Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Reveals Information About Hurricane-Caused Illnesses.

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, writes about undiagnosed illnesses that hurricanes leave in their wake long after they are gone.


HOUSTON. TX February 25, 2020: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advanced Medicine and the recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, posted a new blog on his website entitled, Hurricanes Can Make You Sick Long After They’re Gone.”  Dr. Trowbridge points out important information about airborne molds, mildews and bacteria that linger unseen long after storms blow through an area.


Dr. Trowbridge writes, “Hurricane season ended months ago. But the sad truth is that many thousands of people who survived a multitude of hurricanes could be experiencing undiagnosed illnesses related to the aftermath of hurricanes that blew through years ago.” He asks, “How is this possible, you may wonder?” He states, “Well, I’ll explain. Hidden molds, yeasts and other airborne bacteria linger in cracks and crevices, walls and hinges, fixtures and sills, furnishings and automobiles long after the damaging winds and rains have wreaked havoc.”


“Years after a storm,” says Dr. Trowbridge, “you might start feeling bad. You go to your doctor and the doctor can’t put his or her finger on a specific diagnosis. Tests are “normal” or unclear. You get more and more prescriptions that help only briefly. And so,” adds Dr. Trowbridge, “the journey on the medical merry-go-round begins.” He emphasizes, “To no avail. Many people die without knowing that they had a deep blood fungus, or other illnesses related to fungal/yeast overgrowth.”


According to Dr. Trowbridge, “Many yeasts, molds, mildew and fungi can attack humans with wildly differing effects. These illnesses are difficult to diagnose, and patients suffer for years as their health deteriorates.” He adds, “What is most frustrating is that a physician skilled in evaluating the puzzling conditions can produce startling improvements within months, even in people who feel like giving up.”


Read the entire blog at


About Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

One of America’s leading stem cell physicians, Dr. Trowbridge has maintained his private practice, Life Celebrating Health, consisting of a health recovery unit, pain relief unit, and life-long health unit, in Humble, Texas, since 1978. He and his devoted support staff of many years are committed to a simple slogan: “Find it now – Fix it right!” Insistent on finding a cause where one is suspected through detailed history taking, hands-on physical exam, emerging tests, and novel reasoning, he cautions against assuming that drugs or surgery are the only real choices. He attributes his practice success to a simple unwavering devotion: pose challenging questions and actively seek out practical answers.


Believing that people should get out of their pain and on with their lives, Dr. Trowbridge’s non-surgical treatments have helped people suffering from arthritis, neck and back pains, joint pains, and sports injuries. Recognized for his expertise in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine, he has coached over three dozen physicians to perform stem cell treatments for delightful recovery after years of suffering. Intent on sharing his innovative diagnostic and treatment perspectives, Dr. Trowbridge has been honored as an invited lecturer in Taiwan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and across the States. His patients travel from far and wide, frustrated with still feeling sick and tired despite the best of conventional care.


Expounding on his passion to discover or develop effective treatments for desperate patients has led to Editor’s Choice awards for chapters in books co-authored with luminaries Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Larry King. An expert in heavy metal toxicology, Dr. Trowbridge’s innovative “chelation therapy” programs remove lead, mercury and more, to revitalize the lives of patients with assorted degenerative conditions, even having had two patients removed from the heart transplant list as they recovered. While “detox” is now a popular theme in modern culture, his career-long strategies have given a powerful definition to the recovery of vibrant health.






Happy New Year Happy No Yeast

As we launch into this New Year and New Decade, after spending the holidays indulging in rich food and drink, thoughts of getting into shape and getting healthy are dominant in the minds of many. This is the time of year that the airwaves are flooded with TV commercials for gym memberships and diets and a multitude of weight-loss products. That’s the way it’s been for decades and the way it will continue to be.


What I would like to do is to help those who suffer from painful conditions, that often begin with overindulging and grow into any number of diseases, shift perspective. I have been writing about and treating patients for conditions brought about by yeast for several decades. I co-wrote The Yeast Syndrome back in 1986 with Morton Walker, DPM. However, while many people have adopted healthier lifestyles that include non-yeast producing foods, so many more have not. Yeast is still one of the major contributors to the declining health of millions of people. And, as our culture becomes more enamored with technology and surgery and “quick fixes,” its consequences are being ignored in favor of “sexier” “more advanced” treatments.


