Your Mouth Might Be Trying To Tell You Something About Your Overall Health

It’s true. What’s in your mouth could be messing with your vital organs and could be the cause of much of your pain, discomfort and illness. I’m not referring to the food you put in your mouth, but that does count too. I’ll address that some other time. For the moment I’m talking about things like mercury fillings, dead teeth left in the mouth after having a root canal, dental implants, bridges. All of these are perfectly legitimate and traditional ways of treating cavities, missing, and broken teeth, infections etc. However, most of the procedures that continue to be used by traditional dentists are still being used for one simple reason: because they have worked.


Mercury Fillings

Historically mercury fillings have been used to fill cavities for more than 150 years. Even though there is much controversy over the use of mercury fillings today, many dentists still use them. They are considered safe by the FDA. But consider this. Mercury is toxic poison that has been banned from use in thermometers, batteries and many other things. However, for some reason this highly toxic and poisonous metal is allowed to be placed in the mouths of children where it stays for decades, maybe even for a lifetime.

Experts have been warning about high mercury levels in fish and suggesting avoiding eating large fish such as tuna, swordfish and mackeral, among others.


Bridges, Implants And There’s A Battery In Your Mouth

If you have a bridge or implants, the metals used create electrical charges in the body that causes a phenomenon called “oral galvanism.” This means that your mouth is acting like a small car battery or a miniature electrical generator.

According to biological dentist, William Glaros, “Bizarre as it might sound, it is possible to measure oral electrical currents with medical equipment sensitive enough to measure very low voltage. The body’s normal electrical (bioenergetic) reading is right around 450 millivolts, but when saliva mixes with amalgam (or metal) fillings a measurable electric current of up to 1,000 millivolts can be detected. This kind of highly charged electrical current is suspected of overpowering the body’s normal electrical flows and potentially interfering with energy flow to the brain. It is also suspected of causing various irritations to the nervous system.”

Dr. Glaros also suggests that there are many conditions that electro galvanism can cause or contribute to including epilepsy, hearing loss, eye problems, insomnia, psychological problems, tinnitus lack of concentration and memory, vertigo and mouth pain. Those are just a few of the issues that may never be connected by a mainstream medical professional. But wait, there’s more! There is also current research that shows a link between root canals and systemic disease.


Declining Oral Health And Underlying Systemic Conditions

 Oral health has risen in importance in recent years, as researchers have discovered a connection between declining oral health and underlying systemic conditions. It turns out that a healthy mouth can help you maintain a healthy body. According to the Mayo Clinic, oral bacteria and inflammation may be associated with: heart disease, endocarditis, or inflammation of the lining of the heart, premature birth, and low birth weight Bacteria can spread from your oral cavity to your bloodstream, causing infective endocarditis, which is a life-threatening infection of your heart valves.


Biological Dentistry

In my medical practice, I leave no stone unturned when searching for the causes of illness, pain, and discomfort in the patients who come to me after spending years, perhaps decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars on the mainstream medical merry-go-round. Throughout my more than 40 years of practice I have learned that it’s easy to put things (food included) in the mouth. But getting the toxins that leach into the organs through the mouth out of the body is not easy. I also work in tandem with a biological dentist to help my patients explore every option to feeling better and getting out of pain and on with their life.


What Is Your Mouth Trying To Tell You

You may have symptoms that neither you or your regular doctor would relate to oral health. If you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and are ready to explore the connection between oral health and overall health, give our office a call. We will find out if your mouth is trying to tell you something or if the cause of your pain is elsewhere.

Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Shares Some Good Health News That Has Come As A Result Of The Pandemic.  

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, shares information from an opinion piece written by Dr. Sandeep Jauhar about the wastefulness and unnecessary medical treatment of pre-pandemic America.

HOUSTON. TX, June 20, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new article on his website entitled, Finally Good Health News Is Coming As A Result Of The Pandemic.” Dr. Trowbridge credits the pandemic for helping Americans have a chance at starting to feel better and achieve better health.

