Often times a patient will see several doctors for their symptoms–which may actually be a wide array of things. However, no matter the doctor and what their answer is, the patient comes back with no improvement and the same problem!
In these cases, it’s mostly likely safe to say the problem is yeast overgrowth. We naturally have candida living in our intestines and mouths that helps us digest and absorb nutrition. However, certain factors like high stress, high sugars and carbs, eating fermented foods, or high consumption of alcohol may lead to overgrowth of yeast.
This overgrowth of yeast—known as The Yeast Syndrome—can cause or worsen a variety of conditions. One may experience skin issues or rashes, vaginal or rectal infections, irritability, mood swings, depression, digestive issues, exhaustion, or skin and nail infections.
The Yeast Syndrome can cause or worsen conditions such as:
After other doctors were not able to find answers for Kevin, Dr. Trowbridge helped fix Kevin’s yeast-related issues. Dr. Trowbridge’s expertise in treating The Yeast Syndrome healed Kevin, bringing back his energy and health.
Here are just a few of the patients who Dr. Trowbridge has helped identify and recover from The Yeast Syndrome.
Nancy became all too familiar with colds and “upper respiratory infections” – usually in August and December – so much so that her family doctor remarked on her pattern 15 years ago. And the treatment was always the same: antibiotics until better, cough medications as needed.
If she had “gotten better,” then why did she keep “coming down” with another infection? Isn’t that the most important question that a doctor should consider … and answer?
Usual things in your world sometimes can turn against you. In 2005, Nancy suffered an asthma episode after being around oak wood smoke all day and then exercising that night. The pulmonary specialist didn’t diagnose her condition to be asthma and she remained sick for 6 weeks, not able to breathe fully and noticing a gray “ash” color to her skin. She returned to the lung doctor but was seen by the physician assistant … who offered a breathing treatment. Within 5 minutes, she began to breathe fully. The PA thought this might be “seasonal asthma” and prescribed Advair, which she used for at least a year. She slowly took herself off the drug, thinking she was “all better.” Then came again the familiar pattern of August and December illness.
Nancy’s husband recommended that she see Dr. T as someone who could focus on here overall health issues. She was “sort of” hopeful after our first meeting. The program of dietary changes, nutritional supplements, and medications aimed at treating The Yeast Syndrome produced welcome improvements within weeks. No longer gaining weight constantly, no longer suffering with frequent illnesses or even stomach viruses – these results convinced her easily.
People rarely realize how “connected” their discomforts might be … Nancy’s long-standing severe back pains when walking or getting in and out of her car slowly faded away, now feeling normal again. She was excited to add our other healthenhancing programs as well, such as bio-identical hormone replacement (“HRT,” we’ve been doing elegantly for over 30 years) and chelation therapy to reduce her body burden of toxic heavy metals.
How does Nancy describe our office? “A customized, detailed health plan is designed for each patient, with a process of tracking changes as well as improvements as lab tests and physical exams are performed. The nurses follow-up often and there’s a system for answering questions and concerns in a timely manner. You’re not lost in the shuffle! Dr. T and the nurses know what’s going on with each patient and in their lifestyle as well.”
Why is Nancy so excited about being a patient here? “I have lots more energy less hair loss, better focus. I don’t get shaky with sugar because I stay away from sugar and eat proteins according to my specific diet. I can function well in my very active life. A family member asked what I was doing differently – hair? make-up? or what? – since I seem to have ‘de-aged’ 20 years!”
Happily, Gary is still alive, so you can ask him questions! Many of the people with whom he used to work at the refinery have died since the time that he started care with Dr. T. Funny thing, they often ridiculed him for the changes he made in his activities and diet, for the supplements and medications that he took faithfully … and still does.
Most people fail to realize how your body systems are interdependent and how worsening in one can lead to collapse in others. Gary found his early problems with The Yeast Syndrome seemed easy enough to control – then, in his early 40s, years of accumulation created toxic overload with heavy metals and organic chemicals (many apparently from his job exposures) finally caught up with him and created severe “adrenal fatigue.” Basically, your “stressed-out body” simply can’t hold up anymore, even to the simplest demands. Gary couldn’t walk 20 yards from his house to his mother’s, next door. He took a medical leave for 14 months
How bad was he suffering? He called it “a living hell.” An outdoorsman who had enjoyed East Texas to the fullest, he was no longer able to enjoy any activities about which he was passionate. “I felt like a caged tiger in a zoo!”
Where do you start helping someone whose whole body is collapsing as an adult approaching middle age? At the beginning. Sounds easy but managing multi-system disorder requires many years of training, study, and expertise, since the physician has to identify and lay the foundation for recovery, a “first-things-first” approach. Treatment for The Yeast Syndrome was essential, since yeast toxins damage essential biochemical processes across all systems.