There are over 60 identified yeasts that grow silently in the gut, percolating toxins designed to interfere with essential metabolic processes, creating or worsening virtually every acute and chronic disease process. Damage to metabolism due to these toxins creates failing organ systems, leading to diagnosis of various chronic diseases. If you suffer from a condition your doctor has been unable to diagnose, you could be suffering from the effects of yeast.


Make this the year and decade that you get to the true source of your health challenges. After all, your health is your greatest wealth. Call our office today and schedule an appointment to discuss your symptoms and ask our receptionist to send you informative materials. 1-800-FIX-PAIN.


Are you ready to be PAIN FREE FINALLY?

PAIN stealing your comfort, even your health?
Are you ready to be PAIN FREE FINALLY?

Take our exclusive 3-Minute Pain Quiz to find out
the best way to handle your pain and get on with joyful living.
Take the quiz! Download the free book!

Join Houston Life as once again they welcome Dr. John Trowbridge
on Monday, April 30, between 1 and 1:30 pm
KPRC Click2Houston TV

Dr. Trowbridge debunks the myths and misinformation on stem cell treatments
and gives you the real facts on how stem cells could help you to
live more comfortable and more capable as the years go by.

Are stem cell treatments ethical?  Safe?  Effective?  Worth it?
See Dr. T answer these tough questions (actually, the answers are easy!)
and hear excellent results from our patients …..

Invite your family, your friends, your coworkers to tune in –
Avoid the wild hype and advertising misinformation –
Get the real facts
from a real doctor
who is one of America’s leading experts – Tune in!


Reconstructive Therapy: The Arthritis Cure Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About

Reconstructive Therapy: The Arthritis Cure Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About

Did you know that more than 40 million Americans suffer from arthritis pains? With those numbers, the odds are that you might be one of them.

Did you know that there is a simple, medicine-free way to help eliminate those pains?

It’s called Reconstructive Therapy.MC900438790

Reconstructive Therapy is a non-surgical medical treatment that has been shown to strengthen injured ligaments, tendons, and capsules that surround joints. Stronger “soft tissue bands” allow your joints to function more normally again. This, in turn, increases your mobility and flexibility and reduces your pains.

Reconstructive Therapy (RT, for short) uses the body’s natural healing processes to help strengthen the soft tissue bands, thereby eliminating joint pain.

The miracle of healing is a major part of your birthright as a human being. The body has known how to repair itself for thousands of years before there were doctors and drugs and operations, but we have to give it the opportunity to heal itself by eliminating obstacles and making it easier for the body.

It often seems faster and easier to simply prescribe drugs. Indeed, modern medicine has provided “miracle cures” for all kinds of ailments, diseases, and medical problems over the years. Unfortunately, doctors prescribe aspirin, “anti-inflammatory” arthritis medications, cortisone, etc. that retard the healing process when it comes to arthritis and joint pains. They do operations that remove structural pieces, often reducing the overall strength of an area. And they usually underestimate the importance of ligaments and other “support bands” in maintaining proper and painless function in your neck, back, and other joints.

MC900438751Did You Know?

An estimated 10 – 30,000 Americans die each year from side-effects of the “arthritis” medications available by prescription or (increasingly) over-the-counter. And thousands more will be disappointed that surgery failed to deliver the excellent results they expected and for which they desperately hoped.

Reconstructive Therapy offers a simple, viable alternative to potentially devastating and ineffective drugs. At our office outside of Houston, Texas, Dr. Trowbridge has been helping people eliminate joint pain for years using these simple, effective techniques. No side-effects. No costly drugs. No debilitating surgeries. Just helping the body to heal itself.

The truth about the body is this: it didn’t break down over night. It won’t heal over night, either. But for most people, the REASON their joints hurt is due to a variety of cumulative factors that, over the years, have developed into a serious problem that seems irreversible. And most doctors prefer to treat joint pain as irreversible. Instead of treating the cause of the pain, they look to cover it up and pretend it won’t get worse.

Time to Turn the Page

It’s time to turn the page on medicine. Let’s look at pain from a different perspective: your body is trying to tell you something listen to your body and fix the PROBLEM. Stop covering up the symptoms and pretending that it isn’t there.