Dr. Trowbridge writes, “I have to do something unusual today and give a big shout out to Dr. Sandeep Jauhar for his New York Times Opinion piece. He expressed a much-needed truth about the medical industry in this country.” He continues adding, “Yes, I use the word “industry” intentionally. We are no longer living in a society where true healthcare is being practiced across the board. Real honest-to-goodness health care is hard to come by these days, though it is available.”

As Dr. Trowbridge explains, “Dr. Jauhar is a cardiologist, a frequent contributor to the New York Times Opinion section as well as an author. And as he mentions in his piece, it seems thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears that people are actually feeling better than they have in years.”

Dr. Trowbridge states, “This is a direct quote from Dr. Jauhar’s opinion piece, “It is well recognized that a substantial amount of health care in America is wasteful, accounting for hundreds of billions of dollars of the total health care budget. Wasteful care is driven by many forces: “defensive” medicine by doctors trying to avoid lawsuits; a reluctance on the part of doctors and patients to accept diagnostic uncertainty (which leads to more tests); the exorbitant prices that American doctors and hospitals charge, at least compared to what is charged in other countries; a lack of consensus about which treatments are effective; and the pervasive belief that newer, more expensive technology is always better.””

“What a relief it is to have a mainstream medical professional tell the truth about the American medical system,” says Dr. Trowbridge, adding, “I’ve been saying the same thing for decades. I’ve also been caring for people whose health has been ruined by all of the wastefulness and fear. And I’ve been able to help the few who have finally had the courage to step away from the mainstream medical merry-go-round.”

“I truly appreciate Dr. Jauhar’s honesty and language regarding unnecessary treatments,” writes Dr. Trowbridge.  He shares another bit of Dr. Jauhar’s piece which states, “If beneficial routine care dropped during the past few months of the pandemic lockdown, so perhaps did its malignant counterpart, unnecessary care.” Dr. Trowbridge adds, “(Italics are mine!)”, then continues with Dr. Jauhar who goes on to say that, “In a survey a few years ago, two-thirds of doctors in the United States admitted that between 15% and 30% of health care is probably unnecessary.” Thank you Dr. Jauhar! And take note of this. “Medical societies already produce lists of procedures that are essential and those that are better avoided. The latter include M.R.I. scans for most lower-back pain and nuclear stress tests when there are no signs of heart disease.”


Read the entire article at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. The Yeast Syndrome, published by Bantam Books, continues to be a bestseller since 1986. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.






Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Talks About Free Radical Damage.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, compares the effects of free radical damage inside the human body to that of rusted metal.


HOUSTON. TX June 10, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Is Your Body Rusting?  Dr. Trowbridge talks about the benefits of chelation therapy as a drug-free, non-surgical method of reversing the effects of free radicals.


Dr. Trowbridge imagines the reactions some readers may have to his blog, writing, ““What!” You exclaim, upon reading the title of this piece. You say to yourself, “Bodies can’t rust! We’re not made of tin like the Tin Man.”” He continues adding, “That’s absolutely true. Human beings are not made of tin. But, inside the human body, in the tiny capillaries, arteries and veins, free radicals accumulate which cause damage that is very similar and as serious as the damaging effects rust has on metals.”


“The truth is,” says Dr. Trowbridge, “that even among mainstream medicine, evidence is accumulating that confirms the idea that most of the degenerative diseases that afflict humanity have their origin in free radical reactions.” He adds, “The diseases that are believed to be the result of free radical damage include atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory joint disease, asthma, diabetes, senile dementia and degenerative eye disease. Yes, just about all of them! And get this, the very process of aging is the result of free radical damage. “



Read the entire blog at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands- on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co- authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.








Is Your Body Rusting?

“What!” You exclaim, upon reading the title of this piece. You say to yourself, “Bodies can’t rust! We’re not made of tin like the Tin Man.” That’s absolutely true. Human beings are not made of tin. But, inside the human body, in the tiny capillaries, arteries and veins, free radicals accumulate which cause damage that is very similar and as serious as the damaging effects rust has on metals.


