With Our Healthcare Industry Facing A Crisis It’s No Wonder It’s Hard To Feel Better

How do I know our healthcare industry is in crisis? For starters, we’re in the midst of a chronic opioid epidemic started by doctors who began over-prescribing pain killers at the urging of pharmaceutical companies who told them the pills were not addictive.

When 150 people die every day from opioids, that is your first clue there’s something really wrong. Secondly, more than 88,000 people die annually from alcohol-related causes and more than 480,000 from cigarette smoking.



https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fast_facts/ I recognize these are all “addiction” statistics. Addiction is a disease and it is not getting better, it’s getting worse. Unfortunately, the medical establishment tends to point fingers and blame the addicted person for being weak-willed or morally inept. That simply isn’t true. There is always an underlying reason for the “addiction” and the biggest one today is over-prescription of opioids, simply because doctors ignore incredibly successful treatments without surgery or daily drugs.

Now, add to these astonishing figures the fact that “An estimated 40,000 to 80,000 deaths occur each year in U.S. hospitals related to misdiagnosis, and an estimated 12 million Americans suffer a diagnostic error each year in a primary care setting—33% of which result in serious or permanent damage or death.” https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/hospitals-health-systems/jhu-1-3-misdiagnoses-results-serious-injury-or-death Once again, this is due to the fact that most doctors ignore safe and effective treatment programs that can be provided in-office, without risky drugs and hospitalizations.

A Health Care System That Makes You Sick

Our healthcare industry is no longer one that really cares about patients. It’s turned into something that appears to be far more motivated by greed than care. It’s a medical/pharmaceutical/insurance driven industry where prescribing pills and surgeries is seen as the ultimate in the modern “standard of care.” It’s a system where symptoms are treated instead of causes. It takes too much time, patience and consideration to get to the root cause of illnesses and conditions. And doctors simply don’t have enough “time.” There are far too many patients who keep coming back for more drugs and multiple surgeries! Part of the problem is that regular doctors are not trained in health and healing approaches that often can be far more effective and safer.

If you happen to need a new arm, leg, heart, lung or liver you’re in the right system. Doctors love replacing limbs and organs. And, don’t get me wrong, there is a need for these types of medical services. But they are not what the majority of people need. But it will be the norm if we keep going in this direction.

When you really look at our healthcare system, it is making more people sick and it’s becoming more and more difficult for people to get better, feel better and get on with their lives. More and more people spend their time on the medical merry-go-round to various different specialists for all the many things that ail them, never being able to “hop off.” In a few short years, their medication list can grow from two or three to 10 or 12 or even more! That, in my opinion, is no way to live.

There Are Doctors Who Really Do Care

There are many individual healthcare providers throughout the country, doctors who truly do care about helping their patients overcome their health challenges.  If you really want to feel and stay better, you have to look outside of the established system. In fact, this reminds me of the famous Einstein quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” That is what so many people are doing, hoping for better but suffering more and more, becoming more and more discouraged.

Time To Step Onto A Different Path To Healing

It’s time to do something different. It’s time to get off the hamster wheel and look to a physician whose practice is not based on prescribing drugs and surgeries. It’s time to find a healthcare provider who knows that the body is self-healing under the right conditions. Are you ready to stop doing the same thing and expecting different results? With a health care system in crisis, there are millions of people in a health crisis. Sadly, that likely includes you, your parents, your children, your friends and your neighbors.

I have treated patients for more than 41 years, often without drugs or surgeries. That includes those with joint, neck and back pain. I have achieved startling improvements with severe skin conditions, autoimmune patterns, lingering infections, even patients suffering with leukemia and other cancers, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. If you have even a tiny desire and a shred of hope that you can feel better, then you must get off the path you’ve been on now. Strike out anew and find out how wonderful life is when your health has been restored. What we do works!