Surgical Ligament and Tendon Reconstruction and Regenerative Joint Injection and is a recognized orthopedic procedure that stimulates the body’s healing processes to strengthen and repair injured and painful joints and connective tissue. The original term used for this therapy was “sclerotherapy”, coined in the 1930’s when this treatment was discovered, and included both joint and vein injections. Today the term “prolotherapy” is used for joint, ligament and tendon injections, while “sclerotherapy” is used for the treatment of varicose veins, spider veins, hemorrhoids and other vascular abnormalities.

Prolotherapy is based on the fact that when ligaments or tendons (connective tissue) are stretched or torn, the joint they are holding destabilizes and can become painful. With its unique ability to directly address the cause of the instability, Prolotherapy can repair the weakened sites and produce new collagen tissue, resulting in permanent stabilization of the joint. Once the joint is stabilized, pain usually resolves.

Traditional approaches with surgery have more risk and may fail to stabilize the joint and relieve pain. How many surgeries have you already had? I know people who have had multiple surgeries and the pain remains. Most people who live with pain are also on a regimen of anti-inflammatory or other pain relievers which only act temporarily – and the serious risks these medications offer cannot be ignored.


Therapies That Actually Work Are The Only Ones That Rejuvenate

The body is a self-healing system, and when you put your health in the hands of a medical professional who knows how to stimulate the healing rather than interfere with it, your body will heal. Your body will rejuvenate, sometimes almost completely.

If you are really ready to live the rest of your life pain-free, give my office a call. We thrive on helping patients feel younger, healthier and more joyful. It is pure joy being a witness to health being restored after so many years of pain. We’re waiting for your call.

Your Doctor Doesn’t Really Expect You To Get Well Or Better

For anyone who has been on what I call the medical industry merry-go-round, if you were to ask any of the many doctors you’ve been to if they actually expect you to get well, I’d be willing to bet they would say something to the effect of, “the best you can expect is to manage your condition.” I’d go so far as to say that not one of them would say they expect you to get well and achieve a high level of health.

You may wonder how I can make such statements. Forty years of experience working around the mainstream medical industry has given me that privilege. Working with thousands of patients who have finally given up on the merry-go-round of misery, pills, prescriptions and surgeries and helping them actually get better is proof positive. When one person is willing to step off the dizzying and disastrous ride of specialists who look at one area, give you a prescription and send you off to another specialist to look at another part who gives you another prescription, ad infinitum…I am delighted. When they finally come to see me, they are nearly, but not quite defeated.

So ask yourself, if your doctors don’t expect you to get well, what do you expect? Do you really want to get well?

There are a few doctors in this country that do not practice in the mainstream. These are the doctors who truly want and expect their patients to achieve a level of health and well-being that makes life worth living. I am one of those rare doctors. I do not treat symptoms. I believe the body is magnificent and self-healing if given the proper care. Most of the time I simply have to wean my patients off the many prescription drugs they’ve been on and give the body an opportunity to start functioning properly again.  I expect and know that my patients will get well and feel better than they have in years.

So, go ahead. Ask your doctor the question: Hey doc, do you expect I’ll ever get well? I’d like to know what they have to say. If they won’t help

Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Introduces Readers To The Three Amigos.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, writes about infection, inflammation and immunity in his new blog and how when understood, these three “amigos” can lead to the end of chronic pain and illness and to the beginning of better health and wellbeing. 

HOUSTON. TX July 29, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Infection Inflammation Immunity,” in which Dr. Trowbridge talks about the relationship of inflammation to infection and immunity.

“When I make presentations to dentists and doctors,” writes Dr. Trowbridge, “I call this trio – infection, inflammation and immunity – the three amigos.” He explains, “I say that because in my experience I have seen that the root of all degenerative diseases is inflammation. Inflammation leads to infection. Infection leads to death.” He goes on to add, “This is why I also make sure my audience is clear that there are only two things that cause death to us humans. One is injury. The other is infections.”