The truth is that even among mainstream medicine, evidence is accumulating that confirms the idea that most of the degenerative diseases that afflict humanity have their origin in free radical reactions. The diseases that are believed to be the result of free radical damage include atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory joint disease, asthma, diabetes, senile dementia and degenerative eye disease. Yes, just about all of them! And get this, the very process of aging is the result of free radical damage.


So, you may wonder, what are these free radicals and how do they accumulate? Free radical damage is caused primarily from toxic chemicals and metals lodged in the body’s organs. This is the result of chemical pollution in our air, water, food, tobacco, dental fillings, cookware, antiperspirant ad infinitum. In other words, our world is filled with chemical pollutants.


It’s no wonder most people on the planet are suffering from so many diseases with so many different names. And, it’s no wonder that so very few are finding real relief through mainstream medical channels.


The truth is that every part of your body depends on clean air, clean water and clean food. A critical way to feel better is to eliminate the toxins in the body. There is a non-surgical method called chelation that stimulates the natural healing processes of the body by removing the toxic metals that are lodged throughout all of your body cells. It’s not a ‘quick-fix’ method that just requires popping a pill. But if you still have hope for finding lasting relief, it is finally the time for you to look for alternatives to taking drugs or undergoing surgery. Give us a call and ask about Chelation Therapy. You’ll be amazed how you  could feel without all that “rust” in your body.





Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Talks About The Unacknowledged Cause Of Much Suffering.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, tells readers that a huge portion of the world population suffers from Candida Albicans, or the Yeast Beast.

HOUSTON. TX March 31, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Your Suffering Could Be Caused By The Yeast Beast,”  in which Dr. Trowbridge writes about the effects of a “common intestinal yeast that has veered out of usual body balance.”

Long recognized as a world expert in treating fungal disease, Dr. Trowbridge asks, “Have you been suffering for years with doctors giving you one diagnosis after another without any relief?” He continues adding, “It happens all the time and you’re not alone.” According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Literally hundreds of thousands of people are walking around suffering from the effects of what I’m calling the Yeast Beast., In fact, approximately 30% of all persons around the world above the age of twelve – mostly female – are suffering from yeast-related illnesses caused by the fungus within us known as Candida albicans.”

As Dr. Trowbridge reveals, “Some of the easily recognizable symptoms and signs of Candida invasion include vaginitis, infertility, headaches, stiff joints, arthritis, indigestion, intestinal gas, nausea, bloating, fatigue, dizziness, lethargy, among many other on a long list of symptoms.” He further elaborates, “When left untreated, the yeast beast wreaks havoc throughout the human system. It so severely debilitates the body that victims could become easy prey for far more serious diseases. Candida albicans has been known to contribute to suffering with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, schizophrenia and other conditions, including death.”


Read the entire blog at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands- on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co- authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.






A Strong Immune System Is Always The Best Defense To Overcome Any Disease

While the entire globe is faced with trying to protect itself against the invisible and dangerous novel coronavirus 19, I am going to continue my usual rant that includes strengthening the immune system. All disease adds to the weakening of the immune system. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, you name it, disease in general lowers ones resistance so that when something like a new virus sweeps through the population, those with weakened immune systems are the most susceptible.


The Elderly With Comprised Health Are At The Top Of The List In Danger


It makes perfect sense that the senior population would be at the greatest risk. Especially those in a nursing home, a hospital or even at home in a weakened state. Their immune systems are severely compromised, and they simply may not have the inner resources to fight off a new strain of virus.


When you consider a population of people of all ages who are suffering from undiagnosed conditions, their immune systems are compromised as well. Just because no doctor has given their condition a name, doesn’t mean they are in good health. In fact, more people are suffering from suppressed immune systems due to an overgrowth of yeast in their bodies.


A Wake-Up Call To Take Your Health More Seriously


This new coronavirus is without question a wake-up call to everyone around the world to recognize that health cannot be taken for granted. Our health is our greatest wealth. If you’ve been sick even for a day or a weekend, I don’t have to tell you, it’s no fun.


