Finally Good Health News Is Coming As A Result Of The Pandemic

I have to do something unusual today and give a big shout out to Dr. Sandeep Jauhar for his New York Times Opinion piece. He expressed a much-needed truth about the medical industry in this country. Yes, I use the word “industry” intentionally. We are no longer living in a society where true healthcare is being practiced across the board. Real honest-to-goodness health care is hard to come by these days, though it is available.
Dr. Jauhar is a cardiologist, a frequent contributor to the New York Times Opinion section as well as an author. And as he mentions in his piece, it seems thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears that people are actually feeling better than they have in years.
This is a direct quote from Dr. Jauhar’s opinion piece, “It is well recognized that a substantial amount of health care in America is wasteful, accounting for hundreds of billions of dollars of the total health care budget. Wasteful care is driven by many forces: “defensive” medicine by doctors trying to avoid lawsuits; a reluctance on the part of doctors and patients to accept diagnostic uncertainty (which leads to more tests); the exorbitant prices that American doctors and hospitals charge, at least compared to what is charged in other countries; a lack of consensus about which treatments are effective; and the pervasive belief that newer, more expensive technology is always better.”
Americans Have Been Chronically Over Treated And Over Medicated
What a relief it is to have a mainstream medical professional tell the truth about the American medical system. I’ve been saying the same thing for decades. I’ve also been caring for people whose health has been ruined by all of the wastefulness and fear. And I’ve been able to help the few who have finally had the courage to step away from the mainstream medical merry-go-round.
It’s no surprise that the doctors and hospital administrators are chomping at the bit for things to return to the pre-pandemic state. For, as Dr. Jauhar says, “For months now, routine care has been postponed. Elective procedures — big moneymakers — were halted so that hospitals could divert resources to treating Covid-19 patients. Routine clinic visits were canceled or replaced by online sessions. This has resulted in grievous financial losses for hospitals and clinics. Medical practices have closed. Hospitals have been forced to furlough employees or cut pay.”
But, the big surprise is that, as Dr. Jauhar writes, “Most patients, on the other hand, at least those with stable chronic conditions, seem to have done OK. In a recent survey, only one in 10 respondents said their health or a family member’s health had worsened as a result of delayed care. Eighty-six percent said their health had stayed about the same.”
Beneficial Care vs. Malignant Care
I truly appreciate Dr. Jauhar’s honesty and language regarding unnecessary treatments. He writes, “If beneficial routine care dropped during the past few months of the pandemic lockdown, so perhaps did its malignant counterpart, unnecessary care.” (Italics are mine!) He
goes on to say that, “In a survey a few years ago, two-thirds of doctors in the United States admitted that between 15% and 30% of health care is probably unnecessary.” Thank you Dr. Jauhar! And take note of this. “Medical societies already produce lists of procedures that are essential and those that are better avoided. The latter include M.R.I. scans for most lower-back pain and nuclear stress tests when there are no signs of heart disease.”
Real Healthcare For Better Health
I might up those stated percentages myself, but I am not going to start nit-picking when the truth is finally being exposed. If you or someone you know has been on the medical industry merry-go-round and are feeling better because you haven’t been to see your doctor, you might be ready to consider a completely different approach to your healthcare now. If you would really like to improve your health, strengthen your immune system and live to the fullest with vitality and enthusiasm instead of fear and unnecessary medical procedures, give me a call. I have been helping my patients undo years of unnecessary medical interventions that have contributed to the destruction of their health.