Dr. Trowbridge says, “It sounds so simple, doesn’t it?”  “And it really is,” he writes, adding, “however, the medical industry doesn’t look for inflammation. Instead they get all tangled up making things so much more complicated than they really are. Instead of treating the root cause of any particular pain, discomfort or illness patients present them with, the doctors have been trained to treat everything with a pill or an expensive surgical procedure. Unfortunately that leads to chronic suffering, both physically and psychologically for patients, and of course ultimately that leads to death.”

According to Dr. Trowbridge, “I put misdiagnosed and mistreated conditions that lead to death in the injury category. It simply doesn’t have to be that way.” Dr. Trowbridge also reveals that he was, “the first physician president of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.”


Read the entire blog at https://healthchoicesnow.com/27731/infection-inflammation-immunity/


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands- on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co- authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.


Finally Good Health News Is Coming As A Result Of The Pandemic

I have to do something unusual today and give a big shout out to Dr. Sandeep Jauhar for his New York Times Opinion piece. He expressed a much-needed truth about the medical industry in this country. Yes, I use the word “industry” intentionally. We are no longer living in a society where true healthcare is being practiced across the board. Real honest-to-goodness health care is hard to come by these days, though it is available.

Dr. Jauhar is a cardiologist, a frequent contributor to the New York Times Opinion section as well as an author. And as he mentions in his piece, it seems thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears that people are actually feeling better than they have in years.

This is a direct quote from Dr. Jauhar’s opinion piece, “It is well recognized that a substantial amount of health care in America is wasteful, accounting for hundreds of billions of dollars of the total health care budget. Wasteful care is driven by many forces: “defensive” medicine by doctors trying to avoid lawsuits; a reluctance on the part of doctors and patients to accept diagnostic uncertainty (which leads to more tests); the exorbitant prices that American doctors and hospitals charge, at least compared to what is charged in other countries; a lack of consensus about which treatments are effective; and the pervasive belief that newer, more expensive technology is always better.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/opinion/coronavirus-reopen-hospitals.html


Americans Have Been Chronically Over Treated And Over Medicated

What a relief it is to have a mainstream medical professional tell the truth about the American medical system. I’ve been saying the same thing for decades. I’ve also been caring for people whose health has been ruined by all of the wastefulness and fear. And I’ve been able to help the few who have finally had the courage to step away from the mainstream medical merry-go-round.

It’s no surprise that the doctors and hospital administrators are chomping at the bit for things to return to the pre-pandemic state. For, as Dr. Jauhar says, “For months now, routine care has been postponed. Elective procedures — big moneymakers — were halted so that hospitals could divert resources to treating Covid-19 patients. Routine clinic visits were canceled or replaced by online sessions. This has resulted in grievous financial losses for hospitals and clinics. Medical practices have closed. Hospitals have been forced to furlough employees or cut pay.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/opinion/coronavirus-reopen-hospitals.html

But, the big surprise is that, as Dr. Jauhar writes, “Most patients, on the other hand, at least those with stable chronic conditions, seem to have done OK. In a recent survey, only one in 10 respondents said their health or a family member’s health had worsened as a result of delayed care. Eighty-six percent said their health had stayed about the same.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/opinion/coronavirus-reopen-hospitals.html


Beneficial Care vs. Malignant Care

I truly appreciate Dr. Jauhar’s honesty and language regarding unnecessary treatments. He writes, “If beneficial routine care dropped during the past few months of the pandemic lockdown, so perhaps did its malignant counterpart, unnecessary care.” (Italics are mine!) He

goes on to say that, “In a survey a few years ago, two-thirds of doctors in the United States admitted that between 15% and 30% of health care is probably unnecessary.” Thank you Dr. Jauhar! And take note of this. “Medical societies already produce lists of procedures that are essential and those that are better avoided. The latter include M.R.I. scans for most lower-back pain and nuclear stress tests when there are no signs of heart disease.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/opinion/coronavirus-reopen-hospitals.html


Real Healthcare For Better Health

I might up those stated percentages myself, but I am not going to start nit-picking when the truth is finally being exposed. If you or someone you know has been on the medical industry merry-go-round and are feeling better because you haven’t been to see your doctor, you might be ready to consider a completely different approach to your healthcare now. If you would really like to improve your health, strengthen your immune system and live to the fullest with vitality and enthusiasm instead of fear and unnecessary medical procedures, give me a call. I have been helping my patients undo years of unnecessary medical interventions that have contributed to the destruction of their health.


