How Many of Your Friends Are Suffering With Diseases Caused or Worsened By The Yeast Syndrome?

Many of our patients – especially those for Chelation Therapy for heart and blood vessel diseases and a variety of other distressing diseases and those for Reconstructive Therapy for neck/back and sports/joint injuries or arthritis – don’t have any idea that we
dramatically help with a wide range of other problems.

We mean LOTS of medical problems for which people hop onto (and never get off) the “medical merry-go-round.

Here’s a quick review of treatment for The Yeast Syndrome, popularized by our best-selling Bantam Book … from 1986! How many of your family and friends have suffered needlessly through the past 2-dozen-plus years???

The Yeast Syndrome: Chronic Degenerative Diseases

Three kingdoms: PLANTS convert sunlight to energy, ANIMALS eat plants or other animals who’ve eaten plants to get their energy,  FUNGI (YEASTS) eat both plants and animals (yes, US!), to extract their energy.

The Yeast Syndrome = infected by yeast that is busy putting out poison to recycle YOU!

Most commonly Candida albicans but other varieties as well.

WEEDS in your lawn – a few here and there, no big deal when they “overgrow” and begin to take over, BIG deal = The Yeast Syndrome!

Humans “tolerate” yeasts as “normal growth” on the skin, in the gut (mouth to anus), vagina.

Because yeasts are not “seen” when growing in the gut, they can “overgrow” thanks to antibiotics, birth control pills, cortisone, deplorable diet, stress, lifestyle… Some of the more obvious Yeast Syndrome problems people “show up with” …

MOUTH – tongue = thrush, gums = periodontal bio-film, cheilitis angle-of-mouth infections, recurrent pharyngitis/sinusitis, chronic nasal allergies

ESOPHAGUS = esophagitis, reflux “heartburn,” even chronic cough

STOMACH = epigastritis, pains, reflux (complicates hiatal hernia)

INTESTINE/COLON = belly bloating, “gas,” irritable bowel symptoms, anal itch, Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, recurrent/persistent belly pains

SKIN = vulvovaginitis, “jock itch,” “athlete’s foot,” skin-folds inflammation, eczematous dermatitis, dandruff, recurrent skin infections, eyelid infections

BLADDER = recurrent vulvovaginitis, cystitis (even kidney infections), painful intercourse

Yeasts grow silently in the gut, percolating toxins (“Candi-toxins”) designed to interfere with essential metabolic processes – over 60 identified – creating or worsening virtually every acute and chronic disease process, bar none!

Damage to metabolism due to toxins creates failing organ systems, leading to diagnosis of various CHRONIC diseases = “hop onto the medical merry-go-round” – BUT the origin of the problems remains unseen, so treatment is never directed “at the source” of symptoms = unnecessary medications and operations, never really getting the patient “better”- ingested mercury (from fillings or fish) is made more toxic by conversion to organic mercury by gut yeast.

TREATMENT KEYS: Diet (low sugars/starches) – Nutritional Supplements (to repair and support body systems) – Specific Treatments for Patient Discomforts – Drugs to Kill Yeast

ANTI-YEAST DRUGS: Commonly Nystatin for many months and briefly or intermittently Nizoral (ketoconazole)

“DIE-OFF” Reaction: You might feel worse for a few days and then steadily better as yeast in your gut are brought under control

DIETARY Progression: From Phase I (MEVY = Meats/Eggs/Veggies/Yogurt) through Phase II (mostly more veggies, some starches) then Phase III (more starches, some sugars) and finally Phase IV (foods with yeasts, sugars, starches) – it takes time to recover!!!

Choose Wisely!

So, what will you do with this startling new information about our treatments that effectively help with MANY degenerative diseases? Will you watch your family or friends continue to suffer? Here’s your choice – feel better or … keep taking the drugs and having the surgery and complaining of feeling sick and tired. It all depends on your point of view!

DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN to ask our receptionists to send you our entertaining and informative materials

Pain Relief

Limited by pain? Do what you want to do.

Get pain relief NOW.

The truth is that at least 40 million Americans are suffering daily with “arthritis pains.” Millions more, every day, are getting injured with sprains and strains – or worse – that will lead them down the path of painful “degenerative joint disease” as years go by. What’s worse, an estimated 10 – 30,000 Americans die each year from side-effects of the “arthritis” medications available by prescription or (increasingly) over-the-counter. And thousands more will be disappointed that surgery failed to deliver the excellent results they expected and for which they desperately hoped.