Against all odds, we humans though love to take risks with our health. Even though the Surgeon General has told about the risks of smoking, people still smoke. Is it any wonder why smokers are at risk during this pandemic no matter what age they are? No. In fact that could be one of the reasons Italy is being hit so hard with this virus. More than 20% of Italians are smokers. They also have the second-largest population of older people in the world.


Some People Believe This Is Just The Beginning Of New Viruses


There are some people who think we are in the beginning of an era where we will be seeing new strains of viruses coming more frequently. I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case. I don’t know for sure, but I do know that so many people have weakened immune systems from years of misdiagnosed issues. I also know that regaining one’s health and strengthening the immune system is one of the most important things we humans can do. Getting to the source of the underlying problems that plague a major number of Americans and helping them regain their health and vitality is my mission.


I have accomplished this for dozens of years by working closely with each individual to discover the root cause of their problems, including whether they are suffering from the overgrowth of yeast. Yeast Syndrome can only be treated by a wholistic doctor who has carefully studied and learned from experts “what works.” And because the symptoms are so individual, the treatment always begins with diet. The one thing I would like you to understand when you are ready to finally work with a wholistic or “alternative” health care physician, is that “quick fixes” from a pill are never successful. But persistence, patience, and following the prescribed protocols can have you feeling better than you’ve felt in years ….. often in as little as 90 days. A full recovery will take longer, but you’re well on the way to restoring better health despite what other doctors had concluded would be a lifelong debilitating condition. In fact, your health may be restored to such a great degree that you will be able to get through whatever we as a planet may be in store for next. When you’re ready to get real relief, give us a call.









Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Talks About The Unacknowledged Cause Of Much Suffering.  

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, tells readers that a huge portion of the world population suffers from Candida Albicans, or the Yeast Beast.


HOUSTON. TX March 25, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Your Suffering Could Be Caused By The Yeast Beast,”  in which Dr. Trowbridge writes about the effects of a “common intestinal yeast that has veered out of usual body balance.”


Long recognized as a world expert in treating fungal disease, Dr. Trowbridge asks, “Have you been suffering for years with doctors giving you one diagnosis after another without any relief?” He continues adding, “It happens all the time and you’re not alone.” According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Literally hundreds of thousands of people are walking around suffering from the effects of what I’m calling the Yeast Beast., In fact, approximately 30% of all persons around the world above the age of twelve – mostly female – are suffering from yeast-related illnesses caused by the fungus within us known as Candida albicans.”


As Dr. Trowbridge reveals, “Some of the easily recognizable symptoms and signs of Candida invasion include vaginitis, infertility, headaches, stiff joints, arthritis, indigestion, intestinal gas, nausea, bloating, fatigue, dizziness, lethargy, among many other on a long list of symptoms.” He further elaborates, “When left untreated, the yeast beast wreaks havoc throughout the human system. It so severely debilitates the body that victims could become easy prey for far more serious diseases. Candida albicans has been known to contribute to suffering with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, schizophrenia and other conditions, including death.”


Read the entire blog at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands- on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.

Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering with arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.

Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co- authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.








Your Suffering Could Be Caused By The Yeast Beast  

Have you been suffering for years with doctors giving you one diagnosis after another without any relief? It happens all the time and you’re not alone. Literally hundreds of thousands of people are walking around suffering from the effects of what I’m calling the Yeast Beast., In fact, approximately 30% of all persons around the world above the age of twelve – mostly female – are suffering from yeast-related illnesses caused by the fungus within us known as Candida albicans.


Some of the easily recognizable symptoms and signs of Candida invasion – a common intestinal yeast that has veered out of usual body balance – include vaginitis, infertility, headaches, stiff joints, arthritis, indigestion, intestinal gas, nausea, bloating, fatigue, dizziness, lethargy, among many other on a long list of symptoms.


When left untreated, the yeast beast wreaks havoc throughout the human system. It so severely debilitates the body that victims could become easy prey for far more serious diseases. Candida albicans has been known to contribute to suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, schizophrenia and other conditions, including death.


The condition goes undiagnosed largely because orthodox physicians are not trained to recognize or treat Candida. Our medical establishment is more enamored with prescribing pills and performing surgeries, neither of which will make a bit of difference in the suffering of someone with Candida.