Is Your Body Rusting?

“What!” You exclaim, upon reading the title of this piece. You say to yourself, “Bodies can’t rust! We’re not made of tin like the Tin Man.” That’s absolutely true. Human beings are not made of tin. But, inside the human body, in the tiny capillaries, arteries and veins, free radicals accumulate which cause damage that is very similar and as serious as the damaging effects rust has on metals.


The truth is that even among mainstream medicine, evidence is accumulating that confirms the idea that most of the degenerative diseases that afflict humanity have their origin in free radical reactions. The diseases that are believed to be the result of free radical damage include atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory joint disease, asthma, diabetes, senile dementia and degenerative eye disease. Yes, just about all of them! And get this, the very process of aging is the result of free radical damage.


So, you may wonder, what are these free radicals and how do they accumulate? Free radical damage is caused primarily from toxic chemicals and metals lodged in the body’s organs. This is the result of chemical pollution in our air, water, food, tobacco, dental fillings, cookware, antiperspirant ad infinitum. In other words, our world is filled with chemical pollutants.


It’s no wonder most people on the planet are suffering from so many diseases with so many different names. And, it’s no wonder that so very few are finding real relief through mainstream medical channels.


The truth is that every part of your body depends on clean air, clean water and clean food. A critical way to feel better is to eliminate the toxins in the body. There is a non-surgical method called chelation that stimulates the natural healing processes of the body by removing the toxic metals that are lodged throughout all of your body cells. It’s not a ‘quick-fix’ method that just requires popping a pill. But if you still have hope for finding lasting relief, it is finally the time for you to look for alternatives to taking drugs or undergoing surgery. Give us a call and ask about Chelation Therapy. You’ll be amazed how you  could feel without all that “rust” in your body.





Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Talks About The Unacknowledged Cause Of Much Suffering.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, tells readers that a huge portion of the world population suffers from Candida Albicans, or the Yeast Beast.

HOUSTON. TX March 31, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Your Suffering Could Be Caused By The Yeast Beast,”  in which Dr. Trowbridge writes about the effects of a “common intestinal yeast that has veered out of usual body balance.”

Long recognized as a world expert in treating fungal disease, Dr. Trowbridge asks, “Have you been suffering for years with doctors giving you one diagnosis after another without any relief?” He continues adding, “It happens all the time and you’re not alone.” According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Literally hundreds of thousands of people are walking around suffering from the effects of what I’m calling the Yeast Beast., In fact, approximately 30% of all persons around the world above the age of twelve – mostly female – are suffering from yeast-related illnesses caused by the fungus within us known as Candida albicans.”

As Dr. Trowbridge reveals, “Some of the easily recognizable symptoms and signs of Candida invasion include vaginitis, infertility, headaches, stiff joints, arthritis, indigestion, intestinal gas, nausea, bloating, fatigue, dizziness, lethargy, among many other on a long list of symptoms.” He further elaborates, “When left untreated, the yeast beast wreaks havoc throughout the human system. It so severely debilitates the body that victims could become easy prey for far more serious diseases. Candida albicans has been known to contribute to suffering with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, schizophrenia and other conditions, including death.”


Read the entire blog at https://healthchoicesnow.com/27686/a-strong-immune-system-is-always-the-best-defense-to-overcome-any-disease/


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands- on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co- authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.






Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Addresses The Underlying Cause Of Many ‘Untreatable’ Conditions.

 Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, talks about some of the many things in daily life that can cause and cultivate The Yeast Syndrome and how conventional medicine does not recognize this health-stealing condition as valid.


HOUSTON. TX, February 28, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new article on his website entitled, How Patients Go From Being ‘Untreatable’ To Feeling Great In 100 Days Or Less, in which he offers hope to those whose health has changed so much that they never expect to improve.


