When You Sincerely Want To Feel Better And All Else Has Failed

You’ve been on the medical merry-go-round for years. Each doctor and specialist you visit tells you something else that gives you a momentary ray of hope that this time, you’re going to feel better if you do what they tell you to do. “Take this pill. Have this surgery. Come back and see me every week for the next 3 years.”

Yet, despite your efforts and your belief in the skills of the endless list of specialists you’ve seen, you still feel as bad, if not worse, than ever. I know how you feel. I bet you sometimes think that you just don’t want to go on living this way.


How Some People Finally Get Off The Medical Merry-Go-Round

I’ve been helping patients who’ve been on the same merry-go-round my entire career spanning more than 41 years. My patients typically find me when they’ve exhausted the mainstream medical circus. I mean circuit! They may meet someone who has become a patient of mine. After telling this person their sad story, my patient will tell their story that led them to me and to a life they thought they would never be able to enjoy again.

There are millions of people who suffer from conditions that mainstream medicine doesn’t look for. Yeast and deep blood fungus are two conditions that seem mysterious and which plague so many. There are also methods such as stem cell and chelation therapy that mainstream doctors are not familiar with. I am a pioneer of both.


There’s Always More Physical, Mental, Emotional And Financial Strength

 You may feel physically, mentally, emotionally and financially exhausted. But, if you can muster up your strength in all of those areas (and in these miraculous lives of ours there’s an endless supply) just a little longer and schedule a consultation with me, this time next year you could be singing a much happier, healthier tune.


How We Help Our Patients

The way we help our patients involves three key steps.

First, we find what is blocking your body’s attempts to heal itself…and remove them.

Second, we find what “raw materials” your body needs to heal and repair malfunctioning systems…and provide them.

And third, we find “the switch” needed to “turn on” rapid healing and repair…and turn them on.


Experience Drug-Free, Surgery Free Relief

We don’t give out prescriptions for the latest drugs being pushed through TV commercials that you ‘just know’ are going to help your condition. We don’t hold out false promises of a “quick fix” with the latest surgical technique.

Instead, through listening to you, reviewing your history and based on thousands of patients we’ve helped in similar situations, we discover the true source of the pain, illness, discomfort and/or disease and, as I mentioned above, we find your body’s healing switches, turn them on and bring you into a healing state. The healing may not be overnight, but you will feel better than you have in years as your body resolves years of pain and suffering.



Chelation Kickstarts Your Body’s Natural Healing Processes

I’ve been blessed to watch thousands of patients show such dramatic improvements that have saved limbs from amputation, reduced insulin dosages, improved physical performances and helped achieve greater mental clarity while improving chronic depression. All of these health improvements and more were achieved not with drugs or surgeries, but with chelation therapy.
And importantly, chelation treatments are also known to reduce heart attacks, particularly in diabetes patients.

What exactly does chelation therapy do, you ask? Chelation treatments remove toxic metals that have built up in the body such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium, through the use of a variety of personalized FDA-approved medications. Toxic metal build-up is directly related to inflammation and degenerative diseases, early aging, disability and death. All of us humans living in the modern world are subjected to toxic metals in the air we breathe and the food we eat.

You may wonder why none of the doctors you’ve been seeing for years have mentioned chelation therapy. There’s a simple answer: It’s because you will feel better and will not have to keep returning for a new prescription for the latest drug, nor will you be a candidate for yet another surgery.

Not all, but many of my patients come to me as sort of a ‘last resort’ effort. Once here, they often express how much they wish they had come to me first instead of last. They would have had many more years of vibrant life instead of years spent in numerous doctor’s offices. The body’s healing powers are amazing once the toxic metals are out of the way. Are you ready to find out? Call our office today to schedule a consultation.

How Can You Live PAIN FREE Finally?

Dr. Trowbridge recently appeared on local morning show Houston Life to discuss the healing power of specially-prepared stem cell solutions. If you’re living with chronic pain, watch to find out how you can be PAIN FREE…finally!

Houston Life Features Dr. Trowbridge on The Healing Power of Stem Cells

Presentation: The Healing Power of Stem Cells

What IF a Second Opinion Could SAVE YOU From An Avoidable Operation Or Side-Effects of Drugs?


Times are tight. Everyone’s squeezing the last bit of value out of every dollar. And for many, that means going to hospitals and doctors that accept your insurance.

What people often overlook is how such a choice might impact their future well being. It’s not just a matter of “this” or “that” doctor who do the same operation, it’s not just a matter of “this” or “that” drug that do basically the same treatment, it’s not just a matter of “this or “that” hospital that provides essentially the same kind of care.

