You Are Likely Suffering As A Result Of F.U.P.O.

I have been writing about The Yeast Syndrome, which is based on the yeast C. albicans, since the 1980’s as the underlying cause of many undiagnosed ailments. Finally, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has come to acknowledge the role of fungi in every kind of disease condition. In fact, according to the CDC website, “Some fungal diseases go undiagnosed, leading to serious illness and death. Increased awareness about fungal diseases is one of the most important ways we can improve early recognition and reduce delays in diagnosis and treatment. A key clue to when a sick person may have a fungal disease is that he or she is being treated with medicine for another type of infection but does not get better.”

Perhaps even more enlightening is the CDC’s position on COVID-19 as a fungal disease. My friend, author, host of the internationally acclaimed TV show, Know The Cause ( and medical researcher, Doug Kaufmann, has been researching and writing about fungal diseases almost as long as I have. He too is thrilled at the recognition the CDC is finally giving to fungus at the root of many of the most common and even deadly conditions of modern times. From prostate cancer to diabetes and heart disease, the current stance is summed up in an acronym for most conditions: FUPO which stands for fungus until proven otherwise. This is in stark opposition to what the usual medical stance has been. In fact, many medical professionals have disregarded fungi (yeasts) as inconsequential. Most still do. Despite resistance that we would expect to new ideas, this is changing rapidly as more and more validity is given to FUPO.

Pain, inflammation, conditions that are being treated and do not go away are likely attributable to fungus. It may be prudent to find a medical professional who abides by FUPO instead of the traditional medical stance. If you are tired of the usual medical merry-go-round, give my office a call. We’ve been identifying, diagnosing, and clearing up conditions caused by The Yeast Syndrome for 30+ years.