Hurricanes Can Make You Sick Long After They’re Gone

Hurricane season ended months ago. But the sad truth is that many thousands of people who survived a multitude of hurricanes could be experiencing undiagnosed illnesses related to the aftermath of hurricanes that blew through years ago. How is this possible, you may wonder?

Well, I’ll explain. Hidden molds, yeasts, and other airborne bacteria linger in cracks and crevices, walls and hinges, fixtures and sills, furnishings and automobiles long after the damaging winds and rains have wreaked havoc.

Years after a storm, you might start feeling bad. You go to your doctor and the doctor can’t put his or her finger on a specific diagnosis. Tests are “normal” or unclear.  You get more and more prescriptions that help only briefly.  And so the journey on the medical merry-go-round begins. To no avail. Many people die without knowing that they had a deep blood fungus or other illnesses related to fungal/yeast overgrowth.

Many yeasts, molds, mildew, and fungi can attack humans with wildly differing effects. These illnesses are difficult to diagnose, and patients suffer for years as their health deteriorates. If you began feeling unwell anytime within five years of a passing storm that caused flooding in your home, car or business, and you have not been able to get a diagnosis, you could be suffering the results of hurricane health hell.

Many doctors do not ask about conditions you lived with after a storm has blown through. What is most frustrating is that a physician skilled in evaluating these puzzling conditions can produce startling improvements within months, even in people who feel like giving up.

Your immune system could be compromised after exposure to molds, mildews, yeasts and fungi and no usual drug pills or surgeries are going to make a significant difference in your health. However, an accurate diagnosis and proven course of action could make you feel better than you have in years.

If you have been looking for a diagnosis for the pain and suffering, call our office today to learn of the many resources we have available, so you can solve the puzzle of your problems.  Schedule an appointment to discuss your condition and let us show you how you might improve in the next few months, just as we have seen repeatedly with so many of our patients over many years. Get out of your pain and get on with your life.






Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Elaborates On The Many Conditions Produced By Yeast.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, tells readers they may be unknowingly hosting a feast that could be causing a multitude of painful and potentially dangerous health conditions.

HOUSTON. TX  January 23, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new article on his website entitled, Your Body Could Be Hosting A Yeast Feast,” in which Dr. Trowbridge elaborates on a variety of symptoms.

“You’ve been experiencing chronic pains, fatigue, sleeplessness, depression,” writes Dr. Trowbridge. He continues, “Yet your doctor tells you there is nothing wrong with you. So you live with the pain and the thought that you must be crazy. When the pain intensifies you make an appointment with another specialist, as you keep looking for answers. You undergo expensive tests and treatments. You’ll do anything that promises to relieve the pain you live with. Years have gone by and you have nothing to show for your efforts except a depleted bank account.”

Dr. Trowbridge states, “I’m here to tell you that your suffering is real. You are not crazy.” According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Yeast goes undetected because it’s invisible.” He says, “Chances are you are hosting a Candida yeast feast inside your body. Yeast literally thrives and multiplies undetected when growing in the gut. As a result they can overgrow.” Dr. Trowbridge points out that, “Unfortunately, many of the most commonly consumed foods and medications help the yeasts thrive. Antibiotics, birth control pills, sugar, unhealthy diet, cortisone, stressful lifestyle and more contribute to the continuous growth of yeast in the human body.”

“Some of the more obvious Yeast Syndrome problems people show up with in my office include symptoms in the mouth such as thrush, periodontal disease, sinusitis and chronic nasal allergies,” Dr. Trowbridge writes. He goes on to say, “Also heartburn, acid reflux and chronic cough are symptoms of yeast. Excess gas, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, anal itch and ulcerative colitis are results of yeast having a feast in the body. Some of the signs are also visible on the skin in the form of athlete’s food, dandruff, eyelid infections, vulvovaginitis and jock itch.”

“As you can see,” says Dr. Trowbridge, “the symptoms are many and these are just the most obvious ones. Left undiagnosed and untreated the long-term effects of yeast can result in more deep-seated and dangerous inner infections.”


Read the entire article at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. The Yeast Syndrome, published by Bantam Books, continues to be a bestseller since 1986. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.







Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Wishes Readers A Yeast-Free New Year

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, talks about the underlying and damaging effects of yeast in the human body and invites readers to make the new decade the time to uncover the real source of the pain and disease they experience.


HOUSTON. TX January 12, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Happy New Year Happy No Yeast.”  Dr. Trowbridge has set an objective to help people shift their perspective away from “sexy” high tech medical treatments and surgeries to get to the underlying source of disease and discomfort.


Dr. Trowbridge writes, “As we launch into this New Year and New Decade, after spending the holidays indulging in rich food and drink, thoughts of getting into shape and getting healthy are dominant in the minds of many.” He continues, “This is the time of year that the airwaves are flooded with TV commercials for gym memberships and diets and a multitude of weight-loss products. That’s the way it’s been for decades and the way it will continue to be.”


“What I would like to do,” writes Dr. Trowbridge, “is to help those who suffer from painful conditions, that often begin with overindulging and grow into any number of diseases, shift perspective.” He adds, “I have been writing about and treating patients for conditions brought about by yeast for several decades. I co-wrote The Yeast Syndrome back in 1986 with Morton Walker, DPM. However, while many people have adopted healthier lifestyles that include non-yeast producing foods, so many more have not.” According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Yeast is still one of the major contributors to the declining health of millions of people. And, as our culture becomes more enamored with technology and surgery and “quick fixes,” its consequences are being ignored in favor of “sexier” “more advanced” treatments.”


Read the entire blog at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands- on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives,Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co- authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.










Happy New Year Happy No Yeast

As we launch into this New Year and New Decade, after spending the holidays indulging in rich food and drink, thoughts of getting into shape and getting healthy are dominant in the minds of many. This is the time of year that the airwaves are flooded with TV commercials for gym memberships and diets and a multitude of weight-loss products. That’s the way it’s been for decades and the way it will continue to be.


What I would like to do is to help those who suffer from painful conditions, that often begin with overindulging and grow into any number of diseases, shift perspective. I have been writing about and treating patients for conditions brought about by yeast for several decades. I co-wrote The Yeast Syndrome back in 1986 with Morton Walker, DPM. However, while many people have adopted healthier lifestyles that include non-yeast producing foods, so many more have not. Yeast is still one of the major contributors to the declining health of millions of people. And, as our culture becomes more enamored with technology and surgery and “quick fixes,” its consequences are being ignored in favor of “sexier” “more advanced” treatments.


There are over 60 identified yeasts that grow silently in the gut, percolating toxins designed to interfere with essential metabolic processes, creating or worsening virtually every acute and chronic disease process. Damage to metabolism due to these toxins creates failing organ systems, leading to diagnosis of various chronic diseases. If you suffer from a condition your doctor has been unable to diagnose, you could be suffering from the effects of yeast.


Make this the year and decade that you get to the true source of your health challenges. After all, your health is your greatest wealth. Call our office today and schedule an appointment to discuss your symptoms and ask our receptionist to send you informative materials. 1-800-FIX-PAIN.


When You Sincerely Want To Feel Better And All Else Has Failed

You’ve been on the medical merry-go-round for years. Each doctor and specialist you visit tells you something else that gives you a momentary ray of hope that this time, you’re going to feel better if you do what they tell you to do. “Take this pill. Have this surgery. Come back and see me every week for the next 3 years.”

Yet, despite your efforts and your belief in the skills of the endless list of specialists you’ve seen, you still feel as bad, if not worse, than ever. I know how you feel. I bet you sometimes think that you just don’t want to go on living this way.


How Some People Finally Get Off The Medical Merry-Go-Round

I’ve been helping patients who’ve been on the same merry-go-round my entire career spanning more than 41 years. My patients typically find me when they’ve exhausted the mainstream medical circus. I mean circuit! They may meet someone who has become a patient of mine. After telling this person their sad story, my patient will tell their story that led them to me and to a life they thought they would never be able to enjoy again.

There are millions of people who suffer from conditions that mainstream medicine doesn’t look for. Yeast and deep blood fungus are two conditions that seem mysterious and which plague so many. There are also methods such as stem cell and chelation therapy that mainstream doctors are not familiar with. I am a pioneer of both.