What IF ….. your “bone-on-bone” arthritis could get dramatically better without surgery? Our results with RT have been dramatic over the past 22 years – a fact you wouldn’t know unless you were here for treatments! (Our “90 %” success with neck and back and shoulder and knee pains is over-shadowed by our success with ankles … we’ve never yet missed getting one better.)

What IF ….. your congestive heart failure improved with our almost-20-year-old program developed to help just exactly that? Again, a fact you wouldn’t know. (Our leg treatments work even better, and we’re thrilled to save folks from amputations.)

What IF ….. your reflux esophagitis (“heartburn” or belly pains) went away with our seemingly-magic program that returns your gut to more normal function? How would you know? (MOST of our patients had “given up,” believing that their discomforts could never get better – after all, they’d had the ‘scopes and x-rays and CAT scans and so on and on for years. Do you know how many hundreds of medical problems improve when treated as The Yeast Syndrome?)

As people have started pinching their pennies, many have forgotten to invite their friends and family to consider a Second Opinion with us, before they go on with surgery or “Ask your doctor if BLAH-BLAH is the right medicine for you.”

So, we want to remind you – we’re here to meet your needs, turning your God-given ability for healing into wonderful results for you, without daily drugs and without surgery. Are you ready to get out of your pain and on with your life? We’re ready to help ….. YOU!

Reconstructive Therapy: The Arthritis Cure Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About

Reconstructive Therapy: The Arthritis Cure Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About

Did you know that more than 40 million Americans suffer from arthritis pains? With those numbers, the odds are that you might be one of them.

Did you know that there is a simple, medicine-free way to help eliminate those pains?

It’s called Reconstructive Therapy.MC900438790

Reconstructive Therapy is a non-surgical medical treatment that has been shown to strengthen injured ligaments, tendons, and capsules that surround joints. Stronger “soft tissue bands” allow your joints to function more normally again. This, in turn, increases your mobility and flexibility and reduces your pains.

Reconstructive Therapy (RT, for short) uses the body’s natural healing processes to help strengthen the soft tissue bands, thereby eliminating joint pain.

The miracle of healing is a major part of your birthright as a human being. The body has known how to repair itself for thousands of years before there were doctors and drugs and operations, but we have to give it the opportunity to heal itself by eliminating obstacles and making it easier for the body.

It often seems faster and easier to simply prescribe drugs. Indeed, modern medicine has provided “miracle cures” for all kinds of ailments, diseases, and medical problems over the years. Unfortunately, doctors prescribe aspirin, “anti-inflammatory” arthritis medications, cortisone, etc. that retard the healing process when it comes to arthritis and joint pains. They do operations that remove structural pieces, often reducing the overall strength of an area. And they usually underestimate the importance of ligaments and other “support bands” in maintaining proper and painless function in your neck, back, and other joints.

MC900438751Did You Know?

An estimated 10 – 30,000 Americans die each year from side-effects of the “arthritis” medications available by prescription or (increasingly) over-the-counter. And thousands more will be disappointed that surgery failed to deliver the excellent results they expected and for which they desperately hoped.

Reconstructive Therapy offers a simple, viable alternative to potentially devastating and ineffective drugs. At our office outside of Houston, Texas, Dr. Trowbridge has been helping people eliminate joint pain for years using these simple, effective techniques. No side-effects. No costly drugs. No debilitating surgeries. Just helping the body to heal itself.

The truth about the body is this: it didn’t break down over night. It won’t heal over night, either. But for most people, the REASON their joints hurt is due to a variety of cumulative factors that, over the years, have developed into a serious problem that seems irreversible. And most doctors prefer to treat joint pain as irreversible. Instead of treating the cause of the pain, they look to cover it up and pretend it won’t get worse.

Time to Turn the Page

It’s time to turn the page on medicine. Let’s look at pain from a different perspective: your body is trying to tell you something listen to your body and fix the PROBLEM. Stop covering up the symptoms and pretending that it isn’t there.

If you have joint pain, contact us today to find out if Reconstructive Therapy might be your way to a pain-free life.


Most of us are far too trusting of our doctors …?

So many Americans become so trusting of their doctors that they’ll tolerate NOT being “fixed” for months, and even years on end. Do you believe you’ve been correctly diagnosed or treated? Have your prescription medications got you worried with a fistful of side effects?… “Including depression, and sometimes, death.”

Most patients who come to me have seen a dozen or more specialists. The patient then tells me how great those doctors have been. But I have to stop and think… If these doctors are so great, why are they seeing me for the same exact problem?

You’re not supposed to keep needing your doctors. You go to a doctor to “get out of your pain and on with your life,” right? That’s our slogan! It has been for many years now.

So ….. sadly MOST of our LifeForce readers have not read The Yeast Syndrome book – my Bantam Books wildly successful bestseller from 1986. Its message is still valid today: your illnesses, all or at least some of them, might be due to unsuspected, undiagnosed, untreated infections with yeast. Simply yeast ….. or maybe complicated by other parasites as well.