Correct diagnosis is the first step in gaining control over the yeast beast. The treatment is non-surgical, safe and effective, though time-consuming. It is not going to be a “quick-fix”, however, it will remedy suffering that you may have endured for years. If you have been to a multitude of doctors and specialists without relief, give our office a call. A consultation could reveal that you too are suffering the effects of the yeast beast.

Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Reveals Information About Hurricane-Caused Illnesses.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, writes about undiagnosed illnesses that hurricanes leave in their wake long after they are gone.


HOUSTON. TX February 25, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Hurricanes Can Make You Sick Long After They’re Gone.”  Dr. Trowbridge points out important information about airborne molds, mildews and bacteria that linger unseen long after storms blow through an area.


Dr. Trowbridge writes, “Hurricane season ended months ago. But the sad truth is that many thousands of people who survived a multitude of hurricanes could be experiencing undiagnosed illnesses related to the aftermath of hurricanes that blew through years ago.” He asks, “How is this possible, you may wonder?” He states, “Well, I’ll explain. Hidden molds, yeasts and other airborne bacteria linger in cracks and crevices, walls and hinges, fixtures and sills, furnishings and automobiles long after the damaging winds and rains have wreaked havoc.”


“Years after a storm,” says Dr. Trowbridge, “you might start feeling bad. You go to your doctor and the doctor can’t put his or her finger on a specific diagnosis. Tests are “normal” or unclear. You get more and more prescriptions that help only briefly. And so,” adds Dr. Trowbridge, “the journey on the medical merry-go-round begins.” He emphasizes, “To no avail. Many people die without knowing that they had a deep blood fungus, or other illnesses related to fungal/yeast overgrowth.”


According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Many yeasts, molds, mildew and fungi can attack humans with wildly differing effects. These illnesses are difficult to diagnose, and patients suffer for years as their health deteriorates.” He adds, “What is most frustrating is that a physician skilled in evaluating the puzzling conditions can produce startling improvements within months, even in people who feel like giving up.”


Read the entire blog at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.


Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering from arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.


Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.






Hurricanes Can Make You Sick Long After They’re Gone

Hurricane season ended months ago. But the sad truth is that many thousands of people who survived a multitude of hurricanes could be experiencing undiagnosed illnesses related to the aftermath of hurricanes that blew through years ago. How is this possible, you may wonder?

Well, I’ll explain. Hidden molds, yeasts, and other airborne bacteria linger in cracks and crevices, walls and hinges, fixtures and sills, furnishings and automobiles long after the damaging winds and rains have wreaked havoc.

Years after a storm, you might start feeling bad. You go to your doctor and the doctor can’t put his or her finger on a specific diagnosis. Tests are “normal” or unclear.  You get more and more prescriptions that help only briefly.  And so the journey on the medical merry-go-round begins. To no avail. Many people die without knowing that they had a deep blood fungus or other illnesses related to fungal/yeast overgrowth.

Many yeasts, molds, mildew, and fungi can attack humans with wildly differing effects. These illnesses are difficult to diagnose, and patients suffer for years as their health deteriorates. If you began feeling unwell anytime within five years of a passing storm that caused flooding in your home, car or business, and you have not been able to get a diagnosis, you could be suffering the results of hurricane health hell.

Many doctors do not ask about conditions you lived with after a storm has blown through. What is most frustrating is that a physician skilled in evaluating these puzzling conditions can produce startling improvements within months, even in people who feel like giving up.

Your immune system could be compromised after exposure to molds, mildews, yeasts and fungi and no usual drug pills or surgeries are going to make a significant difference in your health. However, an accurate diagnosis and proven course of action could make you feel better than you have in years.

If you have been looking for a diagnosis for the pain and suffering, call our office today to learn of the many resources we have available, so you can solve the puzzle of your problems.  Schedule an appointment to discuss your condition and let us show you how you might improve in the next few months, just as we have seen repeatedly with so many of our patients over many years. Get out of your pain and get on with your life.