If you have joint pain, contact us today to find out if Reconstructive Therapy might be your way to a pain-free life.


Is YOUR glass half full?

Consider the FACTS!

We hear all sorts of conflicting “stories” during this political season … like, for instance, have the Democrats raided from Medicare some $716 billion dollars … or not? The FACTS should be clear from events that can be documented – so why all the stories and claims that “the other guys” are lying?

Well, the fact is that the glass is half full – they DID raid Medicare – or half empty – they DID raid Medicare. Or not. So which is it?

It all depends.

Depends on what?

On your viewpoint, looking at the same glass as someone who claims just the opposite … looking at the very same glass!

The very same is true regarding “integrative medical treatments” – some say they work, some say they don’t … looking at the very same improvements in so many patients.

So here’s your choice – feel better or … keep taking the drugs and having the surgery and complaining of feeling sick and tired. It all depends on your point of view!

Each One … Reach One

Special Savings for You are around the corner!

This election on November 6th is important for the health of our country and for the health of health care for your future. So each and every vote counts! Our job is to get out the vote, for Each One to Reach One MORE!

So here’s your opportunity to save big bucks during the month of November:

During the months of September and October, for each office visit (including Reconstructive Therapy injections), for each chelation IV treatment, and for each supplement purchase of $300 or more, we’ll give you a


to “cash in” for any services or products during the month of November!

You can cash all of them in “at once” or on different days, for office visits, for IV treatments, or for supplements. WHY $11.06? To remind you of November 6th of course, 11-06!

And how about looking out for the future health of your family and friends at the same time? There’s another way for Each One to Reach One – our programs are totally unique: The Yeast Syndrome, chelation for chronic degenerative diseases, Reconstructive Therapy for sports injuries and arthritis, sleep apnea and snoring, NP injections for pains. How about it? Each One … Reach One – this month!

How best to “reach” your family and friends?

Remember that we have over 50 free DVDs and CDs that explain many of our integrative medical treatments … as well as books and brochures in plain English not doctor-talk.


to ask our receptionists to send you our entertaining and informative materials


Feeling Better Naturally

Finally the answers you need to address your concerns about YOUR health. For the first ever we have added recordings our Dr. Trowbridges’ radio show “Feeling Better Naturally” – 42 shows with special guests, hot topics, and direct up front answers.  From Adrenal Fatigue to Weight Loss we have it covered!

  1. Feeling Better Naturally:  What We Do Works: Click Here to Listen
  2. Feeling Better Naturally: Chelation for Heart Disease:  Click Here to Listen
  3. Feeling Better Naturally: Fixing Neck Pain:  Click Here to Listen
  4. Feeling Better Naturally: Diabetes Treatment: Click Here to Listen
  5. Feeling Better Naturally: Yeast for Gut Stuff:  Click Here to Listen
  6. Feeling Better Naturally: Reconstructive Therapy – Ankle and Knee Treatment:  Click Here to Listen
  7. Feeling Better Naturally: NCR – Neuro-Cranial Reconstruction for Headaches:  Click Here to Listen
  8. Feeling Better Naturally: Reconstruction Therapy – Neck and Low Back Pain:  Click Here to Listen
  9. Feeling Better Naturally: Chelation for Heart Problems: Click Here to Listen
  10. Feeling Better Naturally: Toxic Metal and Heart Diesease:  Click Here to Listen
  11. Feeling Better Naturally: Reconstruction Therapy – Fixing Joint Pain:  Click Here to Listen
  12. Feeling Better Naturally:  Regaining Better Health – 7 Missed Opportunities for Better Health:  Click Here to Listen
  13. Feeling Better Naturally: Regaining Better Health- My Dad’s Story:  Click Here to Listen
  14. Feeling Better Naturally:Toxic Metals and ALS:  Click Here to Listen
  15. Feeling Better Naturally: Arthritis and  Sports Injuries:  Click Here to Listen
  16. Feeling Better Naturally: Fixing Wrist Pain – Carpal Tunnel: Click Here to Listen
  17. Feeling Better Naturally: Fixing Elbow Pain: Click Here to Listen
  18. Feeling Better Naturally: Treating Migraines: Click here to Listen
  19. Feeling Better Naturally: COMING SOON!
  20. Feeling Better Naturally: Treating Neck and Back Pain: Click Here to Listen
  21. Feeling Better Naturally: Toxic Metals and Heart Disease: Click Here to Listen
  22. Feeling Better Naturally: Treating Ankle and Foot Pain: Click Here to Listen
  23. Feeling Better Naturally: Sleep Apnea – Snoring: Click Here to Listen
  24. Feeling Better Naturally: Hormones for Healthier Living: Click Here to Listen
  25. Feeling Better Naturally: Peripheral Artery Disease: Click Here to Listen
  26. Feeling Better Naturally: When Food becomes Your Enemy: Click Here to Listen
  27. Feeling Better Naturally: Beating Fatigue and Feeling Better: Click Here to Listen
  28. Feeling Better Naturally: The Yeast Syndrome: Click Here to Listen
  29. Feeling Better Naturally: Instant Pain Relief: Click Here to Listen
  30. Feeling Better Naturally: Sticky Blood: Click Here to Listen
  31. Feeling Better Naturally: Restoring Better Vision – Macular Degeneration: Click Here to Listen
  32. Feeling Better Naturally: Rheumatoid Diseases: Click Here to Listen
  33. Feeling Better Naturally: Mercury Toxicity: Click Here to Listen
  34. Feeling Better Naturally: Parkinson’s Disease: Click Here to Listen
  35. Feeling Better Naturally: Better Health Today: Click Here to Listen
  36. Feeling Better Naturally: NIH Chelation Study: Click Here to Listen
  37. Feeling Better Naturally: Toxic Metals Testing: Click Here to Listen
  38. Feeling Better Naturally: Forty Something Forever: Click Here to Listen
  39. Feeling Better Naturally: Compounding Pharmacies: Click Here to Listen
  40. Feeling Better Naturally: Fly Forever: Click Here to Listen COMING SOON
  41. Feeling Better Naturally: Biological Dentistry: Click Here to Listen
  42. Feeling Better Naturally: Special Testing: Click Here to Listen






