You’re worried. We’ve got that. You’ve probably been fearful for years. We’ve got that too. You’ve seen doctors and specialists and maybe even voo-doo practitioners in your search for easy answers. We’ve got that too. You’ve tried every diet that you thought might help. We’ve got that too. You’re taking the drugs and maybe even facing insulin shots. We’ve got that too.
Let’s unravel the mystery, so you could finally feel better rather than simply taking more drugs and facing heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, gangrene, and even one or more operations.
How would you know if the treatment you get is the treatment you need? After all, the doctor simply said “You need to start taking this medication for your blood sugars, they’re way too high.”
Maybe you’ve already started onto insulin. With the drugs and with insulin, there’s a situation where you can “start chasing your tail,” requiring higher and higher dosages for the same result. That sounds like slipping backwards, faster and faster.
None of these approaches actually “treat” your diabetes – they are simply “bandaids” needed continuously or repeatedly, trying to cover the imbalance in your metabolism. Many people never realize that other simple options … which might help you actually reduce your need for drugs … are readily available, here and now.
Some people dealing with higher blood sugars don’t realize that sugars and starches are making their condition worse or what steps they could take to make a difference. Care that makes you truly better requires special expertise in the science of metabolism and nutrition. Sounds so simple … so why have doctors missed it? Those who don’t have a strong basic science background and special training in dealing with metabolic processes can fail to see their way through to help you. The reasons you can have a distressing diabetic blood sugar pattern are many … but diagnosis and treatment to help reduce your need for drugs can be simpler than you think!
Could there be anything better than what you’ve been told?
The answer is a simple “yes”: there are several treatments that might be better for you.
Checklist you must consider:
Let us help you through the confusing maze of diagnoses and treatments to select what is best to produce the result you want, so you can do what you want to do! Already been to surgery? Definitely call to review your options.
DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN today, ask to speak with one of our Treatment Consultants (we’ve done this for years!), get the facts so you can choose what will help you most, safely and effectively for better comfort and capability.
You can also click the button below to fill out a form for our Treatment Consultants. Provide us with your information and what’s going on, and we’ll coordinate with you to see what we can do to help you find real answers for your problems
Contact Our Treatment Consultants Today
Feel free to browse our website to see our expertise in helping many of your problems, maybe more effectively, maybe more safely: … because if you don’t know that you have choices now, then you don’t have any.
I’d love for my staff and me at Life Celebrating Health to help you have better health to celebrate every day, starting right away!
John Parks Trowbridge M. D., FACAM