NASA has made dreams come true for all of us. And NASA’s mission was simple: push to the limits and beyond, find what we need to know, and use the very best of modern technology to insure survival in a hostile environment.
Today, at LIFE CENTER HOUSTON, we make that same commitment to every patient: we push to the limits of what is known in medicine, physiology, and nutrition, using technology that we are developing as the standard of care in the future ….. to help insure YOUR SURVIVAL in the hostile environment of modern life on planet earth.
Many people come to us desperate in the fear that their life is slipping away. Some have been told by specialists in other fields of medicine that “there is nothing else that can be done.” In our way of looking at illness, failure is not an option that we’re willing to entertain when helping people suffering with various degenerative diseases.
“LEARN to live with it”? Absolutely not!
Our goal is to recover as much of your normal function as possible. Our tools are custom-designed in over 34 years of medical practice – a very thorough history, elegant tests to probe for your problems, and advanced treatment plans using the latest technology to correct function problems and add “layers of protection” from predictable future harm.
Think of your body as your personal spacesuit, vital for your survival in a hostile environment ….. planet earth. If you were an astronaut, every walk in space would challenge your survival and you would depend on your spacesuit for life itself. You are literally “wearing your body” as you travel through life — you depend on it for survival and comfort on this planet. Shouldn’t you take better care of it?
The job we do is quite simple to understand. Your body works fairly well until some accident occurs or enough years of stresses and strains finally pass. Then you start to notice various “mal-functions” – you’re no longer “at ease” – instead you are seeing the earliest problems of “dis-ease.”
When you suffer with “symptoms” (or complaints), you see your local doctor, who advises drugs or surgery. When you worsen even further, slipping into various crises, your specialists advise more drugs and more surgery. Finally, you reach a point where doctors offer to “keep you comfortable” and urge you to “make your arrangements.” At this point, you truly understand the meaning of “worsening.”
But what happened to your earlier good health? How did it slip away? In our experience, many people are suffering with – and dying from – “degenerative diseases” because they are slowly poisoned by pollution generated by our 21st century lifestyle. Others have been seriously injured in falls and “fast-paced accidents” and never recovered from their injuries – often because modern medications can delay or even stop natural healing. People come to us for help with any and all problems ….. because they are suffering and worried ….. all they want is to get out of their pain and get on with their life.
Rather than trying to be “smarter” than any other doctors, we take great comfort in the unlimited healing powers of the body. Our Heavenly Father has given to each of us – as a human birthright – a self-repairing body. Long before there were doctors, the body was able to heal itself. Even now, the surgeon doesn’t heal an incision ….. he or she just stitches the skin edges together. Your body has to do the healing and repair. Unfortunately, we often trade our miraculous birthright for a “bowl of porridge” called drugs and surgery. And these sometimes interfere with the body’s own attempts to heal and repair naturally. Then we wonder why we don’t get the results we desperately need and search in vain for “better doctors” when the answer is already inside us.
The way we help our patients – the way we would work to help you – involves three key steps.
The results for patients who follow the program are usually very gratifying – often without daily drugs and surgery. We invite you to read about their successes in the other sections of our website. Perhaps you’re ready to join them, to find relief from your pain and to get on with your life?
JOHN PARKS TROWBRIDGE M. D. graduated as a National Merit Scholar and California State Scholar from Stanford University and then from the School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. After a surgical internship at Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center in San Francisco, he briefly studied urological surgery at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in the Texas Medical Center in Houston. In 1978 he started a general medical practice in Humble, Texas, a Houston suburb. By 1981, Dr. Trowbridge was turning to the study of how nutritional changes and innovative prescribing could improve the condition of patients with chronic degenerative diseases.
In 1985, he was awarded a Diplomate in Preventive Medicine for graduate studies in nutrition through the Medical Research Institute of the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne. He was honored by being named a Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine in 1990. Dr. Trowbridge became certified as a specialist by the American Board of Chelation Therapy in 1985, by the American Board of Biologic Reconstructive Therapy (arthritis and pain medicine) in 1993, and by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine in 1998. He served as a director and officer of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (1984 – 1991), as chairman of the board of governors of the National Health Federation in 1989, and as president of the Great Lakes College of Clinical Medicine in 1995.
From 1996 – 1998, Dr. Trowbridge became program chair for the advanced physician training seminars in Heavy Metal Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment. He served (1992 – 1999) as a charter director of the American Preventive Medical Association. In 1997, he was appointed a director of the Institute for Health Freedom in Washington, D.C. Among his several books are three bestsellers: million-copy-plus THE YEAST SYNDROME (1986), Chelation Therapy (1985), and DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO (1996). In 1997 he authored THE RUMBLE IN HUMBLE: Heart Surgery and All That JAZZ!, giving details on risk factors, diagnostic testing, drugs and operations, nutritional supplements, and non-surgical treatments for heart and blood vessel diseases.
A new “book-on-tape,” titled LIVING WELL PAST 50: Rejuvenate Your Heart and Arteries, was released in January of 1998, featuring 3 hours of patient interviews and “plain English” explanations of treatment options for older adults and those who want to grow older with better health. In recognition of his innovative clinical research and medical leadership, Dr. Trowbridge is listed in over three dozen editions of Who’s Who. His LIFE CENTER HOUSTON medical office is conveniently located near the George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Humble, Texas, a Houston suburb.
To schedule your personal consultation and start treatments … DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN or fax us at 1-281-540-4329
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