So here’s a great idea for the upcoming holidays. Actually, why wait? Order copies of The Yeast Syndrome book for you, your family, your close friends – or maybe a church member who stays sick despite his or her best efforts. I’m serious – we TREAT MOST ILLNESSES, often because yeast is part or all of the cause. READ THE BOOK!

Order the paperback or kindle copies here … The Yeast Syndrome

The Yeast Syndrome: How to Help Your Doctor Identify & Treat the Real Cause of Your Yeast-Related Illness

by John P. Trowbridge by Bantam

Mass Market Paperback ~ Release Date: 1986-10-01

List Price: $7.99

Our Price: $4.31

Dr. T has just returned from Dallas where he filmed a number of TV show segments with his long-time friend and mentor, Doug Kaufmann – they’ve exchanged ideas for years, and both of them are “hot on the trail” of yeast as a major cause of human illness. We’ll alert you when Dr. T’s segments will be showing in January/February ….. til then, you can get a head start by watching Doug and his guests on “KNOW THE CAUSE,” the most viewable TV health talk show in America. To find your local TV or cable/satellite access, check here:  KNOW THE CAUSE TV SHOWshutterstock_199563458

Chelation is STILL working THIS week as well, for many cardiovascular (heart, brain, blood vessel) diseases, autoimmune disorders, and other troubling degenerative diseases. In case you didn’t “follow up”
last week but want to read the latest positive national research study, check this out:   To read the NIH press coverage: CLICK HERE!

To read what Dr. T has to say about chelation: DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN

To ask us to send you a free copy of his published article from The Townsend Letter: DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN

To ask for a free copy of 4 books on a data-CD (read in your computer): DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN

Share us with your family and friends …

As a 34 year pioneer in integrative/longevity/alternative medicine, Dr. T has achieved the enviable position of being recognized as leader in designing innovative treatments to solve disease problems that have frustrated patients (and their physicians) for dozens of years.

Our sadness is when we see people who have spent a fortune hoping during the months or years they’ve invested with less-experienced physicians … and then they finally find us, exhausted and frustrated and losing hope. We don’t “fix” everyone – just enough to be reassuring to many folks who come in. Your family and friends deserve the chance to find out for themselves … PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL NEWSLETTER TO THEM! Is it time for them to get out of their pain and get on with their LIFE? Let THEM decide … with the facts!

Invite your friends to visit our incredibly informative redesigned website,  www.healthCHOICESnow.com

(because if you don’t KNOW you have choices NOW, then you DON’T have ANY!)

Invite your friends to call for any of our several books or 50 hours of DVDs and CDs that entertain as well as inform, on topics they need to know about. Rheumatoid arthritis? We have that. Hormone Replacement Therapy? Got that. Sleep apnea/snoring? Yep. Heart disease? Of course. Thyroid and fatigue? Sure. The list goes on and on and on. Ask your other doctors for their CDs and DVDs and books, so you can compare their ideas to ours. Give us a call:


Check below to follow us on twitter, to like us on facebook. After all, if you don’t know the newest things we’re doing, you’ll just wander off to see “regular specialists” as you develop various future health issues and you’ll never learn about what other CHOICES you might have NOW!  The only problem right now is learning about what you can do – today – to avoid problems tomorrow.

What We Do WORKS!

Texas FUN Fact to Share: Which Founding Father of Texas was arrested and sent to a Mexico City prison? Stephen Austin. He was released to return to Texas on Christmas Day.

John Parks Trowbridge M. D., FACAM, has spent 34 years learning and teaching integrative medicine techniques around the country and around the world. Recognized in over 5 dozen volumes of Who’s Who for his innovative treatment programs, he is best known for his Bantam Books’ best-seller, The Yeast Syndrome. Dr. T gets involved: he has served as chairman of the board, president, or director of several major professional associations over the years. His “specialist status” is clearly acknowledged in Chelation Therapy (heart and circulation problems, toxic metal exposures) and Reconstructive Therapy (neck-back-joint arthritis/sports injuries). At Life Celebrating Health in Humble, Dr. Trowbridge offers advanced treatments for most medical and nutritional problems. (Yes, he has a master’s degree in nutrition – everything he does is serious science.) Are you ready to get out of your pain and on with your life?

Is YOUR glass half full?

Consider the FACTS!

We hear all sorts of conflicting “stories” during this political season … like, for instance, have the Democrats raided from Medicare some $716 billion dollars … or not? The FACTS should be clear from events that can be documented – so why all the stories and claims that “the other guys” are lying?

Well, the fact is that the glass is half full – they DID raid Medicare – or half empty – they DID raid Medicare. Or not. So which is it?