Gary needed chelation therapy treatments, FDA-approved programs to reduce his body burden of toxic heavy metals. Since highly poisonous mercury continues to “leach” (trickle out) from socalled “silver fillings,” he was referred to a “biological dentist” to remove and replace these with safer dental materials. Coordinating these programs and managing sometimes complex medication and nutritional supplement patterns required special attention by Dr. T and Gary, but motivation to feel better (and to avoid getting worse!) makes the effort easier.
The answer to pollution is simple: do the very best we can to keep our environment safe as we struggle with the demands of progress. But remember … “non”-polluting electric cars plug in to power lines that come from electric generation plants powered by coal or water or atomic energy, sometimes solar or wind. So we have to be diligent AND smart in order to overcome these challenges to our health.
A woman aging very gracefully through her middle adult years, Vosky found her health being challenged by the job she loved … but which required frequent travel and stressful days. There simply wasn’t any time for digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome – bloating, diarrhea then constipation – and frequent need to empty her bladder. With these physical discomforts came skin rashes, body aches, fatigue, recurrent pestering sinus infections. As time went by, it looked to her that there wouldn’t be enough time for work as her lingering symptoms consumed more and more of her days … and nights.
Happily, Vosky came in for a consultation and was relieved when I confirmed that most (or even all) of her distresses could be related to The Yeast Syndrome. One glitch: the demands of her job made staying on an effective treatment program very challenging.
Hoping that other, perhaps simpler to treat, conditions might still be found, she saw several organ-specific specialists. Once more, their advice and prescriptions failed to produce desired results, just as before. Just like the line in the sand drawn by Jim Bowie at the Alamo, Vosky came to the conclusion that she had to commit to whatever extra efforts she would need to make to get well, working around her job duties, even though these efforts left her precious little time for “personal enjoyment” over the next several months.
Whoa, was Vosky in for a surprise! Having committed honestly to changing her diet – to eating meats, eggs, vegetables, and yogurt – to taking her supplements and prescribed medications, and to getting enough rest … her improvements came quickly. She realized that this approach was “cleaning her system from yeast.” To boost her progress, we used various IV (intravenous) solutions that restored more normal biochemistry functions more rapidly. Five years after starting, she considers these dietary changes to be simply the lifestyle that promotes and insures her (much) better health. She simply says, “The Yeast Syndrome book was written about me!”
Vosky boasts at looking great because she has slimmed and trimmed, she has boundless energy, and all her body systems work comfortably. Perhaps unexpectedly, she enjoys the challenges of her work so much so that she chooses to take advantage of opportunities to work more so than before. She sleeps well, awakens rested, and dances through her life feeling happy!
The early adult years are where you are supposed to feel comfortable if not fantastic. Not so for Kevin, whose 20s, 30s, and 40s were littered with daily diarrhea, cramping, belly bloating, foulsmelling intestinal gas, fatigue, acne, problems with concentration and memory, and persistent cravings for sweets. The tetracycline and other antibiotics his doctors had prescribed had only worsened his symptoms, to the point that Kevin felt his intestines had actually been damaged and might never recover.
Two gastroenterology gut specialists completed a full round of intensive studies, including “scope” exams from top and bottom (“esophagogastroscopy” and “colonoscopy”), to no avail. A hospital-based specialist and other gastroenterologists were consulted, even a Mayo Clinic specialist. Still, all of his complaints continued without improvement.
A “wholistic” doctor – one who rarely advises drugs or surgery – suggested that Kevin might be suffering with The Yeast Syndrome … so he made the flight from Colorado to see Dr. T. From the very start, he was unusually hopeful that recovery was within reach, even though the advised dietary program was a bit challenging at first. Taking the prescribed nutritional supplements and then medications was easier than he expected. And then improvements began and continued gradually relieving his discomforts. The severity of his symptoms was so extreme that a medical leave from work made sense, so that he could devote full attention to recovery of the critical functions of his gut and other systems.
Within 3 months, many of Kevin’s original complaints – belly cramping pains and bloating, constant diarrhea, gas with a foul intestinal odor – were clearing … results he had never seen before.
Since he was feeling more comfortable, the increase in his energy and mental functions was a welcome result as well!
Overall, the daily “sick feeling” that hung over Kevin’s waking hours (even awakening him from sleep) has resolved. He has excitedly returned to usual activities and feels able, once again, to participate in his life instead of watching from the sidelines as the years went by. When asked by friends, “Was it worth taking the time and effort and expense to follow your program and travel to see your yeast doctor?” Kevin’s answer is simple: “Just do it!”
Frustrated with her daughter’s belly bloating, mood disorder, longstanding depression, anxiety, and racing brain, Katy’s mother insisted that she come in for evaluation. Medications from other doctors failed to produce any results, and our intake forms clearly showed that she was suffering with The Yeast Syndrome. So, I designed a treatment program for starters.