There’s Always More Physical, Mental, Emotional And Financial Strength

 You may feel physically, mentally, emotionally and financially exhausted. But, if you can muster up your strength in all of those areas (and in these miraculous lives of ours there’s an endless supply) just a little longer and schedule a consultation with me, this time next year you could be singing a much happier, healthier tune.


How We Help Our Patients

The way we help our patients involves three key steps.

First, we find what is blocking your body’s attempts to heal itself…and remove them.

Second, we find what “raw materials” your body needs to heal and repair malfunctioning systems…and provide them.

And third, we find “the switch” needed to “turn on” rapid healing and repair…and turn them on.


Experience Drug-Free, Surgery Free Relief

We don’t give out prescriptions for the latest drugs being pushed through TV commercials that you ‘just know’ are going to help your condition. We don’t hold out false promises of a “quick fix” with the latest surgical technique.

Instead, through listening to you, reviewing your history and based on thousands of patients we’ve helped in similar situations, we discover the true source of the pain, illness, discomfort and/or disease and, as I mentioned above, we find your body’s healing switches, turn them on and bring you into a healing state. The healing may not be overnight, but you will feel better than you have in years as your body resolves years of pain and suffering.



Chelation Kickstarts Your Body’s Natural Healing Processes

I’ve been blessed to watch thousands of patients show such dramatic improvements that have saved limbs from amputation, reduced insulin dosages, improved physical performances and helped achieve greater mental clarity while improving chronic depression. All of these health improvements and more were achieved not with drugs or surgeries, but with chelation therapy.
And importantly, chelation treatments are also known to reduce heart attacks, particularly in diabetes patients.

What exactly does chelation therapy do, you ask? Chelation treatments remove toxic metals that have built up in the body such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium, through the use of a variety of personalized FDA-approved medications. Toxic metal build-up is directly related to inflammation and degenerative diseases, early aging, disability and death. All of us humans living in the modern world are subjected to toxic metals in the air we breathe and the food we eat.

You may wonder why none of the doctors you’ve been seeing for years have mentioned chelation therapy. There’s a simple answer: It’s because you will feel better and will not have to keep returning for a new prescription for the latest drug, nor will you be a candidate for yet another surgery.

Not all, but many of my patients come to me as sort of a ‘last resort’ effort. Once here, they often express how much they wish they had come to me first instead of last. They would have had many more years of vibrant life instead of years spent in numerous doctor’s offices. The body’s healing powers are amazing once the toxic metals are out of the way. Are you ready to find out? Call our office today to schedule a consultation.

What IF a Second Opinion Could SAVE YOU From An Avoidable Operation Or Side-Effects of Drugs?


Times are tight. Everyone’s squeezing the last bit of value out of every dollar. And for many, that means going to hospitals and doctors that accept your insurance.

What people often overlook is how such a choice might impact their future well being. It’s not just a matter of “this” or “that” doctor who do the same operation, it’s not just a matter of “this” or “that” drug that do basically the same treatment, it’s not just a matter of “this or “that” hospital that provides essentially the same kind of care.

What IF ….. your “bone-on-bone” arthritis could get dramatically better without surgery? Our results with RT have been dramatic over the past 22 years – a fact you wouldn’t know unless you were here for treatments! (Our “90 %” success with neck and back and shoulder and knee pains is over-shadowed by our success with ankles … we’ve never yet missed getting one better.)

What IF ….. your congestive heart failure improved with our almost-20-year-old program developed to help just exactly that? Again, a fact you wouldn’t know. (Our leg treatments work even better, and we’re thrilled to save folks from amputations.)

What IF ….. your reflux esophagitis (“heartburn” or belly pains) went away with our seemingly-magic program that returns your gut to more normal function? How would you know? (MOST of our patients had “given up,” believing that their discomforts could never get better – after all, they’d had the ‘scopes and x-rays and CAT scans and so on and on for years. Do you know how many hundreds of medical problems improve when treated as The Yeast Syndrome?)

As people have started pinching their pennies, many have forgotten to invite their friends and family to consider a Second Opinion with us, before they go on with surgery or “Ask your doctor if BLAH-BLAH is the right medicine for you.”

