‘Tis the Season to be … “Small-ey” (and How to Do It More Easily)

The “Jolly” season has come and gone – the feasting and treats, the parties and great times with friends and family. What remains (always!) are the few extra pounds.

New Year’s Resolution: I GOTTA LOSE WEIGHT!

This is the most common “resolution” that people make, every single year. And the reason they make it year after year is … because they failed to “make good” for the previous 12 months. And the 12 months before that. And … well, you know the scene.

You’re probably getting ready to sign up for the gym – AND for one of the well-promoted programs: The “Watchers,” The “Systems,” The “Quickies,” whatever. Or maybe you’re going to “do it yerself, cause this time you really have the willpower.”

More power to you!

And when you’re ready to finally make a successful effort – customized to your personal needs by a physician with a master’s degree in nutrition – we invite you to join us for … our BetterBodyNow program … or our BetterBodyExpress program (real HCG, not “herbs” or “homeopathics” but the real prescription drug) Call for details of how just 3 weeks could make a dramatic change in your weight – and well being!

DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN Feel Better and Lose Weight Faster!

Now “eating organic” can be easier than ever – really!

We’re thrilled to offer you an exciting opportunity for you to order your wholesome organic foods from the comfort of your home … The Green PolkaDot BOX is a delightful new internet “store,” dedicated to promptly shipping the finest organic food selections whenever possible, at prices very competitive to the few stick-and- brick stores near us. They have a steadily enlarging selection – and they solicit ideas about what YOU would want to have them offer. Honestly, it has never been easier to start to eat “better”!

Take a couple of minutes to browse around their site: http://www.greenpolkadotbox.com/ (bookmark this URL, so you can easily return to it)

Membership is a ridiculously low $50 yearly – for just $125 yearly, you can get “reward points” when your friends join and purchase as well. Since most people would treasure the convenience of wholesome foods without having to battle traffic and the crowds, we invite you to invite your friends.

As they say on their website: “The Green PolkaDot Box” is a membership organization. By joining our “buying collective” you are helping to make clean, organic food available to all health-minded consumers at affordable prices.

Each new member adds bargaining power to the group, allowing us to negotiate lower and lower prices with hundreds of national brands and organic farmers across the United States. In the weeks ahead you will see many more brands and products added to this website, including information about our Harvest to Home fresh produce program.”

When you sign-up or checkout, their website might ask you for a “referral code” – please enter this number: 917378.

And share with us your experience with The Green PolkaDot BOX, so we know what you’ve found as valuable.


Everyone’s been hit by end-of-the-year expenses, so we’re pleased to offer you these special savings during the month of January:

$20.12 OFF your second and subsequent IVs during January (Tuesdays – Wednesdays – Thursdays only) $20.12 OFF your second and subsequent RT office visit fee during January $20.12 OFF any in-office supplement purchase of $200.00 or more during January!

Happy New Year!

from the staff of LCH and Dr. Trowbridge