Dr. Trowbridge writes, “We see it in our offices every day. Someone comes in feeling hopeless, having been to dozens of doctors and specialists throughout the course of many years and yet, still remain undiagnosed.” He continues, “No one can seem to identify what’s wrong. And many patients come in thinking – or having been told that – they are crazy.” “They may be out of their minds with frustration and even pain,” Dr. Trowbridge confirms, adding, “but I can assure you, 99.99% of the time many of these desperate folks are suffering from a cluster of symptoms that point to The Yeast Syndrome.”


According to Dr. Trowbridge, “The conventional medical establishment poo-poos the notion that there could be a health issue that can’t be corrected by surgical intervention, drugs, or opioid pain medication.” He emphasizes, “If it is not accepted as valid, no doctor will test for it or even consider the possibility that symptoms could be associated. As a result, millions of people go through unnecessary surgical procedures, are offered more and more prescribed drugs, and even take addictive opioid pain medications – but the root cause of their several problems remains undiagnosed so they continue to suffer, not just for years but often for the rest of their lives.” Dr. Trowbridge says, “But, it is ironic that the medical establishment does agree that in people whose immune systems are severely depressed, such as those with AIDS or leukemia, Candida can become a dangerous, invasive organism. They even have a name for it: systemic candidiasis.”


“You might be surprised to discover that merely being alive and participating in daily life can cause and cultivate the growth of Candida,” writes Dr. Trowbridge. He states, “Everything from oral contraceptives to noise pollution has been found to cause and/or promote the growth of Candida colonies in the human body. Nutritional deficiencies, bacterial infections, pollutants and poisons in everyday household cleaning products air fresheners, laundry detergents, feminine hygiene products are culprits, and the list goes on. Add to that stress-provoking noises like loud music, leaf blowers, sirens, etc. …and it’s easy to see how an uncountable number of people can be suffering from not “untreatable” but rather un-diagnosed conditions.”  Is this an inexcusable loss of health and life?


Read the entire article at https://healthchoicesnow.com/27636/how-patients-go-from-being-untreatable-to-feeling-better-in-100-days-or-less/


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering from arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. The Yeast Syndrome, published by Bantam Books, continues to be a bestseller since 1986. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.










Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Reveals Information About Hurricane-Caused Illnesses.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, writes about undiagnosed illnesses that hurricanes leave in their wake long after they are gone.


HOUSTON. TX February 25, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Hurricanes Can Make You Sick Long After They’re Gone.”  Dr. Trowbridge points out important information about airborne molds, mildews and bacteria that linger unseen long after storms blow through an area.


Dr. Trowbridge writes, “Hurricane season ended months ago. But the sad truth is that many thousands of people who survived a multitude of hurricanes could be experiencing undiagnosed illnesses related to the aftermath of hurricanes that blew through years ago.” He asks, “How is this possible, you may wonder?” He states, “Well, I’ll explain. Hidden molds, yeasts and other airborne bacteria linger in cracks and crevices, walls and hinges, fixtures and sills, furnishings and automobiles long after the damaging winds and rains have wreaked havoc.”


“Years after a storm,” says Dr. Trowbridge, “you might start feeling bad. You go to your doctor and the doctor can’t put his or her finger on a specific diagnosis. Tests are “normal” or unclear. You get more and more prescriptions that help only briefly. And so,” adds Dr. Trowbridge, “the journey on the medical merry-go-round begins.” He emphasizes, “To no avail. Many people die without knowing that they had a deep blood fungus, or other illnesses related to fungal/yeast overgrowth.”


According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Many yeasts, molds, mildew and fungi can attack humans with wildly differing effects. These illnesses are difficult to diagnose, and patients suffer for years as their health deteriorates.” He adds, “What is most frustrating is that a physician skilled in evaluating the puzzling conditions can produce startling improvements within months, even in people who feel like giving up.”


Read the entire blog at https://healthchoicesnow.com/27633/hurricanes-can-make-you-sick-long-after-theyre-gone/


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.


Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering from arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.


Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.