Solution to a Modern Tragedy

A modern tragedy is that millions are suffering and dying from joint pains and the side effects of their treatments. But an effective medical treatment has been available for years to help most of these people. And it is available to you and your friends, right now, without surgery, without daily drugs, without a hospital stay.

Your friends don’t need more drugs. Or more operations. But that’s all they might ever get if they don’t find out about Reconstructive Therapy. This non-surgical medical treatment has been shown in research studies to strengthen injured support bands (ligaments, tendons, and capsule) that surround joints. Stronger “soft tissue” bands allow your joints to function more normally again. This, in turn, increases your mobility and flexibility and reduces your pains.

Reconstructive Therapy (RT, for short) accomplishes these miraculous results by turning on the natural healing processes already found within your body. The miracle of healing is a major part of your birthright as a human being. The body has known how to repair itself for thousands of years before there were doctors and drugs and operations. But doctors prescribe drugs (aspirin, “anti-inflammatory” arthritis medications, cortisone) that retard the healing process. And they do operations that remove structural pieces, often reducing the overall strength of an area. And they usually underestimate the importance of ligaments and other “support bands” in maintaining proper and painless function in your neck, back, and other joints.

Are you worried about a future of suffering with headaches? Neck and back pains? Joint pains or “arthritis”? Being confined to your house – or a wheelchair – or even just your bed? Are you hoping to avoid surgery? Or daily medications? Or a future of “rusting” in your “golden years”?

How You Can Heal with Injuries or Arthritis

Regular medical care for neck and back pains and joint arthritis and headaches has sometimes been based on a misunderstanding that daily drugs (anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, and cortisone) and surgery are the only options — besides “learning to live with it.” Yet, common sense can show how your condition might respond better than you ever hoped. You owe it to your family to find out more.

Simply start  DOWNLOADING  this article now and save the file to your DESKTOP, so you won’t lose it somewhere on your hard disk. Remember that you are free to print copies to share with family and friends but commercial use or any other distribution is expressly prohibited by the copyright owner.

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If you are already a patient and want to send a message to the staff or doctor:

For information on our latest exciting treatment advances:


To schedule your personal consultation and start treatments ….. DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN or fax us at 1-281-540-4329

Congratulations on taking charge of your health and

we look forward to speaking with you!


THE LEGAL STUFF: Modern drugs and surgery produce stunning progress in relieving human suffering. When results are disappointing, people who are sick and tired of their condition often seek different approaches. Their hope is that natural healing can reduce their discomforts, even help with recovery of better health. Our patient stories are “best case” examples of what has been possible with our programs over the past 33 years. While we cannot promise or guarantee results to anyone, we offer our genuine effort to apply our training, skill, and expertise in caring for you. Presentation of various options is strictly for education and does not constitute medical advice or endorsement of any particular treatment for any specific patient or medical condition. None of the statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All materials on this website are copyright at common law and may be shared with friends and family but may not be distributed commercially in any form without express written permission.


Instant Pain Relief

Dr. Trowbridge answers your questions about pain and pain relief. How do you cope with chronic pain? What can you do about relieving your chronic pain? How do negative ions affect you? Discover the answers that will help you today.shutterstock_108320891

The Fire Within

The cause of all disease is INFLAMMATION!

In this video — The Fire Within — you will discover the secrets behind better health and less pain. Learn the hidden secrets of inflammation, including:

  • What is Inflammation?
  • Where is Inflammation?
  • When does Inflammation occur?
  • How does Inflammation start?
  • Why do you get inflammation?
  • What can YOU do to reduce the damage of Inflammation?
  • And Much More!

Bookmark this page right now, so you can share with friends and return to this site easily. See e-mail options below.

E-mail us for personal assistance and please include your phone number in message. Ask questions about how we might help you:

If you are already a patient and want to send a message to the staff or doctor:

For information on our latest exciting treatment advances:

To schedule your personal consultation and start treatments …..

DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN or fax us at 1-281-540-4329

Congratulations on taking charge of your health and

we look forward to speaking with you!

Feeling Better Naturally

Finally the answers you need to address your concerns about YOUR health. For the first ever we have added recordings our Dr. Trowbridges’ radio show “Feeling Better Naturally” – 42 shows with special guests, hot topics, and direct up front answers.  From Adrenal Fatigue to Weight Loss we have it covered!