Katy came back in a month, noting that she felt amazing, maybe 100% better. Two months later, with her program beginning to address The Yeast Syndrome, her results were nothing short of amazing.
Her husband was pleased, especially because she stated, “I feel like me.” She felt so much better that she “disappeared” for almost a year. When she returned with worsening belly pains, nausea, and vomiting, she was suffering with gallstone symptoms. Minor modifications of diet and supplements quickly provided relief. So ….. she “disappeared” again, for over a year.
When Katy came back, she wanted treatment for a worrisome skin abscess (boil) not improving with treatment elsewhere. She quickly got better and then … yes … she “disappeared” for a year-and-ahalf.
She presented suffering from the stress of raising teenagers but her symptoms alarmed her: episodes of feel “hot” and “flushed,” leading to markedly elevated heartbeat, tremors and shaking, dry mouth, weakness in her arms and legs, even shortness of breath and severe exhaustion. Clearly her diagnosis was of “autonomic dysfunction,” or imbalance in her automatic go/slow nervous system functions.
Referral to a neurologist yielded no further details beyond confirming her “dysautonomia” (another name for autonomic imbalance), but happily specialized nutritional supplements and minimal medications had resolved much of her distress within 3 weeks. Some 3 months later, Katy was struggling with worsening symptoms after she had gotten off her supplements for testing by an endocrinologist.
Frustrated with continuing problems, she … yes … disappeared for another year.
On her return to office, Katy agreed to restart a personalized nutritional program – and to restart treatment for The Yeast Syndrome that had never really gotten underway. Results were slow to come, taking over 3 months for various discomforts to lessen. Mildly excessive levels of toxic heavy metals suggested that chelation therapy treatments to reduce their interfering effects (especially in the nervous system) made sense. Indeed, over the following 10 months, Katy continued to show steady symptom improvements. A brief recurrence of her infected skin abscess caused alarm but aggressive antibiotics then probiotic bacteria to rebalance her gut easily controlled the problem.
So what does the world hold for Katy now?
Occasionally she has issues with sleep, with muscle tension, and with headaches … but these discomforts are easily controlled. As she says, “I feel great today – about 98%.” Is a commitment to proper eating, to specially prescribed supplements, to occasional medications worth the effort and expense to Katy.
I’ll let you guess.
What so many people – the general public, even patients undergoing treatment for The Yeast Syndrome – is that the interference in chemical reactions all throughout the body can lead to an incredible number of different symptoms. Literally 10 people could “show up,” each with completely different symptoms, and each of them could be diagnosed with – and respond to personalized treatment for – The Yeast Syndrome.
Many people want to “make sense of it all” and are reluctant to pursue responsible treatment until something “clicks” inside their head. Actually, most of today’s physicians have exactly the same view: until this all makes sense to me, it can’t be real.
Sadly, tens of millions of patients in the United States are suffering needlessly. One of the reasons we have such incredibly high medical expenses and still suffer with so many problems is ….. because treating anything other than the real problem doesn’t work!
Symptoms unknown to many people plagued Mike almost daily: almost disabling belly pains for 6 years, fatigue for over 4 years, recurrent strep throat yearly or more often, headaches since childhood, psoriasis skin rashes as well. A variety of treatments by general doctors, family practice specialists, and a bevy of gastroenterology gut specialists failed to provide any lasting relief.
Frustrated but committed to finding a solution, Mike was told by a friend that many of his problems might relate to “yeast.” He found a book called The Yeast Connection, scored high on the test inside, and excitedly contacted Dr. Billy Crook, the author, a pediatric allergist in Tennessee. Dr. Crook referred him to Dr. T, whom he had trained starting in 1983. Detailed office forms took a few hours to complete, since he had suffered with so many problems that escaped diagnosis by some 15 doctors over the years. At the conclusion of his first visit with Dr. T, he was excited and optimistic that major improvements were just around the corner.
Critical to Mike’s program were a restrictive diet – especially avoiding foods containing sugars and starches – and a set of nutritional supplements to help repair and restore more normal functions in body systems that had been limping along all this time. When yeast-control prescriptions were added, he noticed a remarkable improvement in his feeling of health and wellbeing, one he had not experienced in his entire adult life. Within a couple of weeks, his psoriasis splotches began to resolve, energy improved, and belly pains decreased.
Still true to his commitment to avoid foods that create his discomforts, Mike has been thrilled that fatigue, strep throat infections, and irritated and ugly patches of skin psoriasis have completely disappeared. Only rarely does he notice belly pains, much like almost everyone. Enjoying exceptionally good health, Mike stays in shape by training for – and completing! – 12 marathons. For the first time in his life, he knew from his positive results in every system that he had found the right approach to restore his health.