So, we want to remind you – we’re here to meet your needs, turning your God-given ability for healing into wonderful results for you, without daily drugs and without surgery. Are you ready to get out of your pain and on with your life? We’re ready to help ….. YOU!

What IF you have an INFECTION that has never been seen or suspected?

Not Just “in the Tropics” Anymoreshutterstock_217103773

How Do People Get Exposed to Parasites?

We imagine scenes in a “Third-World Country,” with dirt streets and filthy gutters, teeming crowds of people, many walking in sandals or barefoot, in tattered clothes. Sanitation is marginal at best and the public water supply might consist of pots filled and carried from the community well. Cafes or street vendors offer foods prepared in myriad ways, and absent are our “City Public Health Inspection” posters.

Perhaps we have the image of camping in a jungle or by a river, deep in the wilds of nature, exposed to strange animals and insects in their natural habitat. Mosquito-borne malaria affects half a billion people. Hookworms affect three-quarters of a billion people. Schistosome worms infect over 200 million people worldwide (rarely in the U.S.A.). Food- and water-borne amoeba kill over a hundred thousand yearly. Less lethal parasites include “Giardia” diarrhea and “pinworms.” After all, parasites are prevalent in “unclean” parts of the world, nowhere near our “clean” society.

shutterstock_390389758Our exposure to such infected people is minimal – except, of course, on international travel, where we might sit next to “foreigners” whose health status is unknown. Or maybe in the same airline or train seat where “one of them” has recently sat. Such encounters might not be a direct for parasite transfers as ones in your own neighborhood.

Do you have a dog or cat or pet bird? Do your friends? Now or in the past? So you know about a monthly heart-worm tablet for your dog? We know that horses and cattle “get wormed” often – but not the riders or care-takers! Nor the gardeners (or farmers or ranchers) who till the soil. Even “potting soil” in your house can harbor microscopic invaders. Chickens in barnyard and cage can be loaded with various parasites, as can be ducks and geese. Yep, pigs, goats, donkeys. Sheep. Beavers. Rabbits and rats and other rodents.

And deer. And fish. Lightly-cooked meats and raw fish – sushi – present specific challenges, but food preparation of fish and fowl (even beef and all other meats) can lead to unknown contamination. Most people know that pork needs to be well-cooked to avoid “trichinosis.” Speaking of food preparation: do you wonder why they need to put signs in restrooms to remind our cooks, waiters, and dishwashers to “wash your hands before returning to duties”? Aprons worn by the cooking and cleaning staff, towels repeatedly used by them … the list of exposure opportunities is endless. Do you know that pregnant women are cautioned to avoid cat litter dust because “Toxo” parasites can cause brain damage and personality changes – not only for the developing baby but also for the infected adult. Periodontal gum inflammation (gingivitis) can be loaded with undiagnosed parasites.

Could Parasites Explain YOUR Health Problems?

Much of modern medicine is fairly simple – antibiotics for infections, stitches for cuts, and so on. But what about infections that won’t stay gone? Or wounds that won’t heal normally? And the list of “lingering medical problems” is getting longer, indeed. You get a hint of these discomforts by looking at easily available over-the-counter drugs at your local pharmacy. “Acid reflux” and “heartburn” and “indigestion” could lead the list – or maybe “allergies” and “congestion.” Headaches, constipation, diarrhea, joint pains, breathing difficulties, itching and rashes, vaginal discharge, the list goes on and on  ….. continued in next week’s edition

So, we want to remind you – we’re here to meet your needs, turning your God-given ability for healing into wonderful results for you. Are you ready to get out of your pain and on with your life? We’re ready to help ….. YOU!

Invite your friends to visit our incredibly informative website, (because if you don’t KNOW you have choices NOW, then you DON’T have any!)

Also, invite your friends to call for any of our 50 hours of DVDs and CDs that entertain as well as inform, on topics they need to know about. Rheumatoid arthritis? We have that. Hormone Replacement Therapy? Got that. Sleep apnea/snoring? Yep. Heart disease? Of course. Thyroid and fatigue? Sure. The list goes on and on. Give us a call: DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN

After all, no surgeon would advise you to have an operation your could easily avoid. And no doctor would prescribe for you a medication you could easily avoid. Well-trained physicians and surgeons will tell you that a surprising number of operations and drugs are advised because of unsuspected parasites! The only problem right now is learning about what you can do – today – to avoid problems tomorrow.