  1. Feeling Better Naturally:  What We Do Works: Click Here to Listen
  2. Feeling Better Naturally: Chelation for Heart Disease:  Click Here to Listen
  3. Feeling Better Naturally: Fixing Neck Pain:  Click Here to Listen
  4. Feeling Better Naturally: Diabetes Treatment: Click Here to Listen
  5. Feeling Better Naturally: Yeast for Gut Stuff:  Click Here to Listen
  6. Feeling Better Naturally: Reconstructive Therapy – Ankle and Knee Treatment:  Click Here to Listen
  7. Feeling Better Naturally: NCR – Neuro-Cranial Reconstruction for Headaches:  Click Here to Listen
  8. Feeling Better Naturally: Reconstruction Therapy – Neck and Low Back Pain:  Click Here to Listen
  9. Feeling Better Naturally: Chelation for Heart Problems: Click Here to Listen
  10. Feeling Better Naturally: Toxic Metal and Heart Diesease:  Click Here to Listen
  11. Feeling Better Naturally: Reconstruction Therapy – Fixing Joint Pain:  Click Here to Listen
  12. Feeling Better Naturally:  Regaining Better Health – 7 Missed Opportunities for Better Health:  Click Here to Listen
  13. Feeling Better Naturally: Regaining Better Health- My Dad’s Story:  Click Here to Listen
  14. Feeling Better Naturally:Toxic Metals and ALS:  Click Here to Listen
  15. Feeling Better Naturally: Arthritis and  Sports Injuries:  Click Here to Listen
  16. Feeling Better Naturally: Fixing Wrist Pain – Carpal Tunnel: Click Here to Listen
  17. Feeling Better Naturally: Fixing Elbow Pain: Click Here to Listen
  18. Feeling Better Naturally: Treating Migraines: Click here to Listen
  19. Feeling Better Naturally: COMING SOON!
  20. Feeling Better Naturally: Treating Neck and Back Pain: Click Here to Listen
  21. Feeling Better Naturally: Toxic Metals and Heart Disease: Click Here to Listen
  22. Feeling Better Naturally: Treating Ankle and Foot Pain: Click Here to Listen
  23. Feeling Better Naturally: Sleep Apnea – Snoring: Click Here to Listen
  24. Feeling Better Naturally: Hormones for Healthier Living: Click Here to Listen
  25. Feeling Better Naturally: Peripheral Artery Disease: Click Here to Listen
  26. Feeling Better Naturally: When Food becomes Your Enemy: Click Here to Listen
  27. Feeling Better Naturally: Beating Fatigue and Feeling Better: Click Here to Listen
  28. Feeling Better Naturally: The Yeast Syndrome: Click Here to Listen
  29. Feeling Better Naturally: Instant Pain Relief: Click Here to Listen
  30. Feeling Better Naturally: Sticky Blood: Click Here to Listen
  31. Feeling Better Naturally: Restoring Better Vision – Macular Degeneration: Click Here to Listen
  32. Feeling Better Naturally: Rheumatoid Diseases: Click Here to Listen
  33. Feeling Better Naturally: Mercury Toxicity: Click Here to Listen
  34. Feeling Better Naturally: Parkinson’s Disease: Click Here to Listen
  35. Feeling Better Naturally: Better Health Today: Click Here to Listen
  36. Feeling Better Naturally: NIH Chelation Study: Click Here to Listen
  37. Feeling Better Naturally: Toxic Metals Testing: Click Here to Listen
  38. Feeling Better Naturally: Forty Something Forever: Click Here to Listen
  39. Feeling Better Naturally: Compounding Pharmacies: Click Here to Listen
  40. Feeling Better Naturally: Fly Forever: Click Here to Listen COMING SOON
  41. Feeling Better Naturally: Biological Dentistry: Click Here to Listen
  42. Feeling Better Naturally: Special Testing: Click Here to Listen






Non-surgical Treatment for Arthritis

The truth is that at least 40 million Americans are suffering daily with “arthritis pains.” Millions more, every day, are getting injured with sprains and strains – or worse – that will lead them down the path of painful “degenerative joint disease” as years go by. What’s worse, an estimated 10 – 30,000 Americans die each year from side-effects of the “arthritis” medications available by prescription or (increasingly) over-the-counter. And thousands more will be disappointed that surgery failed to deliver the excellent results they expected and for which they desperately hoped.

Solution to a Modern Tragedy

A modern tragedy is that millions are suffering and dying from joint pains and the side effects of their treatments. But an effective medical treatment has been available for years to help most of these people. And it is available to you and your friends, right now, without surgery, without daily drugs, without a hospital stay.