Mike has followed this life-restoring program for 33 years now. He encourages everyone to realize that no one has to continue to suffer. Mike’s advice to people suffering with lingering problems despite the best of traditional care but still reluctant to place their faith in a program that sounds too simple: keep an open mind when conventional care hasn’t produced results you deserve, stick with it, and you’ll very likely get better.
Pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and praise God that your problems are hardly as severe as those that limited Kelly’s life for years. Her symptoms were exceptional – but almost everyone knows someone who has suffered a lifetime of distresses that have never improved despite the efforts of dozens of doctors.
Where could Kelly start to describe her many complaints? Belly bloating and diarrhea were constant companions, as were teeth and gum pains and daily hoarseness. Brain fog blurred her concentration and memory, ringing in her ears never left, draining fatigue and headaches and disturbing changes in her vision lingered despite any attempted treatments. Many days she had to wear sunglasses indoors, just to tolerate her eyes being open. Skin peeling and overall itching were frustrating, but muscle aches were painful. Losing her hair looked like a minor problem in light of her feeling cool or even cold all the time. Where could Kelly turn, she felt she had looked literally everywhere.
To say that getting to feel better was easy for her would be unfair to any reader. When so many body systems have suffered such profound disruptions to normal function, the road to improvement is more of a determined dance … first get these symptoms lessened, then pay attention to these others, then focus more on certain others, and so on. Kelly was thrilled that Dr. T was always willing to take the time to listen, to figure out and then carefully explain the next steps along the way.
That reliable partnership kept her committed to the long term program she required to restore the underlying healthy balance of her systems.
How does Kelly feel now? “I have gone from sitting in my recliner week after week to staying busy from morning to later evening.” She does all this on 6 to 7 hours of sleep rather than 10 or more she used to need, just to get by. “I’m thrilled that my old shoulder and hip injuries have improved to where they are only slightly irritated, and I have the energy of a 30 year old.” Not bad for a middle-aged adult, working fulltime! “I’ve started playing the piano regularly again, after 30 years … despite starting college with a piano scholarship, but the yeast braindrain caused me to give it up.” Kelly notes that her recovery allows her once again to feel the great joy of making music. “I can finally feel the electrical current connecting across the empty spaces in my brain. Thanks to my piano practice, I can feel myself getting smarter and loving it!”
Kelly almost forgets to mention the dramatic improvements she has realized with the many other physical symptoms that kept her life bound down for so many years. When pressed for details, she notes with a chuckle that her skin is now sensitive again to touch rather than diminished as before. She can tilt her head side to side without becoming dizzy. All thoughts of having to give up her job have been replaced by thoughts of working for several more years. Kelly is excited to find simple solutions to tasks that had frustrated her for years, such as organizing storage in her garage. Muscle control and balance is better, and she’s able to get up from the floor more comfortable when doing yoga. All better?– not yet. But her life is going in the “right direction” after years of failing health: “Changes and progress are coming faster now.”
When you think of “unrelated” medical problems, you might win by thinking of how treatment for The Yeast Syndrome could contribute to complete healing. Especially in diabetics.
As an example, consider the frustration suffered by people with “peripheral neuropathy” (altered sensations in feet and legs), foot ulcers, chronic venous stasis ulcers, even cracked heels or soles (skin breakdowns that “refuse” to heal). For many of these patients, treatment has been successful by carefully combining anti-fungal medications for The Yeast Syndrome along with antibiotic medications for bacterial infections, nutritional supplementation for skin/blood vessel healing, dietary changes to support healthy tissues, supplemental oxygen to boost healing capability, chelation therapy to reduce interference by toxic heavy metals, stem cell treatments that boost healing patterns, even hormones that encourage tissue repair.
(Maybe even a little voo-doo if needed as well?) Saving life and limb sometimes requires expertise far beyond usual thinking and training.
Take a moment to realize that diabetes mellitus is a disease where your blood sugar rises above normal.
Since yeast and fungus devour sugars (and starches), conditions like diabetes (or pre-diabetes, where sugar management becomes irregular) can encourage The Yeast Syndrome to “take hold,” especially if other factors (antibiotics, cortisone, and so on) are present.
Pre-diabetes is also known as Metabolic Syndrome, a real “heartache” since that’s a path toward heart attack and strokes. In “the big picture,” so many of our illness problems are interrelated – which means that taking care of The Yeast Syndrome could solve or improve many other illness issues as well!
Dr. Trowbridge literally wrote the book on The Yeast Syndrome. Pick up a copy to learn:
“A valuable, timely, and life-enhancing book…the single information source for everything known to date about a heretofore unrecognized clinical entity–the Candida Syndrome.”
— Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., Editor, Journal Of Orthomolecular Medicine