What We Do WORKS!

The Colon Cleanse Debate

Cayenne Cleanse, Detox, cleanse, cider vinegar cleanse – you have seen the ads online and in magazines. You may have read the testimonials, but what is a “cleanse” and why would you need one? Will

you lose weight, feel better, and have more energy? Or could you accidently damage your kidneys or liver? Is a cleanse even necessary? Don’t our bodies
just naturally detoxify? The answers are not as clear and concise as one would think.

shutterstock_174364115What is a Cleanse

In the simplest of terms a “cleanse” is a treatment, prescribed by a physician, which eliminates unhealthy toxins from the body.  Most of the time, a cleanse treatment involves a temporary but drastic change to one’s diet.

Each day we are exposed to toxins: pesticides, air pollution, microbes, deodorizers, and gasses released by paint or carpet. The body’s design to rid itself of these harmful toxins is nearly perfect. Enzymes break down and dispose of these toxins every day. What if the buildup of toxins happens quicker than our bodies can remove them? That is when a cleanse might be recommended by your doctor.

What are the Benefits of Detoxifying?shutterstock_348391388
If done properly, under the supervision of your doctor, a cleanse can have a positive effect on the whole body. One theory behind cleansing is autointoxication. This is the belief that undigested meat and
other foods cause mucus buildup in the colon. This buildup produces toxins.  Some people claim these toxins cause a wide range of symptoms, such as

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Weight gain
  • Low energy

So, if the manufacturers claims are to be believed, the positive effects of a cleanse would be increased energy, weight loss, and increased mental clarity.

The positive health claims by manufacturers of colon cleansing products are extensive. Of course, the manufacturer wants to sell as many colon-cleansing products as possible.  The claim is that these products can clear the colon of copious amounts of stagnant, allegedly harmful waste that cover the colon wall. By using a cleanse properly the user will improve the health of the entire body.

Other frequent claims are:

  • Increase mental focus
  • A better functioning immune system
  • Weight loss
  • A reduction is the risk of cancer

shutterstock_149502551Is colon cleansing necessary?Are bowel movements adequate to clear the colon? Alternatively, is it true that colon cleansing can be beneficial? There is a debate about the benefits of colon cleansing. Research supports that the body can and does eliminate toxins without outside help. For example:

  • Healthy bacteria in the colon detoxify food wastes.
  • The liver neutralizes toxins.
  • Mucus membranes in the colon can keep unwanted substances from reentering the blood and tissues.
  • The colon sheds old cells approximately every 3 days, preventing a buildup of harmful material.
  • Increasing the number of bowel movements does not support weight loss. Because the body absorbs most calories before they reach the large intestine.

What are the possible risks of colon cleansing?

Remember that products marketed as “natural” are not always safe.  The FDA does not yet regulate colon-cleansing products, so their strength, safety, and pureness can’t be guaranteed. In addition, each state has its own rules regarding professional licensing.

If you do decide to see a professional, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization and one who follows that organization’s standards. It’s always a good idea to discuss any new treatment with your primary health provider before making any changes.

The risk associated with colonics grows with the frequency.  The threat of negative side effects is diminished when performed by a trained and licensed professional.  Some of the possible negative side effects include:shutterstock_295333166

  • Vomiting, nausea, cramps
  • Dizziness, a sign of dehydration
  • Body chemical imbalance
  • Potential interference with medication absorption on day of procedure
  • Bowel perforation
  • Infection
  • Depletion of helpful normal bowel flora unless replaced (i.e. probiotics)

A terrific example of how not to go about doing a cleanse recently came to my attention when a  friend of mine tried a liver and gallbladder cleanse originally created by Dr. Hulda Clark and recommended by another friend. It CAN be a great cleanse, when done under proper supervision. The liver and gallbladder can contain a surplus of toxins, so flushing them out improperly can have a devastating effect. By not properly prepping his body for the toxin release, he ended up sick for several days following the cleanse. Was his liver cleaner? Yes, but now those toxins were resting in other places and had to be cleansed from those areas to fix the problem created by the first cleanse.