Pain Relief

The truth is that at least 40 million Americans are suffering daily with “arthritis pains.”

Millions more, every day, are getting injured with sprains and strains – or worse – that will lead them down the path of painful “degenerative joint disease” as years go by.

What’s worse, an estimated 10 – 30,000 Americans die each year from side-effects of the “arthritis” medications available by prescription or (increasingly) over-the-counter. And thousands more will be disappointed that surgery failed to deliver the excellent results they expected and for which they desperately hoped.

Solution to a Modern Tragedy

A modern tragedy is that millions are suffering and dying from joint pains and the side effects of their treatments. But an effective medical treatment has been available for years to help most of these people. And it is available to you and your friends, right now, without surgery, without daily drugs, without a hospital stay.

Your friends don’t need more drugs. Or more operations. But that’s all they might ever get if they don’t find out about Reconstructive Therapy. This non-surgical medical treatment has been shown in research studies to strengthen injured support bands (ligaments, tendons, and capsule) that surround joints. Stronger “soft tissue” bands allow your joints to function more normally again. This, in turn, increases your mobility and flexibility and reduces your pains.

Reconstructive Therapy (RT, for short) accomplishes these miraculous results by turning on the natural healing processes already found within your body. The miracle of healing is a major part of your birthright as a human being. The body has known how to repair itself for thousands of years before there were doctors and drugs and operations. But doctors prescribe drugs (aspirin, “anti-inflammatory” arthritis medications, cortisone) that retard the healing process. And they do operations that remove structural pieces, often reducing the overall strength of an area. And they usually underestimate the importance of ligaments and other “support bands” in maintaining proper and painless function in your neck, back, and other joints.

Are you worried about a future of suffering with headaches? Neck and back pains? Joint pains or “arthritis”? Being confined to your house – or a wheelchair – or even just your bed? Are you hoping to avoid surgery? Or daily medications? Or a future of “rusting” in your “golden years”?

How You Can Heal with Injuries or Arthritis

Regular medical care for neck and back pains and joint arthritis and headaches has sometimes been based on a misunderstanding that daily drugs (anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, and cortisone) and surgery are the only options — besides “learning to live with it.” Yet, common sense can show how your condition might respond better than you ever hoped. You owe it to your family to find out more.

To schedule your personal consultation and start treatments ….. DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN or fax us at 1-281-540-4329

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