It all depends.

Depends on what?

On your viewpoint, looking at the same glass as someone who claims just the opposite … looking at the very same glass!

The very same is true regarding “integrative medical treatments” – some say they work, some say they don’t … looking at the very same improvements in so many patients.

So here’s your choice – feel better or … keep taking the drugs and having the surgery and complaining of feeling sick and tired. It all depends on your point of view!

Each One … Reach One

Special Savings for You are around the corner!

This election on November 6th is important for the health of our country and for the health of health care for your future. So each and every vote counts! Our job is to get out the vote, for Each One to Reach One MORE!

So here’s your opportunity to save big bucks during the month of November:

During the months of September and October, for each office visit (including Reconstructive Therapy injections), for each chelation IV treatment, and for each supplement purchase of $300 or more, we’ll give you a


to “cash in” for any services or products during the month of November!

You can cash all of them in “at once” or on different days, for office visits, for IV treatments, or for supplements. WHY $11.06? To remind you of November 6th of course, 11-06!

And how about looking out for the future health of your family and friends at the same time? There’s another way for Each One to Reach One – our programs are totally unique: The Yeast Syndrome, chelation for chronic degenerative diseases, Reconstructive Therapy for sports injuries and arthritis, sleep apnea and snoring, NP injections for pains. How about it? Each One … Reach One – this month!

How best to “reach” your family and friends?

Remember that we have over 50 free DVDs and CDs that explain many of our integrative medical treatments … as well as books and brochures in plain English not doctor-talk.


to ask our receptionists to send you our entertaining and informative materials



Sure, we know the drill – someone comes up with a new X-60 or PowerWhammO and TV commercials make it look like the cat’s meow.

BUT REALLY – we’ve got a new one that’s FUN and HEALING! We call it … MAGNETIC MASSAGE. You could, if you want, call it “PEMF” (pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy …..) but who can remember that?

Instead, just know that our NASA-engineer-designed device sends a lightning-fast zing of electricity through a rubber-insulated coil, creating a healing magnetic field. YOU have a “body part” in the coil – shoulder, low back, knee, even sinuses – and the magnetic field pulses painlessly through your tissues. This transfer of energy is unbelievably revitalizing to your body, aiding in healing and restoring more natural function, comfort and cellular energy – all painlessly.

In fact, “pain-less” is the key word, since Dr. Oz – yes, the TV guru-doc – calls PEMF the most recent advance in pain management medicine … that so few doctors know about!

So – step right up for PAIN RELIEF – this Magnetic Massage is another program that assists our other approaches (especially RT, Reconstructive Therapy) for joint pain and muscle pain relief. (And … would you believe? … in selected patients, all we’ve needed to do is Magnetic Massage, no injections!)

Wanna know more? Check out http://pemf.us/testimonials.html for astounding details. We’ve finished our training, our staff is very excited. Our special thanks to the half-dozen patients we invited to come share the afternoon with us as our “guinea-pigs” for sampling the range of applications of this amazing unit.

Wanna try it … FREE? Between now and the end of August – but don’t wait! – we’ll be happy to have you come by for a 10-12 minute session (yep, that’s all it takes for an area) … on us! (Mention at that time that you saw this offer in our LifeForce enewsletter and we’ll give you a certificate for a second free session of the Magnetic Massage, a $45 value.)

Remember our office hours: Mondays 8:30 to 3 – Tuesdays through Thursdays 8:30 to 5:30 … remember also that Magnetic Massage LOOKS like MAGIC … but it’s just one more tool in our toolbox to help you get out of your pain and on with your life!

Introduce your family and friends to www.healthCHOICESnow.com  … because if they don’t KNOW

that they DO HAVE health CHOICES now, then they DON’T have any! (many of our CDs and DVDs and brochures are on the website) And just DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN and ask for details on our several books and brochures, and free copies of our dozens of DVDs and CDs!


Remember that June was the celebration month for turning the tide in World War II, where June 6,  1944 marked D-Day, establishing our beach-head on Europe and leading to the the fall of Nazi Germany.

Many brave solders, sailors, and airmen gave their all, many more returned with the scars of war.

We have tens of thousands of wounded vets, from half a dozen wars since then … Our Wounded Warrior Promotion for June donated a total of $1900 to the Wounded War Project, helping American vets to recover and restore their lives.

Two of our patients, an ex-Navy couple, contributed to my education by sharing a phenomenal little book that explains “post-traumatic stress syndrome” in a nutshell … and gives practical ways to help those suffering:

The Combat Trauma Healing Manual “offering Christ-centered Solutions,” is available from amazon.com and other fine booksellers. If anyone in YOUR family is suffering from stress – even if NOT from the battlefield! – gift them with a copy of this fine book.