Whether you decide to see a professional or try an over-the-counter home product please talk to your primary care provider first.




A photograph of a man seated with his legs over the side of a hospital bed in a gown with his head buried in his hands.

One of the most frustrating situations for me is to be able to help – usually dramatically – almost every person who comes to see us for distressing problems that haven’t gotten better despite all other treatments.

WHY is THAT frustrating???

Because those folks who come in are the ONLY ones we’re treating.  Those who DON’T come in usually continue to suffer and to watch their health fail, to feel their vitality drifting away.

THAT’S frustrating to us, because we often COULD make such wonderful improvements in their feelings of health and wellbeing.   BUT they are not HERE.

Oh, sure, we’ve heard all the reasons …..

If only insurance would pay for it …..
There’s no way I could afford it …..
I don’t like taking any pills ……
I’m afraid of needles …..
Humble is so far away …..
I’ve found a doctor close by who says he/she can treat me …..

THOSE folks just don’t know what they’re missing …..

An incredible staff who can “coach” anyone through anything …..

Literally tons of educational materials so you can understand and do!

A doctor who’s so full of himself, partly because of almost 3 dozen years of training and treatments, but also because he has enjoyed international recognition from his colleagues around the world ….. And BEST OF ALL – TREATMENT PROGRAMS THAT WORK!

So here’s where YOU can help to save a life – either “literally” OR at least save someone from suffering and distress for years to come:

Offer a personal invitation for your friend or family member to call for a “FREE SCREENING VISIT” – we’ve set aside a few office visit times to sit with them for a few minutes, hopefully to reassure them that we can meet their needs and help with their problems.

If YOU tell them about this opportunity, their SCREENING VISIT is FREE, through the end of May. (But they have to tell US that YOU told them.) If they don’t know about this free opportunity, then they’ll be starting here (if at all) the same way YOU did – all the forms, the time, and (yes) the investment to pay for services.  So here’s YOUR opportunity to let them know that there really IS a doctor who might make spectacular changes in their life.



The first National Institutes of Health report on the successful chelation study for heart disease has been published – yes, chelation DOES reduce the frequency of heart attacks and death following the first heart attack.  So why wait to have your first.  (Almost half the folks DIE during or just after their first heart attack – no chance to even try chelation!)

You’ve seen the ads to sue for complications of vaginal MESH surgery.  But why even have the surgery when you could try our NeuroCare program, with about a 90% success rate on taking care of urinary stress incontinence ….. a frustrating and frequent problem as women who’ve had children get into their older years.

Persistent pains plaguing you?   So why not try our Magnetic Massage?  Or the NP injections?   Or the RT/Prolotherapy injections?  Or even the NeuroCare program?  Can you believe that many folks will just keep suffering rather than even THINKING about something that might relieve their suffering.

What’s kind of funny about treatment for The Yeast Syndrome ….. turns out that “experts” are popping up all over town, having been to a weekend seminar on “alternative” treatments, and they boast about their 4-week treatment for yeast!   After that, when you continue to have problems, they can spend the rest of your money and your comfort “trying to figure out what else is wrong, since we’ve ‘already treated the yeast.'”   Only ONE doctor in town has an effective but “lengthy” treatment for The Yeast Syndrome ….. the one who wrote the book in 1986!   Maybe experience and expertise IS worth the effort, time, and expense – after all, the most expensive treatment is the one that DOESN’T make you better!

Dr. T’s newest article for The Townsend Letter journal is coming out in their May edition – Chelation Therapy:   The NEXT Sixty Years.   This one is dyn-0-mite for health professionals, so we’re working on a “real-people” conversion, so you’ll be able to see how MANY degenerative problems get better with Chelation – look for it soon!


To the several dozen patients who took us up on our February invitation to become “Frequent Flyers” and are earning outstanding discounts on their second and third IVs or RT treatments each month – and getting GREAT results to boot!


Have you been missing out on learning how we help HEAL so many problems for which most people simply keep seeing the doc, taking the meds, having the operations?   Our LifeForce enewsletter helps to share these stories for you ….. AND we have over 50 hours of free CDs/DVDs to share with your family and friends, let alone our many books and brochures.   CALL TODAY to share the gift of better health now and throughout the year: DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN.