Your friends don’t need more drugs. Or more operations. But that’s all they might ever get if they don’t find out about Reconstructive Therapy. This non-surgical medical treatment has been shown in research studies to strengthen injured support bands (ligaments, tendons, and capsule) that surround joints. Stronger “soft tissue” bands allow your joints to function more normally again. This, in turn, increases your mobility and flexibility and reduces your pains.

Reconstructive Therapy (RT, for short) accomplishes these miraculous results by turning on the natural healing processes already found within your body. The miracle of healing is a major part of your birthright as a human being. The body has known how to repair itself for thousands of years before there were doctors and drugs and operations.

But doctors prescribe drugs (aspirin, “anti-inflammatory” arthritis medications, cortisone) that retard the healing process. And they do operations that remove structural pieces, often reducing the overall strength of an area. And they usually underestimate the importance of ligaments and other “support bands” in maintaining proper and painless function in your neck, back, and other joints. Are you worried about a future of suffering with headaches? Neck and back pains? Joint pains or “arthritis”? Being confined to your house – or a wheelchair – or even just your bed? Are you hoping to avoid surgery? Or daily medications? Or a future of “rusting” in your “golden years”?

How You Can Heal with Injuries or Arthritis

Regular medical care for neck and back pains and joint arthritis and headaches has sometimes been based on a misunderstanding that daily drugs (anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, and cortisone) and surgery are the only options — besides “learning to live with it.” Yet, common sense can show how your condition might respond better than you ever hoped. You owe it to your family to find out more. Simply to start downloading this article easily readable “off-line” by Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, and many other word processors.

Save the file to your DESKTOP, so you won’t lose it somewhere on your hard disk. Remember that you are free to print copies to share with family and friends but commercial use or any other distribution is expressly prohibited by the copyright owner.

Pain Relief

The truth is that at least 40 million Americans are suffering daily with “arthritis pains.”

Millions more, every day, are getting injured with sprains and strains – or worse – that will lead them down the path of painful “degenerative joint disease” as years go by.

What’s worse, an estimated 10 – 30,000 Americans die each year from side-effects of the “arthritis” medications available by prescription or (increasingly) over-the-counter. And thousands more will be disappointed that surgery failed to deliver the excellent results they expected and for which they desperately hoped.

Solution to a Modern Tragedy

A modern tragedy is that millions are suffering and dying from joint pains and the side effects of their treatments. But an effective medical treatment has been available for years to help most of these people. And it is available to you and your friends, right now, without surgery, without daily drugs, without a hospital stay.

Your friends don’t need more drugs. Or more operations. But that’s all they might ever get if they don’t find out about Reconstructive Therapy. This non-surgical medical treatment has been shown in research studies to strengthen injured support bands (ligaments, tendons, and capsule) that surround joints. Stronger “soft tissue” bands allow your joints to function more normally again. This, in turn, increases your mobility and flexibility and reduces your pains.

Reconstructive Therapy (RT, for short) accomplishes these miraculous results by turning on the natural healing processes already found within your body. The miracle of healing is a major part of your birthright as a human being. The body has known how to repair itself for thousands of years before there were doctors and drugs and operations. But doctors prescribe drugs (aspirin, “anti-inflammatory” arthritis medications, cortisone) that retard the healing process. And they do operations that remove structural pieces, often reducing the overall strength of an area. And they usually underestimate the importance of ligaments and other “support bands” in maintaining proper and painless function in your neck, back, and other joints.

Are you worried about a future of suffering with headaches? Neck and back pains? Joint pains or “arthritis”? Being confined to your house – or a wheelchair – or even just your bed? Are you hoping to avoid surgery? Or daily medications? Or a future of “rusting” in your “golden years”?

How You Can Heal with Injuries or Arthritis

Regular medical care for neck and back pains and joint arthritis and headaches has sometimes been based on a misunderstanding that daily drugs (anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, and cortisone) and surgery are the only options — besides “learning to live with it.” Yet, common sense can show how your condition might respond better than you ever hoped. You owe it to your family to find out more.

To schedule your personal consultation and start treatments ….. DIAL 1-800-FIX-PAIN or fax us at 1-281-540-4329

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All text on this website is the property of, and Common Law Copyright is held by, LIFE CHOICES PTO, and all rights are exclusively reserved. Material is presented here by specific permission and may be further copied to share with family and friends. Any commercial reproduction or distribution is expressly prohibited.