We’re really proud of our unique website – — and our periodical LifeForce enewsletter.   Share this valuable information with your family and friends.

HOW to “sign up” for the LifeForce enewsletter:   Have your friend send us an email to, requesting that we “subscribe” them to our newsletter list … and have them include your name as having invited them.

To read what Dr. T has to say about chelation:  DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN to ask for us to send you a free copy of his earlier article (“Personal Pollution“) from The Townsend Letter, to ask for a free copy of 4 books on a data-CD (easy to read in your computer) , to ask for a free copy of our “Heart and Arteries” brochure.

Super-Bugs and increasing failures of antibiotics are alarming … making THE YEAST SYNDROME is one of the most overlooked (thus, untreated) infections – one in three people are walking around (around YOU!), suffering with problems that could be made dramatically better.  Isn’t it time for them to feel better ….. maybe even YOU, too?   Call for our free DVD and CDs ….. and buy your copy of Dr. T’s Bantam Books bestseller on,, at fine booksellers and health food stores … or in our office.

Our LifeForce enewsletter, announces latest treatment additions at Life Celebrating Health.  This past year, we’ve announced more enhancements than ever before … and, sadly, many of our patients and their friends remain “in the dark” about what can be done to help them finally feel better.  Now.  And for future years.

Did you miss our feature DVD, mercuryundercover, where Dr. T and half-dozen other experts in dentistry and toxicology reveal the serious dangers of suffering with mercury toxicity without ever realizing it?  Check out – or call our office to buy a copy of the DVD to share with friends.  Coming soon:   Do you know that Dr. T is the past president of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine?   Their annual meeting will be held here in Houston this coming fall.

Want to see several brief segments on Dr. T’s friend’s TV show, Doug Kaufmann’s “Know the Cause,” talking about The Yeast Syndrome and other chronic illnesses.  His popular show is available on Dish and DirecTV as well as various cable channels: to check for your cable provider.

As a 34 year pioneer in integrative/longevity/alternative medicine, Dr. T has achieved the enviable position of being recognized as leader in designing innovative treatments to solve disease problems that have frustrated patients (and their physicians) for dozens of years.

Invite your friends to visit our incredibly informative redesigned website,  (because if you don’t KNOW you have choices NOW, then you DON’T have ANY!)

Invite your friends to call for any of our several books or 50 hours of DVDs and CDs that entertain as well as inform, on topics they need to know about.  Rheumatoid arthritis?  We have that.  Hormone Replacement Therapy?  Got that.  Sleep apnea/snoring?  Yep.   Heart disease?   Of course.   Thyroid and fatigue?   Sure.   The list goes on and on and on.   Ask your other doctors for their CDs and DVDs and books, so you can compare their ideas to ours.   Give us a call: DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN

The only problem right now is learning about what you can do – today – to avoid problems tomorrow.

What We Do WORKS!

Each One … Reach One … it matters to their future!

An update to share this month … Many of you have asked about Dr. T’s father, Lt. Colonel Jack Trowbridge, USAF (Ret.), who turned 95 this past October. He fell during his Christmas visit from California and had successful plastic surgery. He’s now been in the hospital or rehab for 16 weeks! He’s slowly better and definitely looking forward to getting out and getting on with his life.  Your prayers are appreciated.

John Parks Trowbridge M. D., FACAM, has spent 34 years learning and teaching integrative medicine techniques around the country and around the world.  Recognized in over 5 dozen volumes of Who’s Who for his innovative treatment programs, he is best known for his Bantam Books’ best-seller, The Yeast Syndrome.  Dr. T gets involved:  he has served as chairman of the board, president, or director of several major professional associations over the past 40 years.  His “specialist status” is clearly acknowledged in Chelation Therapy (heart and circulation problems, toxic metal exposures) and Reconstructive Therapy (neck-back-joint arthritis/sports injuries).  At Life Celebrating Health in Humble, Dr. Trowbridge offers advanced treatments for most medical and nutritional problems.  (Yes, he has a master’s degree in nutrition – everything he does is serious science.)  Are you ready to get out of your pain and on with your life?

Arrange for Dr. Trowbridge to come speak to your church or social group – just DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN and talk to Brittany or Cathy.